How Awesome is Wraith

Why did nobody tell me how freakin' awesome the Wraith can be because omg, Wraith, Wraith omg.
Love it, so many ridiculously powerful mods, so many nuances of strategy to use. I absolutely LOVE jump scares with this Killer.
Here are my fav mod combos in no particular order (there's always something to run)
- WARP 10 Loop Breaker: [ "Windstorm" - Mud ] + [ "Windstorm" - White ]
- Speedy Jump Scare: [ "Swift Hunt" - Mud ] + [ "Swift Hunt" - White ] or [ "Swift Hunt" - Blood ]
- Post Jump Scare Speedy Chase Re-Entry: [ "Blink" - White ] + [ "Blink" - Mud ]
- Pallet Bane: [ "Shadow Dance" - Blood ] + [ "Shadow Dance" - White ]
- BBQC Without Needing To Hook: [ "All Seeing" - Spirit ] + [ "All Seeing" - Blood ]
- Ultimate Jump Scare: Preferably [ Coxcombed Clapper ] <--basically that + anything else and your good. Or [ Bone Clapper ] Is still pretty good.
The only add on's that aren't totally amazing are a couple in the Brown ranks. But still relevant .
Good stuff.
Yeah i agree, the addons for the Wraith feel absolutly unique and allow for many different playstyles.
Would be cool if this could be somehow adapted for other killers and their addons.
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Once you find 4 survivors who are not absolute potatoes you will see how trash he is. He is very fun to play tho. If you like Wraith so much try nurses and sloppy on him. Vs potatoes you can just chase, whatever but against semi smart you hit someone and break the chase if they are in strong loop position. Wraith relies on surprise factor otherwise he is useless. Of course even in 4 man swf there is usually weak link that you can snowball from, but overall his power isn't very usefull.
Also try m&a nurses Hag using same technique. Quite strong and fun. She corners people well
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Sorry that i didn't inform you, cause i have the same opinion. 😋
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I've just discovered [ Bone Clapper ] + [ "The Ghost" - Soot ] So OP lol I almost feel bad.
I'm starting to feel like I've left my Survivor days behind me.
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Use the rancor build where you follow the obsession around cloaked fun for everyone.
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@HazeHound I kinda suck with wraith because the only real strats I have for him are blocking things and running spirit fury. I see a lot of wraiths using sloppy butcher but I don't see the point in it, even as a survivor I and teammates don't see Wraith as a real threat to heal against most of the time and we can usually heal after he's downed someone. Also committing to chases as wraith is really hard but it's a must. You cant just chase someone, hit them, then biing bong and go silent for a long time because then everyone knows you gave up and they're prepared to hide. He's always being bullied and the only time I died to a wraith was when I made a potato or got farmed, he's normally just a "Tch, eyeroll , oh it's a Wraith" kind of killer till it looks like he's holding a purple or red add on and can mindgame/block paths/ with skill. Even worse if he can do all that and has a map that makes sneaking up on people easier but usually you can hear how close he is like with spirit. I'm not that dedicated with wraith to just throw bp into purple and red add ons just to play him decently so, I only use him with dailies until I get other ideas or good advice.
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Nurses Calling | Thanatophobia | BBQC / Discordance works for me. Hell I know it's cheap ass OP meta but you gotta do what you gotta do right?
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Glad you joined the club :)
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Sloppy butcher makes healing take longer. With invisibility and nurses you find people easly. It also slows the game down just a little bit.
As i said, you don't want to chase skilled survivors in good loops, that's not what Wraith is for. They will just waste to much of your time.
But as long as it works for you and you are having fun go for it man.
Edit: Thanathophobia is really ######### perk, use make your choice or brutal strenght.
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omg the amount of face I'm wrecking on Wraith is just criminal. I mean I'm not even remotely a great Killer but Wraith just feels so natural I barely even have to think. Sadly it also feels like I don't really have to work for my hooks unlike with other Killers.
Does anybody else have this experience with Wraith? I never see "OMG Wraith OP" threads about is all which is weird because the way things are for me I'd expect it to be gor most Killers. Maybe it's just I've found a niche way of playing Wraith few have thought of playing in?
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for "ultimate jumpscare" i recommend you using Coxcombed Clapper + The Ghost (brown add on). they dont hear the bell and also cant hear the terror radius for 6 seconds after uncloaking. do that behind a corner and dash towards them, they will ######### their pants xD
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This combination can even allow for Generator grabs.
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thats why i love to run it >:3
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Wraith is still a low teir killer and add on dependent to make him viable, but currently wraith got 2 mini buffs from the mid chapter which is u can attack without putting the bell away first and you can close the hatch while clocked. But with add ons, wraith is amazing. Wraith was my first killer and I basically played him all the time (as it was fun and some what challenging) until I got my hands on spirit, and myers. Now I play all three killers equally and I main all three.
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Wraith is awesome!
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I was a wraith main before the legion change and I can safely say he is not add on dependant.
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@TreemanXD Add on's make for good training wheels and I mean it's fun to a point but after a while it just starts to feel a little cheap so I'm going add on naked for a while.
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@SlinkyJinky I agree. Before I P1ed my Wraith I’d go in without add ons and get bp with my bbqc.
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I usually get one or two surprises before they disconnect. Love running that combo, but i hate feeling like its wasted when everyone DCs to avoid it.
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I'm a wraith main as well, but what I meant that he's add on dependent is that with add ons, he becomes a mid tier killer, but no higher. You can do well without add ons, but currently wraith needs add ons to make his stealth more useful (such as breaking pallets, gens, better movement speed, etc..).
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+1 Basically this. He's very fun until you run against some decent survivors that aren't potatoes and you get totally demolished.
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That's my issue with him as well. Their rework of him basically just improved his addons so that they are really good, but at base he's still quite weak. I wish we'd reduce the addon dependency of a lot of killers, wraith included.
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I had rank 5 Wraith chasing me around all map, I didn't even used pallets, he was just trying to bodyblock me and Bamboozle vaults. I'm total potato in chases as surv, so to say, and he didnt even hook me once. I dont know, maybe there are some good Wraiths somewhere, but so far every Wraith I saw was pretty powerless if he doesnt run silent bell.