You Legion Mains are Complaining About the Wrong Things

You complain about them being nerfed due to their rework while we still haven't got the 2 most important things ever.
- Susie and Joey get their own voices
- Susie unmasked skin
That is true, add this up on the top priority of the list.
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Number one I agree with, but I would love unmasked for ALL of them.
And prestige outfits for Joey and Susie as well.
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I want an unmasked Frank pretty bad, tbh. Would pay real money.
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@mintchapstick As a fellow Franky boi fan, agree 100%.
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I just want the neon Joey mask and weapon for my blue hair Susie. I’ll use the old Joey stuff on Frank. :)
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Absolutely, playing Joey or Susie feels like a waste of time to me as long as they don't have unique voices.
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My main complaint is that my worthless teammates still DC against him the moment they see him, despite the massive nerfs he got.
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I haven't thought about this.
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Feels bad man. I had two people dc because I was playing Legion even with the "rework".
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Ahh... damn it... why must you bring out our inner desires to the surface!
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I can't figure out why anyone wants the unmasked skins. Frankly I'm more excited for that neon skin coming soon
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Personally I want them because they'll mess with survivor's heads even more. I get mistaken as a survivor a lot as it is.
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and Susie is pretty hot
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Other week, no joke I walked up to a gen as I'd just spawned, saw a default/baby meg, was like 'oh hi meg' in my head, even crouching to greet her, and then she growled and ambushed me ;(
All baby megs are secretly the pig in disguise as survivor. xD
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- Yes. This is needed. Gives me even more reason to play each individually.
- The unmasked images they have shown make Susie look terrifying. Give the faces animation, then maybe, but not when they are static images. Honestly, I like Joey unmasked more (mainly due to the markings around his eyes)
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She is a child.
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We are the same age chill