The blood hunt so far

As a killer: survivors see you bring survivor pudding, they disconnect. Also high rank survivors SWF with lower rank for easy points.
As a survivor: every killer is either billy or leatherface. Lots of insidious camping/ blocking exit to basement. Lots and lots of moris and several killers that will even go as far as running devour hope, rancor, AND ebony mori.
Game feels like a joke.
I've had a pretty pleasant bloodhunt so far myself. Have only seen 1 ivory mori and 1 tombstone Myers and played all day yesterday.
EDIT: ofc I played killer as well and wasn't too bad, just the usual.
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I mostly play survivor and yesterday I got fair killers, but on Thursday it was camping, tunneling and killers just acting like jerks all around. I mean, of course they won't play badly just because there is a double BP event, but killers face camping people during an event seems very wrong. Also, survivors being toxic to the killer and not leaving when they can, just making the match go on forever is not ok either.
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I've been playing Wraith fairly, catch and release letting them de-hook while I hunt for others and do it all again till their either all hooked or all escaped.
And at the end of the match everyone is grateful even if I did sacrifice them all because I followed the 'Gentleman Killer' code of conduct that allows everyone to have fun and everyone to get a good amount of points if they so choose.
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More Killers should run toxic builds now. I get so heavly genrushed, while i run a BPS. It's a total waste.
Lets play toxic. If Survivors want to play like this, man I can this too
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"An eye for an eye just leaves the world blind."
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I honestly don't see much difference. Today I was able to play 6-7 games as a killer I did not notice something unusual.
As a survivor, there was only 1 mori, and the majority of games went pretty good.
So far so good for me.
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Interesting. Haven't had an issue yet with killer at all.
Only problem i had with survivor is having Nurse 11 times in a row.
Apart from that i haven't had a single problem.
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I pop all my saved Bloody Party Streamer to be a nice killer and all survivors so far were super toxic, genrushing, tbagging, flashlightclickers.
They can see the Bloody Party Streamer right?
So why do the play so toxic, genrush and let each other die on the first hook.
I just want to stack BBQ and have some fun.
Why does this community has to be so toxic at such a fun event?
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I've had a great experience overall so far. Made some insanely good blood points.
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I have the same experience as always.
Sometimes i have a more farmy game tho
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The slow queue time for killers is probably the most annoying. Please play survivor. I'll farm if you let me stab you a little.
And on the contrary, I used Cold Dirt + Frank's Mix Tape + Survivor Pudding and no one dc'd. So not all games are salty.
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so far ive had 1 killer farming with us. every other game ive had survivors immediately farming me off the hook, the killer hard tunneling me or survivors just immediately quitting / killing themself on the hook when they got downed.
seriously, that whole DC ######### is going too far lately.
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Don't worry, it will be fixed in 2023.
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So uninstall. Problem solved.
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I've been playing Plague a lot to use up puddings before prestiging her. The best tactic I've found so far is to use Infectious Fright to keep pressure going instead of hooking right away. The amount of Cryhards who can't handle being slugged, even for 2xBPs, is hilarious.
Even against a weak killer like Plague on some of her worst maps(Haddonfield and Lerys).
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Haven't seen a single BPS but honestly it's been a pretty chill hunt so far. Few salty postgame messages, one No Mither sabbo duo who blamed the other two for them losing,(despite playing like fools) but otherwise it's been a lot smoother than usual.
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Can I please get your survivors and killers? Could it be my EST USA servers are just bugged with salt?
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Bloodhunt has been fine. Nothing out of the ordinary for this game.
As Survivor, good and bad days and a string of hard tunnelers here and there.
As Killer, the absolute same as before.
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I was face camped 4 times in a row and I haven't been facecamped in months
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a few ebonys and the killer dcing soon a season as 3 gens are done but hey it’s impossible to get killer lobbys on ps4 so survivors it will be I don’t mind im a main but i want bp
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Killer: Survivors are sweatier. More of them are trying (and failing) to gen rush (one group even tried to 99% the last three gens).
Survivor: A lot of my teammates are kids. At least two of them like to DC upon the first or second down.
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A Wraith caught me first, hooked me in basement, and then stood on the staircase until I died. Fun game XD
Other than that and the two face camping Spirits I went against, it's been pretty decent.
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I've had one or two weird instances of Survivors immediately dropping their gear as what I assume is an attempt to offer a chance to farm to avoid being sacrificed (and one who did it in the beginning and DC'd when I just downed him), but Homey don't play dat.