Balanced Matchmaking

Why don't you use the build a player brings to the game for matchmaking? That way, a survivor that brings all tier 3 perks that are the most powerful in the game will match with a killer that does the same.

For example, anyone that follows the internet standard and plays with some of the top killer perks BBQ&C, NoED, Sloppy Butcher, etc. will be given the heaviest weight in the matchmaking. The survivors they would be paired with would all be grouped based on also using the top survivor perks like Sprint Burst, MoM, and the like. You could also add in items and add-ons to the math.

This would pair survivors that haven't leveled much with killers that are in the same boat, or players that simply want to use some of the dozens of perks that nobody normally plays with and have fun. This could even create a challenge where survivors with no perks or items face killers that are doing the same.

You would have to require players to be ready before they click find a match the first time, so they can't change their loadout or gear.

This could also help balancing perks because they wouldn't need as much nerfing/buffing since they could simply be increased or decreased in matchmaking weight to balance them out.

You could also keep the rank matchmaking as a secondary system to pair high rank top tier loadouts with high rank top tiers. That way there would still be a progression and a, "I'm the best," for those that need that validation, and a number to look at when there are more than one player/survivor waiting in the queue.

This would change how players approach their build, and create a more diverse (and I feel more fun) experience.


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Weight system in matchmaking isn't the best solution. Even if you set proper weight values for the perks, it will be easily abused.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 617

    Right now we have players purposefully deranking in order to use their perks against newer/less skilled players. The current situation is by far more exploitable than someone using bad perks to play against a newer player.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Play some games with a weight system in them and you will see how bad it is. It is either heavily abused or very unfriendly towards players that are starting to finally upgrade their kit.

    And deranking requires time, while changing perks doesen't.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 617

    Deranking does not require that much effort, and as long as that is a thing the exploiters can use it to their advantage, but they wouldn't have nearly as much advantage in a weighted system, because if they bring the advantage they'd face players with the same weight...

    Seems like you don't understand, or you are already enjoying exploiting the deranking that exists.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183
    edited May 2019

    "Seems like you don't understand, or you are already enjoying exploiting the deranking that exists."

    You like to strike the opponent in a discussion, do you? Its not a boxing match, don't attack the opponent, attack his arguments.

    "but they wouldn't have nearly as much advantage in a weighted system, because if they bring the advantage they'd face players with the same weight..."

    They would, simply because of their skill lvl... that's the issue with the deranking, good perks won't do much by itself.

    As i said, weight system will be very unfriendly for a new players, why? Its simple, while gaining new lvls on the bloodweb you can't choose the perks that you will get, and because of it new players will be forced to play against people with actually decent perks or play without any perk... and that's how weight system usually works, there is a top, where everyone have the best perks, and down, where people aren't using any perks... and middle ground, where there is no point of playing for various reasons.

    Many games tried different methods and the best metod was proven to be the rank system... the thing is, DbD never had a good ranking system...

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 617


    "You like to strike the opponent in a discussion, do you? Its not a boxing match, don't attack the opponent, attack his arguments."

    Except, before now you never provided any solid information to discuss at all, all you stated was that you were correct, which is incorrect.

    "They would, simply because of their skill lvl... that's the issue with the deranking, good perks won't do much by itself."

    Incorrect. Skill makes a difference, that's why I suggested using rank as a secondary matchmaking system, maybe even adding that to the weight and remove deranking.

    The perks make the largest difference. Rank is easier to abuse than a weighted perk system, because all it takes is to start a match, and then disconnect, bam 2 pips of rank lost. That means you can literally derank from rank one to rank 15 in less than an hour (a guess, but a pretty solid one)? If you do this right before the monthly rank reset you might find yourself at 16 or 17 (18? I don't know how low it goes when you are 15 at reset).

    I speculated that you didn't understand:

    "As i said, weight system will be very unfriendly for a new players, why? Its simple, while gaining new lvls on the bloodweb you can't choose the perks that you will get, and because of it new players will be forced to play against people with actually decent perks or play without any perk..."

    You thought I meant that all perks you have access to give you weight, but I clearly stated:

    "Plays with some of the top" perks. Meaning deciding to equip them in your loadout is what decides your weight and then you would match-make with a killer/survivors that are similarly weighted. My entire suggestion revolves around giving weight to what you bring to the match itself, not simply what you have access to.

    You decide what perks you equip. A new player that happens to get lucky enough to get all the top weight perks STILL has to level the tiers up to 3 (obviously tier 1 isn't as good as tier 3 so it would have less weight) and ALSO has to CHOOSE to equip the tryhard's standards in order for their weight to come up to that of maxed out player/s. Once they happen to get tier 3 of all the most valuable perks they will face opponent/s with matching weight, and should have had a much greater chance to learn how to play (aka get skill) which means they would have the same advantage.

    As it stands right now, a person that has played the game for ~two hours can reach 15. That same person will be facing players as early as rank ~18 that should be top rank, that have played for years, but are exploiting the system. So something needs to change, and this is one way that would at least make the system better balanced.

    I don't think a rank system change could fix this, because there will always be deranking unless they stop rank loss which means eventually everyone would be rank one.

  • kabarekabal
    kabarekabal Member Posts: 57

    OP, matchmaking that accounts for build system, perks, is too complicated.

    There's much better solution, DBD is getting old, so players diminish in numbers, therefore just do whatever devs think is good for rank match making, but(!) allow any rank to join any game if such a player was in searching status for too long, as I'm sure most players would rather play any game than not play at all.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    You are right, i didn't made a valid arguments and i have to admit that i'm really prejudiced to the weight system.

    That's my bad, but you should attack my lack of arguments, not me.

    But i know now what exactly your idea is... the thing is, i still see this as bad. I can't see low ranks (by low i mean higher numbers, yes, that's a weird thing) without a BT, which for sure would have weight. Same goes with a new DS and self heal... Too many times when ranking up i was following a random for too long so he would finally heal me...

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 617

    It is complicated, I agree, but something definitely needs to change.