Ash if starting from scratch? No meta?

I'm a solo survivor (R15). My highest character is lv. 18 claudette. I've been mostly playing different dlc ppl for laughs and dailies.
Should i go all in on ash? I have DS teachable. Maybe take claudette to SC teachable.
A DS, SC and MoM main for solo at rank 15 doesn't sound too shabby. Maybe nea instead? Just curious how you'd approach. thx
Survivors are just skins. Pick the one you find most appealing
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Survivors are Skins whose perks are all interchangeable because they don't have unique abilities like Killers.
Some of these skins are better than others (blending in with the background / getting the killers attention with high vis if you like chases)
P1 Ash is pretty good for stealth play because blood covers both his head and his shirt and blue and red is pretty hard to see, not nearly as hard as Claudette who also has a much smaller frame.
Most Killers will go after you as Ash because they have lots of salt.
If you like Ash buy em, if not wait for his perks to come up in the shrine.
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Interesting. I would think a killer who had a choice of chasing an Ash and a.. say Feng, would be less likely to go after ash.
Assuming they don't have a running hit count in their mind. The sort of apathetic oh gawd MoM no thanks next-thing. Sort of effortless discouragement.
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As already said, survivors are just skins.
Choose one you like and try and get others' teachables on a chosen survivor.
Some teachable perks worth getting are: self care, adrenaline, sprint burst (probably the best exhaustion perk for newer players), decisive strike is a must have in lower ranks due to camping/tunneling and farming survivors.
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I would get balanced landing from Nea.