How the ######### are you still playing Killer ?

Honestly I have 2k hours in this Game and I play Surv like 60% of the time and Killer 40%. I am losing my ######### right now because when I kill people I get flamed. When I get Gen rushed and secure at least 1 person with the last bit of my strength I get cursed in the end game chat for being German/bad at the game/playing sweaty/being bald/#########/uninstall etc the list goes on and on and on and on. Wow. ######### MAN. I have to report alsmost everytime 3 Survivors after every game. Even if its not direct insults it's mostly insulting ######### against me. Honestly I DON'T want to play Nurse/Hillbilly/Spirit every game. I was just doodling around with The Plague right now and they are like "######### TWO BPS AND YOU PLAY SWEATY ?!" OFC I AM PLAYING SWEATY BECAUSE OTHERWISE I DON'T GET A POINT MAN.
I love this Game. But oh my god Red Rank Survivors are just taking this Game too far. I am also a Red Rank Survivor but come on man I don't flame the Killer after the Game even if he "secured" me while the Exits are open.
Thanks for reading, uff
TL:DR How do you handle the End Game Chat ?
I always have my endgame chat closed.
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Red ranks are horrible now, every surv player is a sweaty try hard and only thing viable is nurse billy and spirit
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Old rank system sure ya queues were long and there was a lot of players at red rank who don’t belong but it was way more ######### fun
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Yea I think I have to close it as well but I can't stop myself to take glimpses at the Chat then..
Now because I got f*cked by a few groups or whatever they were, I rampaged through some purple Ranked ones >.< I am so torn apart because as a Surv Main I want them to have a fair game. But against the wrong team playing fair and not those 3 viable Killers it means "defeat". In my eyes that is. Not a Killer Main still in Red Ranks..
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Yea red ranks have become tunnel and proxy camp even on nurse in some cases, fun and fair no longer exist there old system I never needed to play nurse billy and spirit all the time and didn’t Need to tunnel and proxy now I do because it’s just purely good survs now
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A quick GG if it was, then *doink* close chat. If it's PTB or something, I'll stick around and try to discuss any changes or problems I came across with survivors, but even that has brought ire and toxicity before, so second-guessing even that now. Just close chat... I think half the toxic folks play only to whip up something in after-match chat. Don't give them that pleasure and just leave, lest you get incited enough to be dragged down to their level eventually.
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im still playing by getting brainless 4 kills with perks like no ed.
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Personally I play killer, BECAUSE of the flame I get in the afterchat. I dont specifically feed it, but when I get a salty comment about how I should "#########" or "Uninstall", I always get a heartful chuckle out of it.
I also absolutely love it when salty survivors mains take their time to slap a "-rep" on my Steam profile. I dont even delete them, I just laugh.
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Because I have an easier time as killer.
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Smashen, I'm 'Yo mama' from your comment sections btw. You rekt my Spirit once, I've improved ;) (although honestly, you can probably still beat me)
But honestly, I just do what I want as killer, and dont give a flying ######### about my endgame chat. If they say something, I'll try to calm them down. If they're going to be annoying about it, I simply say 'Well GG guys, glhf with ur next ones.' If they leave you a -rep on your profile, take it as a compliment.
It's honestly not that bad if you get used to it, just don't worry about them, they're just salty. Just take their salt in a good way that you're too good. And about camping after gates are powered, that's your excuse. Literally your excuse. You got nothing to patrol.
Hope this helps <3
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Turn off chat.
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Wow. You found me here? :D haha
Yea I closed the Chat and I did not give a damn about those Survivors. So my Kill Rate and my mood went up a ton. :)
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All I do with the survivors at the chat is laugh at them. If I can make someone so mad and salty I consider it a victory and I enjoy it. They are nothing, less than nothing, their rants and insults are entertaintment for me. I even have my profile public so sore losers survivors can leave me "trophies" (their silly insults full of anger) I have little more than 100 now :-D
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because i use noed
ezzz boi ez 4kk
izi pizi lemon squizi
Nah, because I have a easier time as a killer and dont get pissed by teammates.
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OP forgets to turn off chat then this happens...
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I play Killer because it isn't the same thing over and over again.
Sure, there is a little variation as Survivor depending on the map and who you're facing, but it's usually the same thing. Work on gens, be chased, add a few being hooked or hook saves thrown in here and there, maybe a few hex totems, rinse and repeat.
Each Killer is different. I don't care about the meta. I just play for the enjoyment of it, and Killers just do that better than Survivors for me due to their differences.
I do understand your stance though.
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This content has been removed.
Tbh I’m just gonna stay in green ranks next reset cause ranks 8-12 are honestly the most fun. Survs arn’t super good but they arn’t all mentally disabled and you don’t need to try hard on killer cause ######### red ranks atm
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PS4 = Block incoming messages
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Yeah I just had 2 matches with Hag and in the 2 matches I just killed 1 in every match (It was with pure luck) AND THEN IN THE 2 GAMES THE 3 SURV ESCAPED WITH THE HATCH AND THEY WERE THE SAME PEOPLE then they insulted me in the chat
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Some become hostile back at the survivors, some close the chat, some collect the salt for fun, and others just stop respecting survivors in general. I had to learn to play the game for myself first and everyone else second. If I can't play the way I want to play and have fun then why bother. I went from people not having much to say to me to people being absolutely horrible. Killer mains are expected to grow thick skins and just take the abuse. If you're the sort to be extremely bothered by it then I'd say stop playing killer as it will only get worse. Once you stop having fun then no matter what side you play it starts to become a pain.
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Ether turn off chat or just have fun
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im just taking it with humor, honestly.
i laugh at their salt, i let them know im laughing at it (without getting insulting ofc) and if they get exessive, i report them for harrasment.
just one tip: deactivate your steam profile comments. trust me, ive had them active for less than two days once and immediately got 2 hate comments on my profile (and i usually play very fair).
dont let them trigger you in any way (or at least dont show them they achieved something with their insults) and they will lose interest extremely fast. you could always start a discussion with them, where you act respectful and nice and also just completely destroy their arguments. the salt you receive from that is usually extremely hilarious (or they just give up and quit).
TL;DR: take it with humor and dont show them if they insulted you. just kindly remind them of the report function, report them and leave. ^^
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Whats so wrong about being bald?
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Oddly enough I often get nice responses on PS4. I find the people who are really toxic don't like spending the time it takes to open my profile, see my happy message and then open a chat bubble and type.
I normally just get a gg or some funny picture sent to me and I always send a gg or funny picture back.
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Welcome to the killers club.
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they should remove end game chat so the ######### waiting the trial end to talk ######### will abandon their precious hobby, and hopefully uninstall the game
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You're taking their salt too seriously.
In all honesty, its a PvP game. Some people are sore losers and some are sore winners.
Don't let it get to you and they have no power.
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Right, that too.
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The way I keep playing Killer is just not giving a damn about what some uncultured crybaby swines have to say and I play my way. And I know that with the way I play, only uncultured crybaby swines usually talk crap for the sake of talkin crap.
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Red rank after game chat as always been about dogpilling on the killer no matter the match outcome
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Thanks to everyone!
I watched "Umbra_Bug" playing Huntress and I got super hyped playing Huntress myself! I was obviously really bad with Huntress so I did not took the Endgame Chat serious. Still there were some people flaming me how I "cheated my way to Red Ranks". Well I explained them calmly that even in Red Ranks you don't need to play Nurse/Billy/Spirit all the time, because sometimes you just want to learn something new and I don't want to wait until Rank reset for that. 😊
I think I will take the "be nice even though they are not" route. 😎