Massive fps improvement with new patch.

I've played with ######### pcs all my life, so i'm used to not having good fps, even on the lowest graphics. In recent patches, my frames have been getting even worse, sometimes dropping to 12fps. But today I loaded into Lery's and had 50-40 fps, it was so smooth it felt like my mouse sensitivity was off. Got another game in on an outdoor map and I had a constant 25-30fps, still really good for me.
I just wanna say thanks for whatever you did devs. I was worried I might have to stop playing if the frames kept getting worse and worse, but with this patch I can play smoother than ever before. Has anyone else had a significant improvement like this?
Mine used to be 140 FPS, now they're 70 FPS. I'm installing the update tomorrow and I'll tell you what it's like.
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Last patch for consoles the FPS update was AMAZING! Haven't played yet but I'm hoping it stays good or better as on console it was terrible but the SWF laughs made it worth playing 😎👍
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It is better, at least on Ps4 :)
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PS4, frames are sexy as all hell!
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Yes, I thought I was crazy for thinking everything looked smooth, it wasn't fuzzy and played so nice. Glad to see some console improvements.
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The frames on PS4 are amazing now, everything is so crisp and smooth!
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Woah you weren't kidding, it's all so smooth on PC. My FPS has doubled back to 140.
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psst. hey buddy. i can get your in game resolution to -120% boosting your fps by a nice amount. just make sure no one's following u and you'll have your game like mine in no time
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Yes please I want 900fps
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Now with smoother fps on PS4 my Huntress will be even better. Hahahahahaha!!!!
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my computer is still really bad so like 20-25 on most maps. the game and lerys is like 30-50
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My fps now always drops in the basement for some reason
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I still get random drops depending on the maps, especially some spots in some maps.
Also audio is as wonky as ever.
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No improvement for me. Must be my old crappy PC.
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The game is now playable when using my GPD Win 2. Survivor runs great, though killer still needs some work. But the fact I'm able to play DbD on the go is insane. Mabye the Switch port won't be a disaster after all?
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X1X Player and this new update has made a drastic improvement to the games frame rate, if I had to guess I'd say survivor is 60fps and killer around 50fps based of other games that I know run at 60fps such as Overwatch.
Amazing job, now if they can just add mouse support it would be ideal considering keyboard support is allready in the game on console.
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Cant say I noticed any difference last night on base PS4. Did notice game is quite dark these days though...