Killer changes to make them balanced around all ranks

tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Hello everyone, in this thread I'll talk about the changes I think should be done to all killers to make them viable at a high competitive lvl. I do know that not everyone is gonna agree with my thoughts about this so that's why encourage those people to leave a comment so we can all discuss these changes. I also have an idea keep them how they are right now, I will discuss that idea once Im done with the changes. I also want to mention that some of these changes have been discussed in the past by other forum users, all credits about those to them. Here we go.

- Trapper: Be able to carry all of his traps and have at least 10 traps, the Bag add-ons will just increase the number of total traps. Be able to prepare a trap that is already placed. He should down survivors when they step into his traps only if they're already hurt. Survivors will fcae skill checks when disarming his traps.

- Hag: When she teleports make her have 110%ms, right now she is slower when she "comes back". Reduce her teleport animation by a couple frames.

- Cannibal: @Maelstrom10 had the idea of the Cannibal being a Ping Pong ball which I think is awesome. Link to his thread:

- Doctor: Make his red stain thing basekit. Make his shock wave range at least 30% bigger. He is supossed to make you go mad so I feel like looping this guy should be hard as hell and the red stain add ons makes that happen. Rework the add-ons that change the shape of his shockwave so that they give different status effects once someone hits Madness 3, being blindness or deafness for example.

- Myers: Make it so that It takes a little less time to lvl up, something like 10%. Make his add-ons that increase the ms while stalking work when he is actually stalking someone, right now It only works if you are stalking but you dont see anyone... Like #########?

- Legion: Completely remove the miss and lose power thing and buff his FF ms to what it was before. I would also want him to have a 24m Tr again, but that's just me.

- Huntress: I feel like she is too overrated... Make her have 115ms, make her lullaby have the same effect as the Tr and the same range. Dont make her slow down when she is charging the hatchet.

- My little Piggy: Make her beartraps activate at the end-game and make it so that the end-game timer goes down slower or even stop the timer, just make her power useful at the end-game. I see people saying the roar she makes when she's about to ambush should be removed but It can open very good mind games, you guys just need to cancel the animation, uncrounch and it's always a free hit. Also make Amanda's Letter to have a bigger range, something like 20-25m would be great. Buff her ms while crouching to 100%, the same as survivors. Survivors cant remove their RBT at their first try.

- Clown: I feel like his tonic should last longer and the status effect should also last longer. Also, if you throw a bottle to a high position (let's say a very high tree) it's cloud wont have the same area of effect, It will be smaller and I think that should be gone, that way he could cover a bigger area by throwing his bottles to higher places.

- Plague: She should have a 24m Tr. Revert all the nerfs to her ms. Make gens that are affected by the puke regress, that way survivors couldnt stay broken for the hole match and she could also use it to dmg gens a little bit, something she really needs.

- Wraith: I feel like his Shadow Dance "White" should be base kit, also reduce a little bit his reappearance time. Maybe take away his reduced ms when uncloaking?

- Rin Yamaoka (God I love that name): I feel like the Spirit is at the best spot she can be right now, she only needs to stop getting bugged.

- Freddy: I wont say anything about him because we havent seen his rework yet.

Now here come the mighty... Because Billy and Nurse are really needed right now to fight high competitive players, I'll balance them around the "new objectives idea" you know, the one that makes survivors look for parts of the gens across the map to complete them.

- Billy: I feel like Billy should have a bigger stunn/fatigue time but that's it. If we nerf his chainsaw ms we would take away all of his mindgames with the curving mechanic and stuff like that.

- Nurse: The way I would balance the Nurse is gonna really annoy Nurse players but they have to understand that there's no place for our Nurse once the new objectives come out. Make her get stunned if a survivor drops a pallet and she is blinking through it (this was a thing in one point of the game). Remove the add-ons that give her extra blinks. Make her have the same blindess effect as the Legion when getting stunned. Make her completely deaf when blinking. We should test these changes and see if she does good, if she doesnt then her normal ms should be buffed.

Now, I mentioned that I had an idea to make the killers viable and keep them at the same lvl at the same time, how do we do that? Simple, changing meta killers every month. Has anyone of you ever played DCUO? Well, that game had different powers and every 3 months or something like that the powers would see a significant buff/nerf to make people change them every now and then. We could see something like that here too. Balance all these killers around high competitive gameplay and choose one of them to be the one that gets the buff for 1-2 months, and then nerf him back to what he used to be before the buffs, get another different killer and apply the same idea. This way rank 1 would see different killers and rank 20-10s wouldnt be demolished.

That's it, thank you for reading, please leave your comments so that we can discuss these ideas :)

Edit: Added a couple of ideas to Wraith, Trapper and Pig.

Post edited by tt_ivi_99 on


  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    Trapper: I think 10 traps is to much but mostly because of the time management you have to do with this. I would like it if they rework the trap placement at the beginning and let all traps spawn already armed. so you only have to reset the ones you don't need right now. Reseting a disarmed trap at the ground should be already part of his kit.

    Hag: Sounds good, maybe not necessary maybe to less. I'm not really into hag because of her small size.

    Bubba: Loved this idea too sounds fun as hell to play against would and would make him even more adorable

    Doctor: I think they need remove the 110%movement speed makes his ability to shorten loops almost useless. Otherwise this sounds fun and put the focus more on his ability to apply negative status effects

    Myers: Maybe from Tier 2 to 3 but not for 1 rewards playing him in a poor way. You're supposed to sneak up on survs and get your power from them. But walking a bit faster while stalking would be fine. Only idea I figured out would be to make him faster in tier 1 one to get tier 2 faster but you can't attack at 1 anymore or grab. For that you need to use an mirror addon that removes the faster movement then. Lower corn to make him more viable on Coldwind maps

    Legion: A miss should let you lose 25% but not the whole thing frenzy should be faster too. But getting slower for every hit you applied. so it wouldn't get too easy just hitting always every one. That would make him unfun to face again.

    Mommy: 115% is too much with the hatchet and broken with faster movement speed while charging the throw but would love a faster movement speed while charging up. Remove TR and only give her the Lullaby also make the Lullaby apply the effect on TR perks.

    Peppa Pig: Only okay if the timer stops.I like your other ideas sound good, maybe she needs a bit more then that to compete. Not sure

    Mr. Chase: I think the effect is spreading further when the bootle get thrown into a tree but could be wrong. I think the effect should stay at it is clown is fine imo most people just not that good with him.

    Vommy Mommy: Besides the TR change that sounds intressting but not sure if it could be a bit frustrating in mid and low rank. Worth the try

    Bing Bong Boy: He also needs back the 1.5 second sprintburst but don't remove the movement speed penalty, also he an attack quicker now already

    Spoopy Bae: She is love

    Sweater: Hope the rework makes him viable. I always enjoy playing him already

    Billy: I would like to try to reduce billy's movement speed to 110% and see how it goes. Of course he would get the 24 meter TR. But your idea sounds good too just not sure if it really would have an effect without making the stun like 4 seconds or even longer

    Sally: Would also love to see these changes get tested but making her movement speed faster would remove what is unique about her

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I enjoy these, they are not OP as well

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    - Trapper: The problem with this guy right now is that It takes too much time to go around the map and get and place all traps. Maybe you are right bout the number of traps, I just thought he should have more than Hag because his traps can be easily disarmed.

    - Doctor: Yes, I forgot to talk about his reduced ms while in Treatment Mode, thanks for pointing that :)

    - Myers: I feel like he is great where he is now but he just needs that extra push to be viable at rank 1.

    - Billy: The problem with this killer is that he is like any other killer if you stay near a loop, which in most cases takes away his ability to down people. I dont think 110ms is really needed with him but if we need to sacrifice him so that the game can be balanced around those "new objectives" I would understand it.

    - Nurse: I just talked about buffing her normal ms because maybe she would be a little underpowered without her ability to negate pallets and a 96%ms but that's just me, it would need testing for sure.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    edited May 2019


    The objective of the post is to make killers viable at rank 1, not broken. With the idea of buffing and nerfing different killers every 1-2 months we would see a lot more variety at rank 1 and newbies wouldnt have to face a full cast of "broken killers".

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Damn I had a post just like this lol here’s my ideas. I really like yours. I limited myself to only about one change for each (not named legion).

    1. Trapper- Traps that have been on the ground for a certain amount of time will be added to your trap count (unless you already have maximum capacity). Timer resets after each one.
    2. Wraith- Slightly faster while cloaked in base kit. 
    3. Billy- Iridescent add ons that include, ‘Ability to continue chainsaw through dropped pallets without stoppage.’ (Love this idea. It’s not mine). And, ‘Ability to almost instantly recover from stun when crashing into objects.’
    4. Nurse- Rework ‘extra blink’ add ons into something different and make the ‘increased distance’ blinks add ons actually hurt your accuracy along with not making them stackable.
    5. Myers- No terror radius for the first 20 seconds in each tier.
    6. Hag- Regular lunge when teleporting.
    7. Doctor- Be able to almost immediately swing after shocking a survivor. 
    8. Huntress- Iridescent Head add on now let’s you begin the trial with 2 hatchets. Slightly increases time to get hatchets and not stackable with belt add ons.
    9. Leatherface- Slightly faster during chainsaw rev. 
    10. Freddy- BEING REWORKED.
    11. Pig- Ambush no longer alerts you before the fact and is slightly faster (both while crouched and ambushing).
    12. Clown- Slightly faster recover in between bottle throws.
    13. Spirit- Slightly increase power speed in base. Adjust add ons.
    14. Legion (I’m cheating here) - Tremendously increase power speed, power duration. 15 seconds to mend. Mending now fully heals survivor. Make franks mix tape base kit (3 hits to down). Miss while in feral frenzy depletion stays. Rework add ons. Survivor who loses a Legion or forces a legion to miss while in chase, gains endurance for 15 seconds. No scratch marks and blood in feral frenzy stays. Increased smear/disorientation during turns while in feral frenzy (Harder to see survivors while vaulting and in general essentially.) 
    15. Plague- Has normal speed in vile .

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    Billy & Nurse shouldn't be touched... Period

  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    @tt_ivi_99 that's why I would let the Trapper start with all his traps alreay armed would give him the chance to only reset a few at the beginning and applying pressure earlier

    I also don't think that is needed but it would put Billy in the category he belongs too. Spirit and Hag have 110% because of there mobility and in fact so should Billy if u want to balance on the same level

  • undeadmauler
    undeadmauler Member Posts: 78

    Billy and nurse have 0 downsides and are arguably the easiest to play, I havnt lost a game as nurse and only played her 4 times, all in rank 1. They need balance but because people intentionally potato when it comes to showing "how much skill you need to play them" bs they're too easy with so little counter play especially nurse. "Hurr duee just double back" sure that doesnt work when I look down and blink right on you.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    Billy and Nurse actually take skill if you want to use them at their max potential.


    If you read what I wrote before writing the Nurse/Billy changes you'll see why I wrote them.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    These changes are pretty nice.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Entitled survivor main intensifies

    Nurse and hillbilly take alot of skill

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    - Trapper: Lets say you trap a specific loop and nobody goes there until the last moment, you now need the trap but you dont have it. I feel like that change would hurt him.

    - Wraith: He already has 125ms or something like that when cloaked.

    - Billy: I love Billy but those add-ons would make him God tier 😂

    - Legion: 15 seconds to mend would be too much. I get that people dont heal against this guy but that problem needs to be adressed by adding an individual repearing speed penalty while injured imo. Fully healing a survivor would kill his power. That Frank's Mixtape change you've mentioned was tested on a previous PTB and was so broken 😂. I dont think a survivor should be able to gain endurance other than with BT but that's just me.

    I agree with all the other changes :)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Wraith main, so i'll just be addressing that.

    Standard Shadow Dance - "White" sounds neat and it'll save multiple seconds per trial in total, but it won't do much where he lacks, which is the chase, unless you combine it with "The Serpent" - Soot.

    Faster uncloak is always neat, i guess.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    Yh, I actually thought about making "The Serpent" - Base kit but I've been using that add-on with Shadow Dance "Blood" and it's crazy strong so I felt like having just Shadow Dance "White" would buff him in a fair way.

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504
    edited May 2019

    I agree with all of these balance changes! Very good ideas!

    Perhaps add a difficult skill check to disarming traps that would injure the Survivor if messed up? Trapper is in a really rough place lol

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    @tt_ivi_99 Oh for trapper, I meant for traps that aren’t set. So let’s say after like 20 seconds and as long and you have room for traps, you gain a trap after those 20 seconds. It resets, so you then wait another 20 seconds.

    I prefer your idea for Wraith.

    The billy one could use a negative effect lol.

    Legion one has the longer mend for the healing. With mending stopping within the terror radius, it serves its purpose for a time waster, while survivors don’t have to be annoyed about healing. 12 seconds might be better. The Franks would be compensating for the disorientation, miss in frenzy and endurance. But it’s been just an idea.

    Another one I had for Legion was for survivors being able to mend while moving (maybe only being able to when a certain point on the mend). Franks remains? Or maybe not? That way survivors have a counter, Legion remains fun (yet more challenging the new original) and he COULD be balanced. The significant speed, duration, disorientation, miss in frenzy stays. Endurance scrapped. Mending takes 8 seconds when not moving. Mending takes 15/20 seconds while moving? Eh just throwing out ideas.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    You mean Trapper starts with ten traps? And what's the Wraith's add on again?

    I don't know about the Trapper one and I don't think Nurse needs to be nerfed that hard, but the rest sound fine.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615
    edited May 2019

    Wraith's Add-on that's mentioned is the weaker one of the 2 Add-ons that increase the speed at which you vault, break Pallets and kick Generators.

  • undeadmauler
    undeadmauler Member Posts: 78

    actually killer main, trapper main then old legion main(didnt exploit or cheese) and now new wraith and trapper main. 4headfengmin i know what im talking about when it comes to bs cheap lowskipp gap high skill cap killers aka billy/nurse

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    Oh. I think he needs more than that for Rank 1, but it's a start.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463



    Maybe take away his reduced ms while uncloaking? That would make him very strong.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    Yh, it would be nice to add skill checks because right now he's the only killer that can get his power destroyed by survivors :/

    I'll edit the post and add that and some other ideas.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Mmm, i don't play Trapper a lot, so don't feel bad if you feel like this is bad, but reading @T0xicTyler 's comment made me think of something...

    When trapped in a Bear Trap, instead of repeatedly trying to escape, would it be better if...

    • You have to hold the Escape button until you get out
    • Holding it doesn't fill up the interaction bar at all
    • While you hold it, you will be faced with a tremendously difficult Skill Check
    • Hitting it fills up the interaction bar by 1/3rd
    • Hitting 3 makes you escape
    • Failing one removes 1/3rd of the progress

    The Add-ons would need reworks (again), but you can get ones like: "Increases the amount of Skill Checks needed".

    Idk, just thought of it.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Then maybe make them considerably harder instead, and replace one of those "reduce chance to escape effects" with "increase Skill Check difficulty".

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    That's actually a good idea, Im tired of survivors escaping from my traps at their first try when I have the add-ons that decrease the escape probability...

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Also, i've seen the idea fly around multiple times here to not allow someone to escape first try from an Reverse Bear Trap.

    Maybe do that to Bear Traps?

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    I stand by what I said. Billy & Nurse shouldn't be touched. They are the only true viable killers without add on.

  • BlackReaper
    BlackReaper Member Posts: 134

    Im a competitive and hardcore player and i really want a good ranking system and all killer viable at rank 1.

    Just one thing, always try to put them a down side to counter or they will be annoying and less skilled to play with and against. Otherwise everything is fine and i want buffs.

    im a survivor main

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    That's the main reason why everyone complained about Legion but they went too far with the downsides.

    I feel like my ideas still leave room for counters but the power doesnt limit the killer as much.

  • Shaderz
    Shaderz Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2019

    Devs: Suggestion to make killers more balanced? Denied. Next.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Hag: nope dont change her shes ok now the only problem its her tp needs to have a change make it that you dont attack while shes tp

    Trapper: nope he only needs its to replace the trap again without picking it up

    Legion : HELL NAH

    plague: yeah it could work

    Clown: sure

    Huntress: no she needs a nerf for example trowing a hatchet she can hit directly she needs slow movement on hiting someone with hatchets but also her hitbox with hatchets needs to be reduce

    Wraith: no just now

    Pig: nice try but no

    Billy and nurse soon will get a nerf i can sense it but also they confirmed that they are doing a full rework addons on them

  • Quake
    Quake Member Posts: 230

    I am 60/40 killer and i read till doctor.I'm sorry but these changes u proposed are biased AF.Also they are ridiculous.This is not balance this is broken beyond imagining.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    They are meant to be Billy Tier, which is the only viable tier at rank 1. If you read the whole thing you'll see how these changes wouldnt affect newbies that much and we could also ser variety at red ranks.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I like these changes a lot. Nice job. The only things I'd add is decrease the charge time of Doctor's shock therapy, make him faster in treatment mode, and make the switch between modes quicker. Maybe decrease the shock delay.