Intro film should only play the first time you ever launch the game / be able to be disabled

It’s loud and annoying, I’ve seen it a million times before and it lags my computer to #########. I’d like to be able to toggle it off but I also think most games don’t have an intro that shows up every single launch. It’s weird man.


  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    Yes, please. Worse because like 1 in maybe 10 times that I load the game, it simply will NOT let me skip out of the intro no matter what I press. I have to wait for the whole thing to play.

    On the other hand I'd also kinda love it if you had multiple intro movies that feature different killers and whichever one you get when you load it (or manually trigger it from a menu or something) is random. Trapper's cool but I'm sick of seeing his face all the time.

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    Update: Now, for some reason I have no clue about, lately every time I launch the game it doesn't let me abort the opening cinematic. Couple that with that at least once a day I get an infinite load attempting to join a lobby it's making it very frustrating.

    So now I REALLY wish there was a way to disable it from playing.

  • BigTiddyGoth
    BigTiddyGoth Member Posts: 7

    You totally can disable it. I had the problem as well, and finally got fed up enough to Google it. Apparently, it's a pretty common problem, so I just deleted it completely and no more problems 😁

  • BigTiddyGoth
    BigTiddyGoth Member Posts: 7

    Thanks genius. Reread and think before replying. Op said the game sometimes glitches, so clicking does nothing. It just doesn't skip.

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    Thanks for your suggestion... I'm always a little leery of deleting game files, even if it's just something useless like an intro file... thankfully, after updating my video drivers it seems, for now, I can skip it as normal (and a number of other issues are mildly better... pro tip, update your drivers!), so I'll keep it for now, because I DO like the video, I'd just like to be able to disable it playing every load-up. I'm just including this in case someone eventually wanders into this thread from a search or something and has the same problem. :)