Is gen rush stronger than ever after 2.7.0 ?

Since the patch I've getting gen rushed most of my games. In the past I always had this gen rush games where I basically had no time for anything but since the patch this has been very common.
Is this your experience ? Has anything changed to cause this ?
Part of the game. You exist as entertainment for survivors and nothing more. If you don't like it you can go play Civilization 5.
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#########!? why the aggression ? jeezz... leave your high throne and go get some air.
Have you even seen me complain about gen rush? I know it's part of the game. I've 3500hrs, I've gen rushed and been gen rushed hundreds of times. I was just wondering if anything changed since the patch to have made this more common. That's it!
My god... kids on the internet. Always so edgy... "go play civ 5" LUL #########... ridiculous.
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I think everyone should play the game as they want as long as it is withing the bonderings of what its permitted.
But again, that's is not my point :)
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And yet here you are. Attacking me. Why everyone feels the need to tell others how to feel or react ? Why don't you simply stay on topic? How an amazing world that would be.
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No there hasnt been any change to gen rush. Unless you count pigs nerf as a buff to gen rushing but that's kinda pushing it.
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That's not aggression. They are making a quasi quote from Cote-san. He once told someone who was playing killer that sent in a question to the stream to take a break for a while if you're not enjoying the game and go play something else. Cote actually recommended Civ 5.
The existing as entertainment for survivors is just sort of the general feeling going around as killer mains are actively seeing their feedback ignored.
Civ 5 is just one of the many meme answers in the dbd community. Along with "I think we did a pretty good job so far." or "EGC timer is 2 minutes but if someone is injured it is slowed by 50% which means it can last as long as 5 minutes.". The poor math one is new obviously.
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Thank you kind sir! First real answer to my original question. 1 in 4 replies. Not bad!
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Apply pressure and you'll notice that "gen rushing" vanish before your very eyes!
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Gen rush has been way less of a problem for me.
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Its hard to apply pressure with certain killers that are not Billy/Nurse with all the second chance perks that survivors have.
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I do it with legion.
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its so hard in this patch yeah.
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I did with Pig, Myers, Legion, Hell I can even do it with Freddy. Not every game is going to be a 4k my dude... It depends on each situation and the skill of each survivor.
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And the skill of the killer.
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I never said anything about a 4k. And i never said you couldn't. I said it was difficult.
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Has nothing to do with updates.
Has everything to do with the fact players just get better over time. It's getting to a point now where even the lowest tier survivors can gen rush rather well. Devs need to address it eventually, because there will be a point where nearly all survivors will be able to work through Ruin and do gens super fast.
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"Go play civilization V" is a phrase Mathieu Cote said during a stream that annoyed many players, he was saying that ironicallly to show the little regard some devs have for the current status of the game.
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@thesuicidefox Anyone can work through ruin. The worst that happens is you miss the Hex skill check and the gen takes a bit longer. I see your point though. I can at least semi consistently hit them now. I have my off games, but I'm still hitting more than I used to.
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No, genrush is fine. With surveillance or Discordance, it's easy to counter.
Just learn to make pressure.
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Dude I'm rank 1 and I can hit great skill checks. Against a survivor like me Ruin does literally NOTHING. Not to mention the fact I know where every totem spawn is on every map, I can do a gen in <80 seconds then find your Ruin in <30 seconds. God spot or not doesn't matter, I know where to look. And people complain about totem spawns, there is NOTHING the devs can do, because all I will do is memorize the new spots and check them as I run the map. The only maps where it's tough to find Ruin are Lery's and swamp, and even then it only delays me finding it by maybe 20 seconds.
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A lot of sweaty survivor mains came back playing, mainly cuz old Legion is gone. Therefore you will have a much harder time, I'm currently experiencing the same
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e are the killer-tainerw
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we are the killer-tainers.
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I understand that. But that's my point. I am mediocre at best and can work through it.
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one killer is incapable of keeping 4 mic'd up survivors off of 7 generators. they know this and that is why they act like they do. you can not afford to devote more than 15 seconds to a chase, nor can you afford to take the time to kick a gen. 9 out of 10 games on ps4 feature gen rush-mic squad. this is at rank 15. solo survivors and mic'd survivors should not be having the same experience.
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It's probably just happening more.
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It's just people catching on to the fact that if they are not actively being chased, going for a save, looking for a hex totem or anything else reasonably urgent they should be on a gen instead of doing... who knows, I guess crouching in a corner somewhere or crouching near a hook while the killer is camping or something? And more and more people are actually willing to just work through Ruin, and as a result become better at skillchecks.
It's like how actual OG infinites didn't become a big problem before people became experienced enough to realize they existed (things were fine when no one really knew what they were doing). With time people only refine their strategy. Just like stuff like Legion moonwalking became more and more known and complained about over time until it reached critical mass.
I guess run NOED until mercilessly hunting down dull totems becomes something everyone does as well. I still see people calling others useless for doing it so it's not like everyone has figured that one out yet.