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Holding the game Hostage?



  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Killers have been held hostage for hours at a time, with no end in sight. 4 minutes with a badass animation to top it off is a ######### blessing compared to that. And let's not forget, this will go away in about a week or so. You are literally complaining about a problem that will solve itself.

  • Member Posts: 170

    I just played game where someone was 60 percent on a gate and a billy Just stood in front of the lever while there was only probably 30 second shot left

  • Member Posts: 100


    Once again you have relit my hope in this game.

    That is 4 minutes that the survivor will have to wait for their next game. And killer.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Yup, you getting downvotes will doom the game after 3 years of only growing the average amount of players.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Oh god just please stop. I even acknowledged that survivors holding the game hostage was a problem in the very post you replied to. Stop making this about you. Because something was crappy before is not a reason for it to be okay to be less crappy now. There are solutions that the devs are refusing to do.

  • Member Posts: 100


    Agree with the badass animation, as it is. The first few times of seeing it. But I saw it all over youtube and honestly it is nothing special anymore.

    But the problem fixing itself will never. Some people are just harsh that way.

  • Member Posts: 100


    You have taken a massive tangent. I never said my downvotes will lead to the demise of this game.

    But said that it is due to people downvoting me as they don't want to increase user quality.

    This will be the downfall of this game. People not wanting to make it better.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    When survivors held the game hostage for 60+ minutes, killers got told to git gud. To just find the survivors. To equip whispers.

    I honestly think, that if enough survivors complain, then the devs come up with something for survivors to avoid the timer.

    Catering to their needs.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    You're right, this is about you and a bunch of other people complaining about a problem that will go away in a week or so.

    When new stuff comes out, people want to see it. They want to try it. It's been the case with new perks, new maps, new offerings, new maps, new survivors, new killers, and even new mechanics. It all goes back to normal very quickly.

    So instead of complaining about something that's been out for a day or so, how about you let people enjoy their new toy until they get bored?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Oh, bullshit. It's been out for a day or so, if we were to apply that same logic to every other release, then everyone should be playing the Plague right now. They aren't because that's not how things have ever worked in any game in the entire history of mankind.

  • Member Posts: 100


    The things is that the devs implemented something to fix it.

    Just that now killers feel entitled to do the same thing back, when the game could be over easy.

    Problem has not been eliminated but just reversed.

    Honestly I thought it was disgraceful that survivors would do that. So I think the same thing for Killers.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Have you not repeatedly told others to stop predicting the future? 🤔

    I have no doubt that it will happen less often but if you think there aren't plenty of players that will find any and every chance to be a **** to someone else then I'm not sure you've actually played this game.

    Feel free to stop responding if my complaining bothers you. This is a place to voice opinions to the devs, don't feel obligated to respond like you're doing anyone a favor.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    One day. This has been out for one day, and you're already making generalizations about how every single killer will play from now until the end of time.

  • Member Posts: 100


    What are you going on about?

    You just agreed with me. The whole point people don't always play plague is because they have gotten used to the animations.

    That is what I said.

    Which is why I think the animation is nothing special as I have seen it a million times over.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Fair enough.

    Then i'll say this instead: The game should be dead already if the attitude you claim people generally have is what the game should and will be.

    I think you have the wrong idea about the community's attitude.

  • Member Posts: 100


    where does it say "every."

    You have falsely inferred this from my statement.

  • Member Posts: 100


    Do you see Community speaker anywhere on my profile?


    I am merely speaking for myself and if any others feel the same.

    I think you have the wrong idea about my attitude.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    My predictions are based on what has become a pattern every single time something new has been released for the last three years, not to mention every other game ever made. Yours are based on extrapolating from one day of unverifiable anecdotes and ignore literally all the actual evidence.

    If and when this is deemed an actual problem, once sufficient time has passed, then this can be addressed. Right now this is no different from people complaining that "everyone is playing killer X" after a new killer has been released. Do you seriously not see the similarities?

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @Taelance This is an emotional topic for killers since they had to deal with survivors holding the game hostage for years. Let's wait a week or two to see if this new mechanic is indeed a problem or if killers just want to see the new kill animation for a couple of days.

    If it is a permanent problem, then there is surely a solution that can be easily implemented.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    If you speak for yourself, then can you not talk about how the game is doomed?

    You speak for yourself, so you don't speak for others.

    Not speaking for others means you also can't possibly say it's doomed, as that would require at least a majority of voices from one side.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    "Yours are based on extrapolating from one day of unverifiable anecdotes and ignore literally all the actual evidence."

    My prediction that while the frequency of this will die down, people will still do it because there are plenty of trolls in online gaming? That's the prediction you're struggling with? Lol.

    And I'd rather address the issue now while there are plenty of people talking about it and the devs are even more likely to see the feedback.

    The devs also have a habit of taking months to years to fix issues that should have been addressed ASAP. That's why holding the game hostage was a thing for so damn long. People stopped complaining about it as much because it became an accepted reality of playing the game. I'd rather not see that happen yet again and nip it in the bud. The only reason you'd be against that is because you feel it's justified because survivors did worse for so long. Which, again, was allowed to happen because the devs would rather pump out DLC than fix core problems with the game.

    You're not even addressing either of my potential solutions to this, you're arguing to argue. And that's why I will no longer respond to you.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm not addressing any of your potential solutions because I don't think there's a problem. If I told you the sky was going to fall and that we needed to build giant rooftops to protect ourselves, would you suggest an alternative to the rooftops, or would you try to show me that the sky wasn't going to fall?

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    @Taelance So it's okay if survivors waste killers' time but not the opposite? The fact that survivors have for years taken game hostage for extended periods of time shouldn't be taken into account now when killers actually can waste like 4 minutes of a survivor's time?

    Talk about double standards.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    It's not reversed.

    It's not holding the game hostage.

    It's just a different kind of bleed out timer.

    Maybe the devs will add a killswitch once the timer has begun.

    If there's no one else left, the survivor goes to that switch and dies instantly.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    The same where you tell people to just find them is the same way you could just simply wait until you bleed out or die by endgame

  • Member Posts: 5,304
    edited May 2019

    I love playing survivor and killer 50/50 and it was wrong for survivors to tbag at the exit gate and I feel what the killers are doing now is wrong and it wont go away that soon i'm pretty sure because the this Community going blind.

  • Member Posts: 850

    Dont like it dont play its simple change is here and killers finally have control of the game and can end annoying survs hanging around finally now we gotta punish dcers and this game will maybe be decent

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  • Member Posts: 192

    You know when I think about it this would've been the perfect time to incorporate a cypress mori-like mechanic into the killer's base kit.

    But it's not a mori. If EGC is active they should be able to interact with a the last survivor in dying state to immediately make the entity sacrifice them if they want. Sure there's unlikely edge cases like active DS getting screwed over by this but I doubt that'd be very common and at that point it probably doesn't matter too much anyway.

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    It's called going to the menu and clicking leave match XD

  • Member Posts: 100

    Disagree with punishing dcers as there game has still got quite a lot wrong with it. I understand that dcing ruins the game for the team. But sometimes things are just so stupid that you have to just walk away from it.

    Especially with bad hit boxes, or survivors doing something stupid like farming a survivor or if a survivor and killer work together or if a survivor sandbags you.

    There are many things that can happen and until that is fixed I don't think you can punish survivors or killers. Killers should also be punished for dcing.

  • Member Posts: 100


    totally agree with you bud.

  • Member Posts: 100


    That is my whole point. There needs to be something so the killer cant just waste the survivors time for some animation that everyone has seen a million times over.

    My option was making it so that if the last survivor has got no way of escaping;

    they are down, hatch is closed and no door is open then it should automatically kill them.

  • Member Posts: 100


    This is my solution.

    My option was making it so that if the last survivor has got no way of escaping;

    they are down, hatch is closed and no door is open then it should automatically kill them.

    This allows for fast paced gameplay which is why I still play this game. Chases can be intense and games can be, games are fast paced which is what I like. I know that killers hate this because they cant pip or whatever. But that is why I feel the ranking system should be slightly easier. On both sides that is.

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