If someone DC the Killer will auto gain a token on his Perks

bendermac Member Posts: 772

It's very annoying when someone disconnects and you can't get the stacks from this person. So why simply automatically add the stacks to the Killer's perks if he runs appropriate perks like BBQ, Devour Hope, Play with your food, etc.
If the Killer runs 4 perks that can be stacked, well then he gets 1 stack on each perk. Don't punish the Killer for a DC.

Post edited by bendermac on


  • DrKnockers05
    DrKnockers05 Member Posts: 137
    I like this idea. Granted, you do get bloodpoints if someone DCs. But I don't see why you shouldn't be able to use any token-based perks effectively, simply because some survivor got salty and rage quit.
    BBQ&C should definitely get a token automatically per DCing survivor. No aura reading, though.
    Save the Best for Last could maybe gain one if someone DCs unless it's the obsession, in which case it just acts as if they died and stops stacking. I would say two tokens if the obsession DCs before you've hit anyone else, but that could be a tad too much. Maybe if they leave within the first two minutes?
    Play With Your Food and (maybe) Remember Me should get their max amount if the obsession DCs. 
    Devour Hope...I'm not sure. You can still get 5 tokens with three players, although it is admittedly harder. Plus there's a chance it gets destroyed within the first 30 seconds so it's a bit hit or miss. Maybe a temporary speed boost as if you already had 2 tokens and you just hooked someone if there's a DC.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I could see that argument being made for BBQ, but some of the others require certain things to obtain stacks.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    This should happen at least for BBQ but it has been suggested before and the devs don't seem willing to do that which doesn't make sense.

    There are survivors who literally DC just so that they can deny your stacks. It is just a bad game design at this point and I don't know why BHVR doesn't do anything about this.

    WGLF is another perk that is a result of bad game design. Because of this perk people get hits for no reason just so that they can get stacks and waste their time healing themselves, they try to go to flashlight saves rather than doing generators, they farm other teammates and fck up the whole team. This perk's problems still didn't get addressed as well.

    I went a little bit off topic but well, maybe they see and do something. One can only hope.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    address this issue!!!

    @not_Queen @Peanits

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    i like this very much for BBQ and maybe for the obsession based perks if the obsession DC, but other than that probably not great for the game

    a survivor DCing is already a big detriment to the survivors (which equals an advantage for the killer) so not a lot of reason to punish the survivors more because their teammate was being a turd or internet crapped out

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Some folks on the forum suggested that if a player DC they get sacrificed by the entity effect of EDC. This... do this devs and award us with the stacks of the perks used, e.g. BBQ.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Here, my der Devs, this BS needs to end.

    @not_Queen @Peanits do something about this. This is no longer funny. If they DC, give us the stack on our perks, especially if we run BBQ.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, shouldn´t survivors be compensated for a disconnect as well? Because they get a huge disadvantage. something like increase action speed by 25% to compensate for one missing player? Sure it will be abused, but there are lots of solo survivors who are hit by disconnects much harder than the killer.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Erm, no! But if they run WGLF they should get a token too, if aSV DC

  • cloud7dragon
    cloud7dragon Member Posts: 19

    I normally play as the killer and this doesn't really bother me but when I have played survivor there has been a number of times when someone DC then the hatch wouldn't work.

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Guys, you're going off topic. This is only about tokens and not what else should be done if someone dc

  • HarryToeknuckles
    HarryToeknuckles Member Posts: 158

    I'll take tokens (stake out) if a teammate D/Cs, plzzz. Maybe 'quitter bonus' BPs, also. Survivors feel that shaft when their teammates quit...

  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772
    edited June 2019

    We need this!!!!

    @Peanits @not_Queen

  • AStupidMonkeyy
    AStupidMonkeyy Member Posts: 718
    edited June 2019

    For BBQ only, I would love it but to make it fair, give everyone 2 stacks for WGLF for a survivor DC.