Nurse and Hillbilly are still top tiers

Remember guys, we can always have this HUGE variety on the Rank 1, stop crying about Pig or Legion, they were never meant to be played on the first place!
Basically, other killers were introduced for the only reason of increasing the number of available perks in the game, they were NEVER meant to be an option on the Rank 1 because survivors would have to learn the game all over again if that was the case, so now both sides can keep mastering how to play with and against Nurse and Hillbilly ONLY!
Enjoy the maps! (Because thats the only random thing these days...)
Personally i play every killer (besides legion, just because Nea is better), but im here to speak for the ppl, so... We all know how good it feels to always know which killer we gonna face at the start of the match, dont we?
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Nurse and billy will get a nerf pretty soon
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And then there will be none else playing the game.
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Just delete every killer except the nurse and bily and we good.
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Please nerf Nurse and Billy for more variety in high ranks! They are NOT FUN to play against! Thanks :-*
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If they mess up nurse & Billy I'm done man.
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digo o mesmo, eu desinstalo o jogo na mesma hora se vier nerf, isso que todas as DLC's.
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I don't think they'd do that cause i'm pretty sure if they removed such an influence in the top ranks it would do more damage than good for the community.