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Decisive strike...Is the nerf too far or ok?

Do you think decisive strike is a fair perk? Do you think it’s toxic? Is it a nerf or a buff in your opinion? Honestly I would like to hear everyone’s opinion on this as everyone’s so divided on it.

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  • Member Posts: 685

    It's not really a nerf as you'll be easily just save it till gates are open

  • Member Posts: 15

    If the devs are serious on putting that on a designated key or have that obnoxiously big skill check, it's a buff for players who often miss the DS skill check (like me, lol).

    But fairness? Hard to tell as of the moment. Maybe after a few games as Killers where I eat 3 or 4 those.

  • Member Posts: 29

    @AlexAnarchy said:
    It's not really a nerf as you'll be easily just save it till gates are open

    I agree with you

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    Not_Queen confirmed in this post that the proposed DS changes did not go through and they would be looking at nerfing it in a different way.

  • Member Posts: 80

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Not_Queen confirmed in this post that the proposed DS changes did not go through and they would be looking at nerfing it in a different way.

    Well that gives me a bit more hope for it to get ACTUALLY nerfed instead of buffed. Hopefully they come up with something that nerfs it hard. There are extremely good suggestions out there.

  • Member Posts: 2,258

    @Shazzabam10 said:
    Do you think decisive strike is a fair perk? Do you think it’s toxic? Is it a nerf or a buff in your opinion? Honestly I would like to hear everyone’s opinion on this as everyone’s so divided on it.

    Imagine a perk for killer, as when he fails to catch a survivor, but when he hit a skillcheck, the survivor instantly ends up on the killer's shoulder and goes to the hook.

    This would be a "Decisive Strike" for killers. Does it sound fair?

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 39
    edited May 2018

    I hope that they can figure it out ,to make it balanced but it's hard to make it like that because perk which stuns the killer and give You another chance to run around for a couple of pallets or just get away from the killer it's always going to be good (at least in my opinion).

  • Member Posts: 29

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Not_Queen confirmed in this post that the proposed DS changes did not go through and they would be looking at nerfing it in a different way.

    Oh sorry I didn’t know that

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    The nerf had some good potential. But it needed to be polished some more, especially for multiple DS using teams.

  • Member Posts: 49

    I think the only balance for this perk is to delete it. srs, no trolling. This perk is a gamebreaker. You hunt a looper for 2 gens, get him down, DS, hunt him again for x seconds, sprint burst,dead hard. IF you have the luck to get him down again, a mate with lightsabor comes around the corner and insta blinds you. So hes gone again FFS !

  • Member Posts: 41

    Some perks activate when the last gen is done, some perks could also deactive when the last gen is done, might as well do that with Decisive to give it a little bit of a nerf.

    Or another thing i had in mind is that decisive strike doesn't immediately put you off the killer's shoulder, but it gives a huge increase on the struggle bar.
    If you succeed with decisive the struggle bar goes to 80% and you have to struggle a little bit more to get off. Meaning that it is still effective if you run far away from hooks on purpose but if the killer is close to a hook he at least won't lose all his progress after a (maybe) very long chase.

  • Member Posts: 2,428
    I liked the idea someone posted a few days ago (sorry, person, I cant remember you!). Obsession can still escape the killer's grasp, non-Obsessions will stun/slow the killer. Still a viable perk and way less annoying.

    Probably would prefer if Obsession had to wiggle out a certain percentage before being able to use it.
  • Member Posts: 1,650

    I honestly don't know why this perk is such an issue for the devs to nerf. I think it is pretty simple... keep things they way they are right?

    If someone uses DS in their build they can't bring items into the trial. OR simply reduce the skill check zone by 20%. Just make it a little smaller so there's more variation of people hitting the skillcheck or not. The perk itself is fine in it's idea...

    It's like making 1 final dart for survival. That is the idea. So right now, the perk is only a huge problem when more than 1 person has it. I can totally deal with 1 person having it. Whatever. When 2 and 3 people have it in the same trial it becomes a huge issue.

    Leave the stun time alone for killers. the 3, 3.5 and 4 second stun is fine. THey just need to alter it some. Trhis is what I would do.

    Decisive Strike - Keep it all as it is, but later the stun times to 3, 4, 5 seconds in each tier.

    Tiers I and II require you to wiggle 50 and 60% before it triggers. Obsession gets an immediate trigger.

    Tier III - Obsession gets immediate trigger as current, but the wiggle is changed to 40%

    Reduce the skill check zone by 10-15% I think.

    This is how it is now, but you have to wiggle more, and the skill check zone is smaller overall.

    The other way to adjust this deadly perk is to not let it activate when gens are done. So after the last gen is done, if you haven't used it... too bad. These would be simple, yet good ways to adjust this.

    Coming from a killer main.

  • Member Posts: 323
    I believe that bringing a new item in the game for survivors called "shiv" is better !!!
    And what DS does is that you start the the trial with a shiv and increases the chances that you can find a shiv in a chest . due to rarity the stun time will be different . it can even make it so that survivors cant bring flashlight or any thing els with shiv as its an item itself .
  • Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2018

    Because of a bug my comment got duplicated and posted 3 times here.
    I'm posting it like this so they can easily find and delete it.

    Post edited by Totohli on
  • Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2018

    Because of a bug my comment got duplicated and posted 3 times here.
    I'm posting it like this so they can easily find and delete it.

    Post edited by Totohli on
  • Member Posts: 73

    The DS change couldn't have been a worse idea. Once people catch on, EVERYONE will use it. Once those gates are open you might as well go get a drink and wait for the survivors to leave, because you sure as hell aren't hooking them anymore.

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