is this perk worth getting

object of obsession is it worth getting or worth missing out on it
It's seen as a pretty bad perk tbh there are better perks out there that do a similar job. I'd just go with spine chill personally which is available for everyone on the offset.
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As an aura reading perk Alert is better than OoO it shows the Killers aura whenever they break a pallet or more importantly kick a gen (because Killers are ALWAYS kicking gens) because of this you can make it go off regularly just by tapping gens and moving on to a safer one to give you a predictable pattern of where the Killer is at all times.
But yeah Spine Chill or Premonition if not Alert. all great perks, the former two being non aura reading but directional pre warning notifications.
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Its the most unique playstle to say the least. The aura reading is easy to get by once you're doing gens and even better with Mettle of Man. Just know that you might get tunneled or facecamped by killers, especially Wraiths, Trappers, and Hag. You also can't see Freddy if you're awake, so watch out because he can see you regardless of being asleep.
Edit: Spelling
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With OoO prepare to be tunnelled and camped or totally ignored. Either way it can screw you over in terms emblems
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It's a god tier perk if you know how to use it well.
But from my killer games, survivors using this perk are just helping me find them easier :p
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I still have to build something with ooo. Its a perk I've been wanting to use for ages. I tried it with No Mither a few times and the killers farmed me which was what I was hoping would happen. but it didnt really do much to slow the games down or make me useful to my teammates at all so there was no point in that besides farming if the killer would even want to.
I think it can make the killer think you're a swf informer and just want to beat your ass or save you for later when they're done beating up your comrades. I strongly advocate Alert if you dont run empathy, spinechill, or premonition. I suck at using spinechill and premonition really freaking bad so I used to use alert. Or just experiment.
If you want you can test this out for me since I'm missing one of these perks on my survivors and tell me how it works:
OoO, Small Game or detectives hunch, Dead Hard, Distortion