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Either I don't see something or Legion's new "Pin" add-ons are useless and badly designed

Member Posts: 477

Wasting a hit (that's what hitting a survivor with feral frenzy with deep wounds already on them is, lets be honest)to get blindess/mangled/broken WOULD be nice, but it'll most likely be almost gone by the time they mend themselves... Not to say, these afflictions don't benefit the chase at all, even despite the short timer, the ideal way to use them would seem to be stabbing someone twice and going for someone else, leaving said someone with numerous afflictions, but wait ! You can't reliably go for someone else because your power is cancelled and reset completely. These add-ons seem very counter intuitive and just clunky as hell.

I thought taht making it so the 60 seconds starts only after the survivor has mended themselves would be a nice change, but after giving it a second thought, not really it'd still be reseting your power to leave someone, you're still losing a ton of momentum ... But then again, I may just not understand things correctly, so if someone has found a way to get any reliable usage out of them, I'd like to hear it.

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  • Member Posts: 504

    They should increase the timer on them and give the affliction on first hit. The addons are outclassed by Hex: Third Seal or Sloppy Butcher which is crazy.

  • Member Posts: 13,681

    To expect people to run those addons and Feral Frenzy hit someone a second time just to apply the affect and give them a speed boost is just laughable. Like really?

    Yeah those addons are poorly thought out.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    Those add-ons hurt Legion more than they help. You essentially have to waste your power to use them.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    The pin addons are good ideas implemented poorly. Legion is punished for frenzy attacking the same target twice. You take a stun, lose all remaining power, and no longer can you affect the deep wounds timer. You can realistically waste a full minute of time messing around with the pin addons.

    Being broken doesn't matter for legion as people already don't heal against legion. Blindness and Mangled for 30secs isn't really a plus as legion players tend to run sloppy butcher and if you wanted blindness on hit then you can just run third seal which gives it to you on the first hit.

    On hit Legion would be a great idea, but they've gated off behind attacking someone twice with frenzy after they have made it highly inefficient.

  • Member Posts: 60

    I think it would be way more reasonable if the effects applied to every survivor hit in a feral frenzy "combo" except for the first one.

    what I mean is:

    -Hitting the first survivor in feral frenzy recharges your power and triggers killer instinct.

    -Hitting the second/third/fourth before FF runs out applies the add-ons effect on said survivor.

    This would encurage you to apply deep wounds to multiple survivors, which is how the Legion is supposed to be played for the devs.

    What do you think, @Peanits @not_Queen ?

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    Funnily enough, the old pin addons would work better with current Legion since they restricted FF use.

    About the current pins tho, the whole idea behind it is cool, it's just badly made and goes against how you are supposed to play Legion, and again, funnily enough, it would work better with old Legion as well since you could damage DW with FF.

    This whole Legion change is very weird, like random ideas put together by different people who never discussed about it together.

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    I gave suggestions to how to negate the poor design and make Legion more effective with the pins, but my voice hasn't been heard. So I'm just kinda here. With somewhat good ideas. Rotting.

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    @Plu It's almost like Behavior is too afraid to actual give Legion power, now when he has been borderline gutted following all the negativity.

  • Member Posts: 261

    Wait so the addons don’t work on the first hit?

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    @shadowman0105 No. Because everyone hates Legion.

    Sad sad life we live in.

  • Member Posts: 261

    @Shad03 I’m hoping it’s a bug. Hopefully

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    @shadowman0105 I was like you once.

    May 7th happened.

  • Member Posts: 2,213
    edited May 2019


    Nope. Not a bug.

    Defaced Smiley Pin: Added a 60 second Mangled status effect when Feral Frenzy hitting a Survivor with Deep Wound.

    Smiley Face Pin: Added a 60 second Blindness status effect when Feral Frenzy hitting a Survivor with Deep Wound.

    The Legion Pin: Added a 60 second Broken status effect when Feral Frenzy hitting a Survivor with Deep Wound.

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