Nerf mettle of man, it's getting ridicoulous playing SOME killers at rank 1

The gens go way too fast, sometimes even playing with ruin isn't enough. Then after some hooks, even if the chases are short, i have to deal with 3-4 mom at games.. sometimes you are costricted to tunnel, just to get 1 suvivors away from the game, especially if they genrush... i don't blame guys who uses mom, i blame the devs for not adding secondary objective, but still another crutch perk for survivors.. don't tell me git gud, because with also some other killers i consistently get 3-4k ...also it's not a killer weakness, the chases are short, but if i have to down a survivors 3 times it buys them a lot of time to genrush...especially for the crucial part of the game..i really hope with the next chapter they will add a good killer perks, because the game was reaching a pretty good balance, but then mom happened... i play both survivor and killers anyway...



  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Delfador Isn't there quite a few people who got Ash 'cause they like Ash, though? I'm pretty sure the perk being adjusted or balanced wouldn't have affected that.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    edited May 2019


    You also get free OoO, let's be honest here, nobody uses that perk to check the killer's location, It is used to make the killer chase you.

    With OoO, you know where the killer's coming from. You know what the killer's doing. It isn't just to get people to chase you, but to watch the killer, too. To see what they're doing and to get a lead if they do decide to come for you so you can loop more before you have to throw a pallet.

    Honestly it should be from the moment you get smacked, not when you heal. Or it lasts for the rest of the match. I would say I agree with people saying to get rid of the SB or at the very least give a BT affect so they have to waste time due to their free get away.

  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    No no no MoM is 1 extra hit when the survivors lose to the killers if let's say you lose all the stacks when you get hook yes then it will be what you say but right now is 1 hit for nothing.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    It's a good thing I stopped playing to the point of Reaching Rank 1 every season!

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    First think of why survivors are doing gen rush why well i will tell most of the killers that all the time complain about it its SURVIVOR MAIN OBJECTIVE there no other objective to do if you have problems with gen rush get ruin if you have even more oroblens with gen rush get thanatophobia if you think that MoM its op then leave the survivor on 2nd phase on hook or use chainsaw on him or use myers tier 3 on him ez and simple

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    I SUSPECT it doesn't for the same reason they completely changed Tinkerer.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    for the genrush things, as i said i don't blame survivors, is their only objective, but if some games last 5-6 min, and chases are prolonged with mom, i lose no matter what i do. And no, it's not about winning every game, is about not losing every game with MANY killers.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Yeah sorry when someone points out and brags they consistently get 3K to 4Ks... then how are we supposed to take it?

    Cause you don't find it fun?.... How so?.. Cause it ruined your rhythm?

    I want to be hey.. yeah.. MOM sounds like it would be nasty if all 4 survivors took it in a match.. but then you see the I get 3K and 4Ks consistently... and I'm supposed to jump on your side?

    The act of chasing isn't fun?... What really makes it unfun?

    What is it then you considered balanced when you consistently get 3K or 4Ks?... Where is the balance then?... Where you consistently get 4Ks every match?

    You've lost me.. I play survivor allot and I've been getting into killer allot more over the last year... but I don't understand the reasoning so far in this post.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    @TheBean you know why? becuse most of the time the argument they put is ''git gud'' boy. SO i tell them i'm not bad, but i also win not because i'm amazing and better than survivors, just because there are some potatos also in rank 1.. is it more clear now? 2 kills is balance. WIth some killers getting 1 is hard right now with efficient team and survivors...unless i'm spirit or nurse.. now you can make up your mind. Mom is at same level the old ds was imho

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @lunaticlifter but even the Devs have stated not all killers are meant to be at the same level of "power".

    So if you choose a mid tier killer than aren't you expected to play more "tryhardy" in order to succeed?

    I don't see the argument of playing with a lower tier killer and expecting the results of using a higher tier killer.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    the argument here, is that Mom somehow breaks the game, if everyone run it, and i've seen too much 2-3 mom for game.. i know every killer is not meant to be at the same level of power, but it also ridicoulous that 3-4 killers are amazing and the others sucks even more now..that's my point.. Mom is fair only against Nurse for the lack of counterplay, but then? it's a broken perk.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    on pc i never seen nobody with MoM i dont know about console but pc never and im rank 4 neally 3

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    Who tf use MoM?

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @lunaticlifter Well the issue is playing in the high ranks then isn't it?

    To me... How I interpret what is being said, the issue is playing low rank killers at a higher rank and getting no where cause everyone in the high ranks most survivors run MOM... Maybe I'm wrong on how I interpret what you said.

    So the issue than is playing in the high ranks.

    As someone who plays in the low ranks.. I feel the freedom to choose whatever killer I want... I maybe see MOM once a match.. if that.

    I also enjoy the chases and hunting more than any other aspect of playing killer, so I don't mind seeing MOM.

    Don't get me wrong there are things that are unfun in this game which can overtime grind you down.. but I can't see your side of the argument in this case.


    Best thing to do.. is just not worry about rank and stop playing up in the upper ranks... They seem really pointless to play if you can only choose a couple of killers and then when you don't, you can't have fun playing.

    There is nothing stopping players from just not worrying about rank and choose to play in the lower ranks and have more fun... I choose that long ago and I'm extremely happy I did. The Devs made the upper ranks not enjoyable for casual playing.... Which is how it should be I guess?.. So if you aren't the tryharder and don't find that fun... the question becomes "why play in the upper ranks?"

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    @thebean the game should be enjoyable also at higher ranks for both side, if both side are playing at their best.. i don't find enjoyement playing with low ranks, surviving easily or kill everyone with no effort... If the game was longer, maybe a secondary objective or so, mom wouldn't be an issue, but the fact as killer you have no time..the game balance should be up to those who play the game at the best, not casual. i find fun at higher ranks, the problem is about the game health in general and especially for most of the killers, i don't mind playing billy, spirit, legion or myers, it's the lack of variety that kills the game.. it's easy to say derank, or just play those 2 killer, to ignore a problem behind the game in general and this perk. For me they did pretty well in this year, the solved many issues and they are into the right path, hatch standoff solved, fps improved, right survivors and killer nerf, they just ######### up with this perk.. adding spirit fury to counter infinite looping, nerf ds(wich is still good), and then they add mom..bruh no offense seriously if you think mom is fine i don't think you play both sides enough, and you didn't meet half team running the perk, combined with ds, dstrike, bt, adrenaline

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Sounds to me like you tunnel way to much and don't patrol gens properly. I'd suggest getting better at the game rather then complaining about a single perk. How about they finally do something about nurse?

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    I rarely see it in my killer games, like never.

    Not sure why, it's a strong perk.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    He said gens are getting done during a chase even through ruin, which tells me he was tunneling.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    I really think MoM is fine. They heal up after getting the perk, they are visible to you the rest of the way... I mean that's pretty balanced. And insta downs don't count as well.

    It's annoying, and clearly not as strong as the old DS. I think it's fine.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Pre-Patch DS was still worse.

  • NeaJovovich
    NeaJovovich Member Posts: 234


    I don't get why Killah Mainz think this game should be a cake-walk for them.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    I would say... You don't balance the game around the best players... Nor do you balance the game around those who can't play well. IMO.

    The game balance isn't dynamic. As you increase in rank the players become better, but the game stays the same.

    You make it easier for higher rank killers to take out higher rank survivors, you make it easier for lower rank killers to kill low rank survivors.

    Since many, I guess, don't play for rank and/or casuals, there is a wide range of skillsets in the lower ranks, ranging for those who can play the best, and those who are newish.

    How do you balance for that when you get a survivor who has played 100 hours and they get a killer player who has played the game over 2000 hours? However they are the same rank.

    How do you balance the reverse of that? 4 survivors playing a SWF in rank 14 with a combined total of 5000 hours being paired against a rank 14 killer who has 100 hours?

    So I don't see how you can present the argument that you can't do well in the upper ranks using say the Wraith, because of MOM, or have "fun". You are playing as one of the best correct? You can easily win if you took Billy and have fun.. but not with Wraith? because of MOM? However Wraith I don't believe is a top tier killer, so why should you do just as well as Billy?


    I understand where you are coming from because you want the freedom of playing whatever killer you want, and not have to deal with some BS that you wouldn't have to with another type of killer.. but I can't see your side of the argument because of the things you mention make me feel it contradicts the idea of being what is considered "the best" of players.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    Nah.. it is just people in the high rank are considered the Best of the Best.. so...

    If they are the best of the best, and they decide to play Wraith, and get mad cause 3 of the 4 survivors have MOM... ? Are they the Best then? How come you still can't have fun?... Is it only fun when you win?

    Why did they choose to play a low tier killer?

    The Devs have stated not all killers are meant to be as powerful as one another.

    It is basically, high rank players, playing high tier killers play the best, but once they play a low tier killer they get upset cause they can't play aswell as the high tier killer. Why should they?

    So are they then "the best" of the players? Is it a situation of... Coming to the understanding that maybe you aren't one of the best.. or not as good as you thought, and that is what drives the idea that MOM becomes a problem and is no longer fun?

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    @TheBean we are not playing some cod or fortnite, the skillcap in dbd is not that high especially as survivor, it's about winning the mindgame, or getting the loops in time, if you do correctly the killer will not catch you, unless nurse or spirt and maybe hag, just watch zubat gameplay, i know he got 5k hours and he is the best player, but is the perfect example why spirit fury exist, to cut that bullshit(but you can still counter it), and then we got MoM(no counter) . As many killer main say, they win not because they are amazing but because survivors makes mistakes. Zubat himself replied to my question, if he would play as survivor(4 zubat or call it 4 5k h streamers) against himself killer( 1 zubat or call it 1 5k h streamer), unless an omegablink nurse, him as survivor would win 100%. I respect your opinion, but i'm talking fact.. you should return to higher ranks to get different perspective. For me until mom they just needed to slow down a bit the gen progression or adding seconday objective, because ruin is never consistent, then everything in the game for me would be perfectly balanced. You balance the game for those who play efficient as it meant to be. I respect your opinion but i disagree

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    Let's be honest, the devs don't care about balancing, they're incompetent when it comes to balance. If the survivors aren't having fun, everything else needs a nerf since the majority of their player base play survivor. If the survivors are having fun then the the devs couldn't care less. Their understanding of balance is like a newborn baby's understanding of astrophysics.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    @Jplanas98 If that was true BBQCrutch and NOEDerp wouldn't exist.

    I mean I'm happy it does exist or my life as a Killer wouldn't be so easy but like MoM it too is a powerful perk that has a highly relevant utility but you don't see BBQCheasy mode or No One Escapes Derp being nerfed or removed.

    If we started doing that all we'd have left are perks like Head On and Spies From The Shadows which have little to no relevance if they ever work in the first place, hence why nobody complains about them as they don't have a direct and obvious impact like the above mentioned perks have.

    The only reason people complain about these powerful perks is again because they have direct impact on a highly relevant scale. Perks such as Alert however are incredibly powerful, one might say OP but nobody ever complains about them because the impact they have although is huge cannot be detected, pinned down and scrutinized like BBQCheddar / NoeDerp or MoM can.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    @Kanzaki Like BBQCrutch that has just 2 counters, MoM has 6 the Killer can deny the Survivor with:

    • M2 Killers
    • M1 Killers abusing the surprise attack bug
    • Don't let them earn their first MoM pip by letting them escape to mend for the first pip
    • Don't let them earn their second MoM pip by letting them escape to mend for the second pip
    • Don't let them earn their third MoM pip by letting them escape to mend for the third pip
    • Hit them twice with M1 without letting them escape to mend in-between (as mentioned above), hook them and don't let them get rescued

    Also @NoShinyPony As you can see, MoM has 4 more counters than BBQCheasy-mode has so as we have established MoM is more than counterable we won't be talking about perks that can't be countered because as far as I can recall, there are none.