Make Devotion mean something

Anyone else who plays the game at least as much as I do probably is frustrated at the fact the devotion literally means nothing

If we get pass a devotion (because it sure does take a long ass time to get a devotion level) I think we should get some kind of bonus

Idea 1: Maybe we could get some kind of cosmetic choice for different characters (Legacy perhaps?)

Idea 2: maybe some kind of bloodpoint bonus or maybe a PERMANENT bloodpoint buff like 1.10 bloodpoints at devotion 1 1.20 at devotion 2 and so on

Idea 3: At the very least maybe some kind of big iridescent shard boost for reaching a devotion such as 9000 shards for devoting so you can unlock at least unlock a new survivor or killer

I just feel we need some kind of incentive to even try and level up because right now its almost completely pointless seeing as no one else can even see your level as well

Let me know if any of you are in support of any of these ideas or if you have some of your own ideas and I will add them to the list

@Peanits @not_Queen


  • PyroDude
    PyroDude Member Posts: 454

    Yes, please

    At least give us something

  • AntiJelly
    AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155

    +1 I recently hit devotion 2 and I'm kind of peeved it doesn't do anything

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    Idea 1 will not happen with the Legacy part, but I agree, the idea I got was if this pass thing happens, depending on your devotion is where you start on the pass

  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    An exclusive devotion cosmetic sounds like a great idea. Not legacy, but maybe something similar to it in a different color would be good.

    I hit devotion 5 a few days ago and it would be really nice if we were rewarded for playing so often. We can only hope :-)

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    Please stop asking for Legacy.

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483


    Just throwing ideas out there not directly asking for legacy

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406


    it's very useful like this now

  • HuN7r3sS
    HuN7r3sS Member Posts: 211

    Thought they already said they'd add something for devotion next patch

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    I'm devotion 4 level 41 or something.

    Getting shards from 51 to 100 isn't good enough. Because we only get 300 per level. It should go up by 10 shards per level at least after that. Or more.

    When you get to a new devotion level, you should get 1,000 shards man. Come on.

    And we should have something to show off... to other players. Like a badge or something at least. Their should be fun, exclusive things locked behind devotion levels.

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483

    @Dwight_Confusion Yea hopefully they add something soon because getting a devotion level just isn't satisfying at all and isn't worth the time to try and get

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483

    @Peanits @not_Queen any of these things going to happen in the future?

  • flying__8lack
    flying__8lack Member Posts: 19

    Yes, more iridescent shard please :)

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Reaching a new level of devotion should grant you 5000 shards. Any future new devotion past level 5 should grant 1 x the devotion level. If you are level 7 you get 7000 etc.

    I also think the shards should be multiplied by 10 once you’re devoted. 50 turns to 500, 300 turns to 3000. I bet more people would get cosmetics that way too.

  • chococri
    chococri Member Posts: 355

    I'm almost devotion 3 and I would love a boost on Bloodpoints and at least permanent 300IS per level...

  • legion_main
    legion_main Member Posts: 483

    @pemberley that would be cool since its too much of a grind to get iridescent shards as is

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Devotion does mean something though. Let me translate:

    Dev 1-2: you're getting there.

    Dev 3-4: nice. You should get out every once in a while though.

    Dev 5-6: ok, you're truly dedicated. If you experience numbness or joint paint in your limbs, try to stretch.

    Dev 7-8: you do know you have limbs, right?

    Dev 9-10: I'm being serious now. You're on a terrible downward trajectory. Stop it while you still can, meet some real people, get a girlfriend, a job, a life, anything !!!

    Dev 11 and above: nevermind...

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    I saw someone suggesting at some point that for every devotion level you get, you could get a unique set of cosmetics for a character of your choosing. Something that'd exclusive to Devotion levels.

    I'd personally just see the shards reward to be increased and also adding Auric Cells as part of a level up (a small amount though) as to coax players to spend more. I mean, it's common logic that people who shops more regularly aren't afraid to spend more when they find something they like.

  • Camophlo
    Camophlo Member Posts: 104

    Yes please, especially when the only thing you get is Shards at a very slow rate. Giving us a reason to level up our Devotion rank would be amazing