Every person says i lagswitch when i play killer

In end game chat the survivors tell me that i was lag switching but I tell them that i have good internet. I play survivor just fine but not killer. But i can tell that survivors will say that i'm lag switching by my fps during the match (it becomes like 30fps). Pls someone help and pls no ban!
Best Answer
FPS has nothing to do with lagg, low fps are only indicating a low performance machine on your side but that doesnt mean that survivors are lagging.
Also survivor cry about laggswitch all the time when there is a laggspike (dont worry, most of them dont use their brains and wont understand the difference). Its always funny when I ask the survivor who cried about laggswitch whether he uses wifi, usually the answer is yes
You dont need to worry about a bann5
With survivor you Connect to the killer and vice versa , your download isnt the issue but your upload if its weak you can be providing really unstable matches
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Could also be a slightly weak processor. Computer needs processor time in order to process your network packets.
The chase itself usually creates more calculations for your game to process per second, so it may be bottlenecking just enough to starve the network packets.
Not sure why anybody would lagswitch in this game - chasing lagging survivors is a PITA