Ghost Face makes Michael obsolete.
With the power Ghostface is going to bring to the table, iv'e been thinking about where that would put Michael on my roster. Sure Michael is one of the most EPIC killers in the game, everyone loves him to play as and against, and he's a decent killer as well. He has the ability to down multiple survivors within a short amount of time at anytime when the player in question seems fit to do so, is one of the few killers with an extremely small terror radius and even more so with perks and add-ons. So you may be thinking, how does this make Michael obsolete when compared with Ghostface.
Well for one Ghostface is a hybrid of both Michael and Pig, he has the stalk ability and can use that whilst peeking around corners (Which all in all should already be in Michaels base kit) and can also crouch around like the pig does with 0 terror radius.
He also has the ability to give an individual survivor the exposed status effect when stalking them, however he cannot down multiple people at once like Michael can, but that is all we know for now.
So why do i think this makes Michael obsolete in a way? well
Ghost face: Pros compared to Michael
+Can crouch.
+Can lean around corners to fill the stalk gauge, making him less conspicuous.
+Has instant down in base kit.
+Will most likely have 115% movement speed right off the get go.
+Does not need to stalk to *Tier* up to gain increased movement speed, longer lunge etc.
+ Will probably be as tall as the legion and will not stand out so much as the Towering Michael Myers.
Ghost face: Cons compared to Michael
Can only expose 1 survivor at a time.
Does not get an increased lunge and faster Vault speed unlike Michael (We will have to see).
In general Ghost face is going to make Myers obsolete, he's just a better killer than Michael save for the bonuses Michael gets in Evil within 3 and that he can down multiple survivors at once instead of one.
Does this mean i will switch over to play Ghost face when he is released? Pffft NO!
Michael has always had a certain charm about him, and i will not be giving him up because an upgraded better version of him will exist later on down the line, However since we know Ghost face is coming and we know his power, I plea to the Developers over at BHVR. Mathieu please, give the shape the ability to lean around corners and it will make him more viable.
I mean it only makes sense doesn't it? 2 Killers that stalk survivors and only 1 knows how to peek around a corner without alerting everyone to his presence? sounds rather unfair if you ask me.
Jeez, his power isnt even live yet, i wouldnt make asumptions so quickly
I really doubt he will make any killer obsolete, it would be a fatal mistake of the devs to make a better version of other character
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Well it's Very likely that Ghost face will be able to lean around corners to stalk people. As a Myers main i believe this should already be in Michaels base kit, and if they don't give Michael the ability to do that when Ghost face is released then in my mind, it will most certainly make Michael obsolete.
And the devs have already made the fatal mistake of making a killer obsolete. They released Leatherface when there was already HillBilly.
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Wow talk about jumping the gun
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we all know how power descriptions are... vague and powers change they are most likely not in the final build of the power.
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*breathes in slow* BOI
It's way too early we don't even know how this power will work in game (addons etc). Plus, I doubt he'd remain too powerful given the recent... trends. I can also stalk just fine with towering Mikey, it's not true to his character to crouch and peek like it would be to ghostface. Plus if you play pig crouch can be a bit of a detriment and cause you to miss things you should have seen (i.e. corn/grass vision)
I'm honestly looking forward to alternating between both when it comes out if all goes well. I think they'll be different enough to keep me interested.
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I honestly find it kinda like comparing the Hillbilly and the Cannibal, we love and hate them for different reasons and still play as and against both of them all the same.
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Paulie Esther showcased Ghost's add-ons today and guess what one of them does...increase crouch movement speed.
Is Pig going to see this?
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I'd say, let's wait and see
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I hope hes actually fast in crouch mode otherwise him and myers are basically the same killer.
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Yeah I doubt he'll officially replace Myers...
Couple of things I gleaned from watching Paulie Esther's video on the add-ons.
1) The Stealth is not a mechanic that is permenant as long as you have it active. It has a duration and that duration is lessened if there is a survivor within a certain range, called The Spotter, who have their camera aimed at you. Once depleted the Stealth needs to recharge before being used again.
2) More then likely there will be no accumulative stalking effect. Judging by the frequent usage of the term "The Mark" I'd say it's fair to assume that either you can only stalk one survivor at a time or that each survivor will have their own personal stalk gauge that the killer can keep track of it via a UI near the Survivor's name in the left hand corner of the screen.
3) One benefit of the stealth though is that you can perform basic attacks while Stealthed. As such you have what amounts to a toggle E1 Myers without the aura sense.
4) Lastly, going by the images that King uploaded in a video, Ghost might actually have a quasi sprinting mechanic when chasing "The Mark," but that is hypothetical and probably not the case.
There's a lot to love about Ghostface and I'm sure a lot of what I suspect to be how he works is going to be changed, but outright replace Myers? Oh definitely not.
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There is way to small ammount of info so far to make any asumptions. Stalk range, instadown timer, movement speeds, stalk time. As for now he can be anything from useless to op.
Myers is good because tier 3 means everyone is afraid, you can just smash entire team. With GhostFace survivors can just bodyblock for each other making him only waste time using his power. As i said, not enough info to draw any conclusions.
Btw: Pig nerf and removal of Legion are just sad.
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Sounds like GF will bring some thrill and tension to the game. Seeing Myers peeking at me around a corner would be a hilarious.
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From what I have gathered it looks like Michael can Be get everyone down in a short time( like leatherface)
and ghost face is More focused on one at a time and get one down at a time(like hillbilly)
Two chainsaws killers
Two stealth killers
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The power exposes only one survivor at a time, the whole point of it is to get as close as possible, stalk without being noticed, and down the survivor before the short timer runs out
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I still say its a wait and see game. But probally will be funner micheal. Just like spirit is funner versiom of wraith.
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I don’t see how Spirit is ANYTHING like Wraith besides the fact that they can both go invisible at certain points. Spirit is more like Nurse than Wraith to me.
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As a Wraith quasi-main I agree
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He's a sledgehammer-nerfed Myers, a pile of garbage. The Shape is still gonna be the superior stealth killer.
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I don't think so. You can only expose 1 person at a time, so the amount of pressure you have vs michael myers is way different. Exposing 4 people at once forces survivors to play selfishly, every man for themselves. Exposing 1 person is no different than the plague and her goofy sickness stunt. Except people wont see you coming. Great for isolating 1 target, but the rest of the team will likely play altruistically since all you did was cut your chase time down, you didn't multiply your threat like michael myers would.
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Thats a cool idea and all but the problem with non invisible stealth killers is the same. You're in first person, the survivors are in 3rd person.
Now don't get me wrong, I've pulled off some amazing jump scares as pig, but in no way are those jumps a gimme. People will see you coming, and hear you coming. Thats one of the reasons why crouching as a pig around the map is a lost cause. Even if you get close enough to someone to get a good range on them, THEY WILL HEAR YOU before you even jump them. And if they don't hear your breath, they hear a giant ######### tiger sound (cause that makes sense, I totally remember tiger sounds in the SAW movies.....)
Hes going to have the same issues as pig does when trying to creep on people, only problem is he doesn't seem to have a lunge to deal with the fact that he's not sneaky in the slightest. And will likely have some sort of goofy ass breathing that gives him away.
And in larger maps, if you can't aura track survivors to actually break their line of sight and get a good position on a jump're not gonna get them.....
So unless this mother ######### has GOD TIER aura reading none of this bullshit crouching is gonna do anything.
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He’s gonna be awesome! His power works different and adds a new gameplay style.
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Michael will probably still be more efficient due to the fact that he can 99% at tier 2 and just walk up on you then hit tier 3 at lunge range
Still, i'd like another stealth killer to be top tier, Spirit's all we got so far
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What we've seen of Ghostface is very unfinished. Wait a month and a half for the PTB before you pass judgment.
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Slightly off topic but can I just toot my own horn for a moment on how close I guessed almost all of Ghostface's machinations strictly based on the wording of his add-ons. To quote MCote, "I think I did a pretty good job." Lol...