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Ghostface Chapter: License only for Mask?

Member Posts: 329

guys did you notice that they are licensed only on the Ghostface mask? that's why the dress is not the original one. My doubt is now on the map and the Survivor, could be the first dlc with a license only on the killer.. indeed precisely the license not on the killer but on the mask he wears.. so Survivor and map could be original, I'm the only one who thought about it? unless the license is not from the TV series

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  • Member Posts: 8,816

    For the new season of the TV series they got the rights to the original mask and the name Ghostface, I believe. Maybe it doesn't include the rest of his attire?

  • Member Posts: 254

    I would have assumed it was from the movies. Why wouldnt it be

  • Member Posts: 1,463

    I honestly like this attire way more than his classic black bed sheets.

  • Member Posts: 890

    Agreed. Maybe it's just the bright lobby lighting but my only complaint is how the shiny leather parts on the hood stand out to the grayish black fabric of the robe. Still, on darker maps, he's gonna look incredible.

  • Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2019

    Yeah, i was thinking the same thing. The outfit looks ######### to me. It has nothing to do with the original film. Looks more like a ninja or something. After watching all the leakead images, my friend said "well, maybe they got the license only for the mask"

    So yeah, that fits. Kappa.

  • Member Posts: 107

    because with scream their are two different license holders A)the license holder of the mask itself and B) the license holder for the movies and by the looks of the new killer called "the ghost" the only thing that resembles "Ghost Face" is the mask itself, the costume is not movie accurate so this leads us to believe they were only able to obtain the rights to the mask itself not the the actual character from the movies so they are putting the licensed mask on an original killer for the game. this is still pretty cool but means no scream map or survivor, however if this is the case they need to clarify this asap because there are lot of people like you who don't realize there are 2 different license holders and now believe that since ghost face mask is on a killer that means the chapter must be SCREAM, they really need to clarify before they have a ton of pissed off disappointed customers who are gonna be extremely let down.

  • Member Posts: 942

    They can't give him a black cloak?

  • Member Posts: 938

    I mean, his black potato sack was kinda lacking detail.

  • Member Posts: 107

    true but if this was a "scream" licensed ghost face then he would be wearing it anyways just like how the freddy chapter made them put freddy in remake movie accurate design scream license holders would require the same, 99 percent sure they just got the rights to the mask not the movies :( which is a bummer

  • Member Posts: 329

    No, wait. I know very well that those who hold the rights to the mask do not hold the rights to the Scream franchise and vice versa. that's why I came to the conclusion that they only made the agreement with RJ Torbert that Is owner of the rights to the mask, and not with Dimension Film that Is owner of Scream franchise rights. the problem is precisely what could be created when everyone understands it the dlc will be released with the original map and Survivor and the killer with only the mask on license.. would be a half-licensed chapter, it would be a tragedy.

    this is why I hope instead that the license is at least from the TV series, because if it is indeed only the mask it will be the most contested chapter of all and probably also the least bought because the Ghostface fans will only buy the killer from the shop and not the complete chapter from the steam store

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I mean he still has a dark, robe-like theme. Even if they only have the rights to the mask, it's only a matter of time before they "conveniently" add different cosmetic outfits that just happen to piece together to look more ghostface-ey.

  • Member Posts: 198
    edited May 2019

    I think it's okay that way they created more then the boring black cloak from the Scream movies, also if the really only have the license for the mask they have a lot more freedom to create nice skins. The current look fits the DbD theme better but it's sad that we probably don't get a licensed survivor but maybe they surprise us and can make a deal with them too

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    So it's just a watered down version of Ghostface that looks like an assassin's creed character with the mask slapped on, lame. I expect nothing more from BHVR and their cash grab chapters with mediocre killers and more second chance perks.

  • Member Posts: 329

    I just noticed that the contents of Ash also called it "chapter", and also remembering that in the game's achievements, ash's achievements are called chapter12_survivor, it might actually be a paragraph like leatherface.. and it would also make sense if they only have rights on the mask, why make a chapter with survivor and original map and killer on license wouldn't make sense.. then ash would be the survivor of chapter 12 and ghostface the killer

  • Member Posts: 1,055

    The problem I see with this theory, is how are they supposed to market the DLC, if they aren't allowed to call it "Scream" or "Ghostface". Let's just wait and see, before we come up with a premature conclusion.

  • Member Posts: 329

    they can call it "ghostface chapter", ghostface is the mask, RJ Torbert has the rights on the name "ghostface" and on the mask

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