Whose not buying Pig cosmetics?

FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

They are quite beautiful cosmetics. Glad licensed killers are getting extra cosmetics also. Always wanted it but with killers could stand behind. But with state of broken amanda young. Don't think i would enjoy cosmetics on a killer that isn't amanda anymore. Any other pigs gonna skip out on cosmetics for now? Would you be tempted to buy them on old pig? Are you gonna buy them on new pig?

Best Answers


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Wait what cosmetics? Could you link them?

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    I am not buying them because I dont find them particularly appealing and I am hesitant to spend money due to the disaster of a PTB this was.

  • BrokenWarden
    BrokenWarden Member Posts: 4

    I’ll still get the cosmetics if I can

    Piggy’s my main & fave (behind Bubba) so I’ll gladly get her cosmetics

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Really like the top one and I'll definitely buy it.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @FayeZahara Thanks. I don't find them good tbh. (except maybe the top in the 1st set)

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    edited May 2019

    I enjoy both cause outfits she wore in saw films. Intresting everyone likes that cosmetic out of them. I think that top showcases buff forearms though xD

    Edit: It was always a cute top would enjoy wearing myself when first saw it in film.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    You guys are aware that if the nerf makes that much of a difference to you, you were probably playing her wrong right?

    Just to be sure.

    Not everything in this game has to be an insurance for after you fail your job at preventing gens to be done.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    You know your playing her like an original killer? You are the one who were playing amanda young wrong. By the books pig mask saw killer is more other pigs style. Mark Hoffman, Logan Nelson, and Lawrence Gordon could be acceptable choices with that playstyle. Jill Kramer and Amanda Young are pigs that would of played the endgame way you have mistaken as wrong. John Kramer pig would be okay with these changes i would have to ask nerf away hooks also. Cause his aim is to not kill but to leave the tools of redemption for survivors.

    Pigs want amanda young back or another pig to take the mantle. Tis all we ask with silly not needed nerf

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    I enjoyed how she played cause it was fun that she was most immersive killer. I bought her cause i respect franchise and seeing it done right. If you don't care about the structure of character then don't buy the licensed character. (Video game movies buy characters and go lets give them hip hop cringe version) Don't even comment on character cause your speaking from a shallow stranger looking in perspective. You don't care about story so really can't comment on others disapproval of character representation.

    You can enjoy your boring rinse and repeat fundamentals with games like call of duty. But some people actually like to experiment and try to cross borders of initial game intention.

    Also play someone else attitude is silly cause why not play all of those character you purchased if you want too. Why be restricted to select few killers in power and immersive department. You paid for a character shouldn't you be treated to one. Everyone is being sold for same price so deserve same respect.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    You can still experiment, by all means.

    Saving all your traps for after you lost the game isn't experimenting, it's relying on crutches.

    You do realize that every game has different "boring rinse and repeat fundamentals" right? And if you don't know how to apply pressure and win chases and rely on endgame gimmicks with any character, it's not personal playstyle, it's sucking at the game.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Well i barely play her, so i doubt they'd miss my purchases, but yeah, guess i won't buy them.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I love piggy, so probably.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    There very stylized after movies. There quite beautiful ^u^ so enjoy. Too bad her leather outfit cosmetic doesn't have an axe. Though with an axe think her ambush look wierd probally.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    I haven't purchased anything since before The Spirit and that dlc was gifted to me by a cool guy by the name of Lauri from Finland :) I still remember you guy and am still thankful!

    I stopped buying anything with money because of how the devs choose to balance the game and their balance philosophy overall.

    I'm currently saving iri shards for the new hag costume, but I'll gladly buy it with cash if the Freddy changes are very well done.

    We'll see.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm not necessarily saying I WOULD have bought the cosmetics, but I'm definitely not with the Pig nerf.

    I feel like you're oversimplifying the issue. It's not just a matter of "putting all your eggs on endgame". It's the fact that Pig has lost her endgame pressure completely (and gained no buffs in return). Her early-midgame is inconsistent at best due to the RBTs being a complete crapshoot at how effective they are at stalling and her Ambush not being very good outside of specific spots. Beyond that, fundamentals can only get you so far as you start facing better and better players. You need more than that if you want to do well, and while the Pig does have more, how much more is largely in the hands of RNG. The last leg of the game was a way for her to make back some lost momentum in the event that she rolled the bad end of RNG and/or got genrushed. Now with this update, she instead gets a steep punishment if RNG treats her badly and is effectively forced to go powerless during that point in the game (since even with the Ambush not being great to begin with, the end of the game is probably where it is at its weakest). For a Killer that is already not very strong to begin with, that just seems wrong to me.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I’m loving the Pig cosmetics. It’s new and refreshing to have a licensed character with cosmetics. Hopefully it means that we can see new cosmetics for Leatherface, Freddy, and Myers. Also would love new Laurie cosmetics as well.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @gantes You know that a lot of people played her as an End-game killer because she could get a lot of value out of denying survivors the ability to escape out of the gates?

    Now you're basically forced to spend your traps as fast as possible or try and magically manage to get a trap on everyone before the final generator is fixed, the latter being notoriously difficult.

    On topic. I'd definitely get her leather jacket outfit if they hadn't gutted her with 2.7.0.

  • IAmFlownominal
    IAmFlownominal Member Posts: 16

    People asking for piggy buffs like her crazy forearms up there aren't thick as thighs already. Ridiculous ;)

    I really do like that top outfit, but is it really more baller than her default coat? I don't see me buying any of her cosmetics just because I like the original outfit. Still pretty cool between this and Ash we finally got more customization than just Leatherface's "collection."

    And everyone saying pig is ruined, you're definitely playing wrong. It's a stealth character that can heavily disrupt games. If you save everything until the end, you're probably that bad killer that makes everyone score low and tunnels. I never had an issue with getting 4Ks while gens are still unfinished. And since I sink all my points into Survivor, I never got my Pig higher than level 20 so she has pretty inadequate perks too.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I'm still gonna get them, I just need to get used to fire and forget tactics and spam every survivor with a trap possible quickly, acting as a stacking ruin.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Not exactly, in Kramers cases all of his traps offered a way out so by pure conception the fact that you can take the trap off in the first place is jigsaws ruleset. Amanda set her traps up to kill the person. There was no way out....EVER. There was no attempt to have them learn a lesson, it was simply die. So if this game wanted to be true to amandas rules, as soon as you had a bear trap on you would be dead, no matter if the exit gates opened no matter if the gens got done, no matter which box you searched none of them would work. And in a game environment that would be oppressive as hell and broken.

    If you want to play the game amanda would you could easily do so in dead by daylight with a few simple modifications.....First rule. Bring an ebony mori.

    Thats it, thats all you need. For Amanda it was never about redemption, it was about retribution.

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323

    no Money from me until they fix this mess, sorry

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Endgame piggy:

    • she can counter gen rush
    • endgame was difficult for the survivors
    • you could still do something after the gates are powered
    • it was funny, but not an exploit(legion moonwalk)
  • bendermac
    bendermac Member Posts: 772

    Nope... Not paying for overpriced cosmetics. Not going to support this BS in DbD or any other game. This is where I draw the line. I vote with my wallet

  • Carnage845
    Carnage845 Member Posts: 16

    Eh, I'm not buying any more cosmetics for 2 reasons.

    1] 10$ for an entire costume you can only see the weapon for? Meanwhile, game DLC is 8$.. pass.

    2] As a Killer "main", I feel like they are getting weaker and weaker and weaker with every update, but yet the devs won't counterbalance this no matter how loud we argue (ie: infinite loops, gen rushing, etc.) So I will play the game, sure, but absolutely not giving over any more money.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Pig's stealth is not that good IMO, and her ability to disrupt the game is not very reliable unless you are lucky. It feels like a lot of the people who say "Pig is not ruined; you're all overreacting" kinda sorta misrrepresent the issue (I'm a bit hesitant to say strawmanning, though) by framing the Pig nerf as only an issue for strictly Endgame builds while ignoring the reality that this nerf affects scenarios where the Pig just wasn't able to slow down the pace of the game enough, either due to super-efficient Survivors or just unlucky RNG on the traps.

  • ThatNeatGuy
    ThatNeatGuy Member Posts: 7

    I'm probably still going to buy the cosmetics because I love piggy, its just that I would need to find out a better way to play her now that endgame piggy is not viable anymore. I have a few ideas but this RBT nerf is not going to stop me from playing my favorite killer.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Broken state or not, I'm buying it simply because I'm a massive saw fan and Amanda is my favourite character.

    I was one happy boi when I found out that the saw killer was coming out and it would be Amanda.

    Also considering one of the cosmetics is actually based on what she was wearing in Saw 3 she got shot. I'm definitely getting in it might not be 100% exact but not going to change my mind

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    in honesty all those boxes would contain broken keys. Like her first trap which would kill them. But you can play like amanda if you bring them to exit gate and push them to suicide threshold. Your not respecting the rules of jigsaws game and forcing the death. That one survivor feels cheated out of life and her bear trap goes off. Why would amanda play the hook game when she can kill them by a games design. Why will forever hate nerf cause even ebony moris were sad option. That mori is also straight up murder not an unfair sense of the game she is more known for. If she put on an instant kill bear trap would feel essence of amanda.

    Kramer would have no hooks in game and only control the map with his selection of tests. Never being part of match besides the observer.

    Logan becomes best pig option with current pig cause he has fewest discrepancies as a pig. Matt and lawrence can be argued as failers of jigsaw teachings. Matt first trap was intended to kill not be fair. Lawrence puts matt into his trap without the game escape. But they did make plenty of fair games also beyond there sins.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I won't buy them until they fix her >:(