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General Discussions

If Junk-tier killer perks were S, A, or B tier: A Personal Wishlist

Member Posts: 152
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Dead by daylight has a lot of junk perks. If the last round of statistics are anything to go by, perk variety is suffering greatly--Alarmingly so with the presence of must-have perks like ruin. This is especially problematic as dead by daylight's main strength is creating a lot of varied gameplay experiences to keep players interested.

Many perks have cool themes or concepts, but fall to wayside to more reliable perks that actually impede survivor generator progress, help with scouting, or help secure kills faster. Perks that have built in X-factors should be much more powerful as they help make the game interesting. So going by the Dennis Reep crowd-sourced perk tier list, I've taken many of the worst perceived killer perks and tweaked their concepts to help make them be competitive with what already exists in the meta. Think of this as a personal wishlist as there are infinitely many ways to tackle each concept balance-wise.

From worst-rated to moderately rated:

Map pressure potential with the ability to traverse large distances.

Synergy with Hex-heavy totem builds. Number of totems cleansed to eliminate red stain is 5/4/3.

One less generator out of the five to scout but it still needs to be defended. (edit: see comments for other versions of this perk)

Franklin's takes the wind out of the vanilla version of this perk. By using multiple effects, this perk can flexibly fit in multiple builds.

Anti-juking perk. EXCELLENT spirit perk.

Works against survivors who want to gen rush first and save after.

Scouting potential built-in with missed skill checks.

RIsk vs reward.

Vanilla unrelenting can be combined with this perk for a slight boost to viability.

Combine with agitation/iron grasp for an intimidating, but hilarious situation. Even if no hits are achieved, movement speed means that time is saved while hooking.

I'm unsure of the numbers here. By no longer allowing permanent basement camping, this concept in exchange can be used to surprise people at generators for a time investment. Or myers stalking antics.... (think of this as a buffed tinkerer perk effect)

Mutually exclusive alternative to ruin for non-hex builds. Slightly lengthens the game by forcing survivors to look around the map for partially completed generators. More consistent than a hex but less powerful. Total number of generators swaps is 5 / 6 / 7 times by doing the math. Note that NOED is still possible.

Confuses survivors about your directional location. A large heartbeat means that you could be anywhere within a ring of the survivor.

Burning those mist-thickening addons as a killer might finally have some use.

With exhaustion in addition to blindness, this hex is a force to be reckoned with. Note that you still have to catch them one time first.

Scouting potential with a unique theme. Very conditional requirements with a powerful effect.

Mad grit combo accessory against pallets. Seeing the wiggle meter allows the killer to make much better judgments about which hooks can be reached, and dropping survivors to chase someone else is less punishing.

This is the perk Freddy needs with an M1 playstyle that requires constantly switching targets. (P3 Freddy ftw) For a short duration, survivors can no longer wake themselves up immediately with self-care.

While situational, on wide open maps such as swamp or auto-haven, this perk can be very scary with certain killers who like to use downed survivors as bait.

Ever had a problem with survivors cleansing your totems while having to transport someone? Here's your solution.


When evaluating concepts, keep in mind that if a perk doesn't help scout, secure kills, protect assets, dictate the playing field, or assist in chases directly, then it doesn't offer any hope of competing with the current S-tiers that everyone uses. These concepts have been modified to offer a little in some of these categories. Would you see yourself using some these in place of ruin, BBQ, or as a niche for certain killers?

Post edited by Doomsaki on

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  • Member Posts: 2,552

    Holy ######### these perks look great and very interesting.

    If I know anything about BHVR though, none of this is going to happen. They want to play it safe by creating a meta and revolving around it.

  • Member Posts: 384

    Insidious would seem like a chase perk with this new rework, so it might go against the Ghost's new perk. Also, Distressing sounds a lot like Monitor and Abuse. Mad Grit does have some severe flaws as well since 40% faster wiggling speed means they get out in about 8 seconds and increased effects of survivors struggling would make Lery's painful. Territorial Imperative does seem to be promoting the wrong kind of mindset though, that being camping.

    The rest are nice, including Overwhelming Presence.

  • Member Posts: 607

    These are actually a very good perk ideas!

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I'm actually liking this list.

    Like @Delfador said, TI seems bad though.

    I think i'd even run Beast of Prey in my main build, which is something i thought i'd never say.

  • Member Posts: 3,144

    Some of these perks are pretty cool.

  • Member Posts: 230
    edited May 2019

    When a player makes better perks than the devs. Killers have the least selection of useful perks in the game atm versus survs who double if not almost triple that

  • Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2019

    My thought process was that it might be combined with the monstrous shrine basement perk to have a generator with 2 ways to access it. From this, 3-gen strats would be easier.

    But if you have any other ideas for how TI could be redone, I'm all ears for other suggestions. 😄

    Post edited by Doomsaki on
  • Member Posts: 651

    Theses are wild. I love it. Small adjustment are boring. Lets nuke the meta ! 😋

  • Member Posts: 152

    Updated with agitation and shadowborn.

  • Member Posts: 44
    edited May 2019

    A lot of great ideas that would be both powerful AND fun to use.

    Monstruous Shrine is my favorite, but I'm not sure it could be implemented because some maps don't support two basements and it would probably be too much work to add that second structure. Instead, I think the perk could keep the special basement shrine, but the second teleport point should change: maybe adding a marker to a far generator, maybe adding a "charm" to any hook (which would open the possibility of a direct interaction from the Survivor, as well as Saboteur and Breakdown counters), maybe straight up teleporting as long as you are at least X meters away from the basement shrine.

    Coulrophobia would be powerful and stressful. I like it, but RIP intermediate Survivors.

    Mad Grit would be a BEAUTIFUL dance of death! This change needs to be implemented.

    Shadowborn would be cool. A fog matters perk is definitely unique and interesting.

    Territorial Imperative would be powerful, but very unfair. I would like TI to cover a certain area around the basement stairs (for example 10-20 meters in all directions) instead, adjusting the cooldown and minimum distance if necessary. In case that is not strong enough, the perk could spawn a totem in the basement and make it the priority for hex activation.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited May 2019

    I appreciated that you liked the idea of my reworked "Unrelenting" on my killer's less useful perks thread. Thanks!

    Post edited by NurseMainBTW on
  • Member Posts: 1,164

    TI should just reveal any person's aura at all times. No cool down. No range.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Btw, are there any Perks that you do consider meh, but didn't put on here for whatever reason?

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    I like your idea for Monstrous Shrine. Lightborn is also interesting, but instead of needing to stand near a completed gen there should be a different trigger. Maybe you see all gen progress each time you put a survivor into dying state for X/Y/Z seconds.

    The rest are ehhh. Specifically regarding Shadowborn, this isn't possible. Unreal requires things to "cook" in the engine before being rendered. Changing fog levels mid-game I don't think is possible unless they rework how fog works universally which seems like a lot of work for very little gain.

  • Member Posts: 1,476

    I kinda wanna make a Survivor version of this now.

  • Member Posts: 152

    While brainstorming, I went through and made a list containing most perks, but I didn't bother to post every single one as I thought at the last moment that some were TOO radical and might be potentially broken/problematic.

    For example:



    I don't know, would survivors find this fun as well?

  • Member Posts: 13,616
  • Member Posts: 504

    These are some outstanding ideas! Great work +1

  • Member Posts: 152

    Updated with knockout + deerstalker.

  • Member Posts: 1,693

    Holy Cow, finally an entire list that seems 100% good! Just combine with some parts of old and add all of the new ones suggested and these perks will be really fun to use ^^

  • Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2019


    I don't know if I phrased it well, but currently the mist is modified by bottle offerings. I was thinking something along the lines of: the effects of 5 of these offerings are burned with this perk, but it renders less for the killer. Then each generator completed removes 1 bottle offering's worth of effect.

    I assumed it was particle effect. I don't know actually.

  • Member Posts: 152

    After brainstorming a bit more, do you folks think this might be better?

    Think of all the times that killer shack window caused you so much grief. Would you spend a perk slot to get rid of it?


    Added iron grasp to the list as well.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Much better i'd say.

    Honestly, i'd have to try it out to judge that one.

  • Member Posts: 152

    Making a list for survivors is a tricky beast.

    BHVR has themselves in a balance corner because many of the survivor S tier perks are 2nd chance perks that have a super powerful sudden effect (see sprint burst).

    To get a lot of perks on equal caliber would mean printing a lot of 2nd chances or things that prolong killer chases.


    But a lot of their perks could still be made more "fun" with wacky things.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    You should add Brutal Strength with a number increase

  • Member Posts: 354
    edited May 2019

    Shadowborn change is great, if the devs are not gonna unnerf the FOV to what it used to be they could at least give it another effect so its not strictly worse than monitor and abuse.

    Nurse is the only character its good on and even then if you run nurses calling its better to run monitor because you can trick people with the smaller TR.

    I really want a reason to have better FOV that doesn't leave me playing with only 3 perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    The only thing I disagree with is how you nerfed Unrelenting..

    Since Unrelenting is literally the only perk (besides save the best for last) that decreases your recovery time. So having the recovery time increased would make the perk more useless. But, I understand having more of a lunge would be nice for killers like:



    -The Pig


    So instead of Nerfing Unrelenting just make another perk that Combats it?


    Killer Perk:

    I could see this as a separate perk. But, not a buff to unrelenting.

    So I fixed it for you ;)

    Name of the Perk obviously needs to be re-decided but either way I think a new perk would work =P

  • Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2019

    A lot of people (or at least my understanding of the general consensus) see the vanilla unrelenting as a very weak perk.

    But if there is a playstyle that wants the old relenting effect, they could just merge into a perk like Fire Up for example where it affects picking up, dropping, pallet breaking, generator damaging, vaulting, AND missed attack cooldowns.

    Edit: List updated with Fire-up and Tinkerer

    Post edited by Doomsaki on
  • Member Posts: 699

    I dont like your suggestion about Insidious. You already get penalized for activating the perk next to or near a hook because of the changes to the ranking system. If you get a basement hook then that can give you a lead to a bad situation (gen rush for instance) so it should not be nerfed

  • Member Posts: 1,893
    edited May 2019

    This is so good it made me dizzy! @not_Queen take notes this ######### right here is mad SPICY!

  • Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2019

    The new insidious as shown here still allows for basement strategies. Instead of sitting still near the hook, you can instead pretend to move away a little bit, stand still, and then double back to patrol the basement with no terror radius and repeat.

    Being able to patrol around the basement with no terror radius periodically is more powerful in my opinion but requires more finesse on the part of the killer to fool survivors..

  • Member Posts: 939

    Deerstalker would be broken af with Huntress camping with Iridescent head.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    A few ideas from me. I have alot more.


    • Survivors inside the basement or who enter the basement while the Killer is at least 48 metres away will suffer from the Exposed Effect for 60 seconds
    • Every Survivor who is inside the basement while you are also in the basement will scream and reveal their location
    • Reduces chances of hook escape to 0 % regardless of luck perks and offerings on basement hooks
    • Reduces the timer of every hook state to 55/50/45 seconds on basement hooks


    • Your lunge speed is increased by 25/30/35 %


    • Press the second ability button to activate Shadowborn
    • When Shadowborn is active, you receive following benefits:
    • Movement speed is increased by 30 %
    • Increases your field of view by 15 %
    • You can not attack while the Perk is active
    • Press the second ability button again to deactivate the Perk
    • Deactivating the Perk will stun you for 2.5 seconds


    • Your overwhelming presence causes Survivors which are inside your Terror Radius to face random Skill checks
    • Survivors within your Terror Radius have a 60/70/80 % chance to get random skill checks
    • This effect persists for 8 seconds after the Terror Radius disappeared


    • You become obsessed with one Survivor
    • Letting the Obsession escape will give you a Token up to a maximum of 3 Tokens
    • Every Token increases your movement by 3/4/5 %
    • Every second successful hit from your basic weapon will consume one Token
    • Only one Obsession per match


    • You open lockers 40/45/50 % faster
    • When a Survivor exits a locker, your movement speed is increased by 5 % until you hit someone
    • Reveals the location of the Survivor who exits a locker for 3 seconds


    • Perform the "damage generator" action to overcharge a generator
    • The next Survivor interacting with that generator will be faced with an termendously difficult skill check
    • Failing the skill check will regress the generator by an extra 6/6.5/7 % and will reveal every Survivors location 16 metres of that generator for 3 seconds
    • Succeeding the skill check does not grant any bonus progress

    That's a few ideas for potential changes. Opinions are highly welcome if they are constructive.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    A lot of these reworks are great. The only ones that I would see as unbalanced or unfair would be Coulraphobia, Knock Out, and Third Seal.

    Coulraphobia would make healing nearly impossible without an insta-heal.

    Knock Out would make insta-healing during a chase literally pointless.

    Third Seal would be practically broken if it caused the exhasuted status effect as Dead-Hard, Sprint Burst, and Lithe would be unusable until the hex is destroyed which sometimes never happens. The only usable exhaustion perks would be Balanced Landing for the reduced stun and Adrenaline as it completely ignores exhaustion.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Some perks look really cool, but they would be very hard to code. The perk that caught my attention the most was Lightborn. The ability to see the intensity of generator aura by being next to a fire is really cool idea. I think a lot of the reason why many perks show up as weak or ineffective in the game is because developers are scared to test limits of the game in fear of power-creep. a small amount though can be healthy for the game, though some of the perks are probably to wild to even bother implementing like spawn gens in basements..

  • Member Posts: 599

    Teleporting between basements is too much. Spawning two basements is actually cool. May be an actual activator for basement builds, because their problem is it's actually hard to get survs to the basement.

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