Addressing SWF

Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

Ok. So @Peanits has noted extensively that chat programs can't be removed from the meta even if they wanted.

So, instead of trying to fight it, why not embrace it?

Build voice comms into the game for all survivors to use. The disparity between solo and swf is resolved instantly.

The only angle to attack now then is killer buffs. What would it take to make 4man swf baseline for all, fair?

Open discussion for ideas on how to balance the average killer, taking m1 trapper level, to have a chance against 4man swf consistently.



  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

    My opinion? A few things.

    First, whispers baseline, since survivors are a given to be communicating with each other it only makes sense the killer could hear them.

    After that, reduce the killer collision. Sure it'll kill basement stairs, but survivors don't need to rely on looping as much when they can consistently communicate.

    More efficient usage of the killer being distracted on a chase means chases will generally need to be shorter to compensate.

    Maaaybe 120% Ms? That could be pushing it with the looping nerf, though.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    There is a good discussion on one of Nickenzie's post about why voice coms might not be as ideal as it initially appears to be.

    Im on mobile now, so itll be hard for me to link.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited May 2019

    Most people would just mute integrated voice chat the same as they do in Overwatch, Apex, and a host of other games. The only ones that would really use it are the pre-made friends groups, just as they do now via Discord.

    The main issue here is that Behavior designed a PvP game, and at no point even considered the usage of voice comms, be it integrated or through third-party sites, in their design. That's the crux of the problem. And the game has issues now. Two DLCs, a free weekend with a 50% sale, and now a Bloodhunt event all barely jumped the numbers (at least on PC). The last thing they want to risk is driving more people away. So, it's too late to really change any core designs now. Lessoned learned by them, one would hope: When you design a PvP game, you absolutely have to account for voice communications and the advantages it brings to the table. Period.

    At this point, I honestly believe DbD is what it is. There really isn't anything concrete they can do to account for the voice comms, now. That boat has likely sailed as the game gets ready to pass its third-year mark.

  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    The PS4 and Xbox have voice comms built into them. Steam, has voice & text built into it as well. It may be slightly more difficult on Steam than it is on console, but voice comms on PC already exist. I play on PS4, and we always use party chat when I play with friends, usually a duo.

    A friend and I also bought the game on PC last month, solely for PTB access, and we used the built-in Steam comms while be played on both the live servers, and the PTB. I don’t understand why PC survivors don’t use the Steam comms. They are there, and they work very well. Plus, you have a text chat backup, should something go wrong with the voice chat.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    You cannot just buff all the Killers and then give Voice Comms. That there is the option for Voice Comms does not mean that everyone will be using it. I would not go into a Voice Chat with strangers, especially in an international game. This will only lead to insults, and not the easy ones, but also some racist stuff and so on.

    Besides that, I do not want to talk to strangers at all, even if they are 100% nice people. And same goes for many other players... And maybe, even if you are up to that and enjoy talking to random people, there might be those occasions, where you dont want to talk while playing for whatever reason. And then you have a big disadvantage, even bigger than now.

    (btw. dont know why you think that Looping is not needed when all people are on Comms, but well...)

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I don't want to talk to some russians that I usually get into lobbies with. I don't even know russian...

    I'd rather have chat-like feature. For example survivors can pick a message ("I'm working on a gen") or "I'm going for the save".

    Such messages can be translated in the game so everyone can use it.

    THEN... we can get some balancing done for killers.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,507

    Adding voicechat is the only sensible solution

    People who don't want it can just turn it off, see Overwatch for an example how it can be implemented nicely. You can mute individual people or turn voice chat off altogether

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    @Heroiq I agree with your list except for the range on 1. I think survivors should need to be within 16 meters. I also dislike the noise notification idea as people would spam it to grief the killer.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    @Heroiq With the cool down it might be okay. It would need testing to be sure.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Just having voice chat isn't useful.

    A lot of people playing this game often plays with people speaking different language.

    I can be in the lobby with survivors from Germany, France and Russia. I can already feel how amazing voice chat will be in helping.

    If it would be used for balancing it has to be usable for all survivors.

  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

    Man. This was a whole lot of people who didn't actually respond to the purpose of the thread. Wowsers.

    @Heroiq can't really have any disadvantage like noise ping based directly on using the in-game client or we're back to square 1 were solo players are at a disadvantage friends bypass by just using discord instead.

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    There is no need to give buffs to killer regarding SWF. Stop complaining abput something thats not even an issue.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited May 2019

    that would be a big old negative whilly.

    You want the Devs to put in voice... have you seen some of the bug that have been in this game for awhile now?.. and you want them to reinvent the wheel when there are already amazing VOIP apps...

    Nah thanks... I'd rather the Devs continue doing what they are doing and not create a new project that will take them a year to finish.


    Oh yeah.. just sending out a friendly reminder Legion mains... Some of you didn't show up to the club this week... you still need to pay your dues even if you miss the meeting.