Petition to extend Bloodhunt

Eveybody sign, we are owed!!!
3 mins to shutdown...3 mins to shutdown *sirens*
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Why not just make a petition to have the 2x Bloodpoints be base? 🤔
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Why not petition to give all of us unlimited bloodpoints?
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With the grind still growing one chapter at a time double bloodpoints should in fact be base. Everyone who thinks otherwise has too much time on their hands.
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Please god no...
I just got my instant killer queues back don't take them from me again :(
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@Yamaoka If they did that it'd be the 2016 grind nerf all over again.
They'd better give out blue glow version of legacy or something if they literally cut the grind in half.
It would be for the people who did the current grind.
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We need to address these bloodwebs. I p3 Billy but I keep getting 1 perk webs full of cut coin and other crap that's just a waste man.
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@KaoMinerva and that's why i never prestige. It's a waste. It takes me so long to get the perks i want to run on my survivors and killers, now you want me to get rid of them, for a better chance at rolling freddy splinters? no thanks.
I would LOVE for a bloodhunt extension. In all honesty, until they rework this bloodweb, bloodhunt should be the usual state of things.
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Double Bloodpoints won't be a good solution to the grind for the long run.
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I think @not_Queen was gonna say something to the game devs about the bloodweb. If they actually listen is another story. Putting in 3-4 perks per bloodweb instead of just 2. It would seriously decrease the grind and would actually feel nice. I got Billy to lvl 50 in a day with double bp but no ruin and no BBQ and no spirit fury. I just...I hate it so much..
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Well its over. Definitely. Just had a good game and survived...16,000 😁
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A DOUBLE BLOOD POINT weekend every weekend
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We had our chance.... it was nice. It's over.
Why do people whine to get things extended everytime they don't "need" to be? The entitlement is real.
I only played like 12 matches this bloodhunt, and clocked in around 900k
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@Chaotic_Riddle Because there would be twice as many moris, flashlights, keys, instaheals etc. If devs want to reduce the grind they just need to either give us more perks in the bloodweb or get rid of the 3 tier system.
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fun fact: petitions almost never work what makes you think this one will.
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No way, I like the tier III system.
Level 50 bloodwebs should have 3 perks though I think. That should solve the crying.
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That's the thing that drives me NUTS! It's so hard to get BBQ in the web it's ridiculous. On Nurse, I've went through like 30 webs on p1 50 for sloppy Butcher 3 and STILL can't get it. I went through 41 webs to get BBQ 3 on nurse... RIDICULOUS!
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I love idiots who throw around the word 'entitlement" just because it's trendy.
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Double bloodpoints is a big deal. But I think they could afford to do a 1.5x event one weekend per month to lessen the grind a smidge.
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No, please don't. Minutes after it was over, I noticed a slight shift in game play. Less moris, camping, tunneling. Less toxicity from survivors, and much shorter que time as killer.
Events bring out the worst element in this game, and the element is already bad enough. Please, no more bloodhunts.
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My damn brother lost my DBD disk and I'M MISSING OUT ON ALL OF IT!!