do i have this right?

EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
edited July 2018 in General Discussions
tomorrow, the shard cap is removed?  if that is the case, why all the bedlam and hysteria?  we can now save up for the new content and receive double bp.  i am not understanding the frenzied and tortured screams of the persecuted.


  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816
    Uncultered swine, the lot! 
  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    tomorrow, the shard cap is removed?  if that is the case, why all the bedlam and hysteria?  we can now save up for the new content and receive double bp.  i am not understanding the frenzied and tortured screams of the persecuted.

    thats right

  • Azakura
    Azakura Member Posts: 68
    Bloodpoint cap is not removed. So for PS4 for those of us who have 1 million already saved for new characters, having double bloodpoint gain will be meaningless because we will not be able to sink it into the new characters. Has nothing to do with shard cap.
  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137

    @Azakura said:
    Bloodpoint cap is not removed. So for PS4 for those of us who have 1 million already saved for new characters, having double bloodpoint gain will be meaningless because we will not be able to sink it into the new characters. Has nothing to do with shard cap.

    its the shard cap that being removed not the bp cap

  • Azakura
    Azakura Member Posts: 68

    @Azakura said:
    Bloodpoint cap is not removed. So for PS4 for those of us who have 1 million already saved for new characters, having double bloodpoint gain will be meaningless because we will not be able to sink it into the new characters. Has nothing to do with shard cap.

    its the shard cap that being removed not the bp cap

    That's exactly what I said. 
  • Stormdogfire
    Stormdogfire Member Posts: 137

    @Azakura said:
    Stormdogfire said:

    @Azakura said:

    Bloodpoint cap is not removed. So for PS4 for those of us who have 1 million already saved for new characters, having double bloodpoint gain will be meaningless because we will not be able to sink it into the new characters. Has nothing to do with shard cap.

    its the shard cap that being removed not the bp cap

    That's exactly what I said. 

    u said bloodpoints cap

  • Azakura
    Azakura Member Posts: 68

    @Azakura said:
    Stormdogfire said:

    @Azakura said:

    Bloodpoint cap is not removed. So for PS4 for those of us who have 1 million already saved for new characters, having double bloodpoint gain will be meaningless because we will not be able to sink it into the new characters. Has nothing to do with shard cap.

    its the shard cap that being removed not the bp cap

    That's exactly what I said. 

    u said bloodpoints cap

    Read it again. It says "The bloodpoint cap is not being removed".

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @SovererignKing said:
    All NA PS4 players just got ######### over hard core and told “we’ll do another BP event for everyone as compensation.”

    Basically, PC, Xbox, PS4 player who are not North American get a free extra double BP event and be able to play the DLC. While everyone who plays on PS4 in North America gets ######### over. 

    Real [BAD WORD] good job. Not only do we get ######### over for playing on PS4, we also get ######### over because we live in the USA. Pretty [BAD WORD] good job so far.

    I might have had some sympathy for you, until you acted like North America is only the USA. Maybe take the blood point event time off to open a map and learn that there 23 ######### countries in it.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    All events are good.
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    @SovererignKing said:
    All NA PS4 players just got ######### over hard core and told “we’ll do another BP event for everyone as compensation.”

    Basically, PC, Xbox, PS4 player who are not North American get a free extra double BP event and be able to play the DLC. While everyone who plays on PS4 in North America gets ######### over. 

    Real [BAD WORD] good job. Not only do we get ######### over for playing on PS4, we also get ######### over because we live in the USA. Pretty [BAD WORD] good job so far.

    I might have had some sympathy for you, until you acted like North America is only the USA. Maybe take the blood point event time off to open a map and learn that there 23 [BAD WORD] countries in it.

    My mistake... I was quite angry when I posted this and wasn’t really thinking of that. Yes, the whole NA region. This is a massive slap in the face for all of us. I’m not 100% certain what all countries fall into the NA region.

    I was calm about this, and ok with waiting as long as we got the DLC and everything by Thursday. It’s an Annoying enough to be treated “second class” because we play console... but then getting slapped in the face again by Xbox getting it before us... the “Straw that broke the Camels back” was this. I lost my temper fully at this. 

    I have never seen such an utter lack of concern, such a massive mishandling like this before. This is the most poorly executed launch of a game or associated DLC I’ve ever seen. Huntress was bad enough the last time, then there was the SAW snafu. Now this?! I’ve never seen a game company mishandle launches like this, then sit there and offer such a paltry compensation for thier ineptitude. They can try to blame Sony all they want, I’m not buying that excuse. 
  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    I think they were caught in a no win due to their spaghetti coding. 

    To explain why I think this - For some reason, they have to patch these events in. For most games, this is a simple server side change, no patch needed. DbD though, apparently does not operate this way. Before every event, there's been a patch. In all of those patch notes it said something about "prepped environment for ___ event". Don't know why DbD is different. I blame spaghetti code.

    So, given the announcement, the "prepped environment" is probably in the code that passed certification already. If true then they were forced to either-

    A) What they chose to do.

    B) Wait for the event to end and DLC to pass, then try to patch in a new event quickly, which, yeah, can we all agree that wouldn't happen? 

    Or C) Remove the prep code, which would nullify the patch certification, they'd have to then start the process over again which could have meant another 3 week wait. Then patch in another event, which, again, I think we can agree would not happen quickly.

    So, yeah, I think they painted themselves into a corner with it and, given the probable choices they had, chose the best option. Granted, it still sucks and the whole situation was handled...poorly doesn't seem to quite come close but I'm gonna keep the language family friendly...anyway, ramble over.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    All NA PS4 players just got ######### over hard core and told “we’ll do another BP event for everyone as compensation.”

    Basically, PC, Xbox, PS4 player who *are not North American* get a free extra double BP event and be able to play the DLC. While everyone who plays on PS4 in North America gets ######### over. 

    Real [BAD WORD] good job. Not only do we get ######### over for playing on PS4, we also get ######### over because we live in the USA. Pretty [BAD WORD] good job so far.
    BHVR doesn't care about it's console users. So now go buy the dlc and $11 skins to show them how mad you are.