Why release the update for ps4?

If ps4 players cant buy Auric Cells or the clown then we cant buy the better cosmetics and without the clown we have no quality of life for the game. Whats the point in even releasing the update with no clown and unobtainable cosmetics? The update without either is just a bug fix and rework 

Best Answers


  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @ThePloopz said:
    Have you been on these forums or reddit during these last couple of weeks

    haahaha :chuffed:

  • Easylife
    Easylife Member Posts: 163

    It happened this way on Xbox too, first comes 2.0 which was sometime in the afternoon then later that night just after midnight came the DLC Curtain Call.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @hard2tumble said:
    If ps4 players cant buy Auric Cells or the clown then we cant buy the better cosmetics and without the clown we have no quality of life for the game. Whats the point in even releasing the update with no clown and unobtainable cosmetics? The update without either is just a bug fix and rework 

    The only benefit of 2.0 is no vacuum

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Cosmetics, wont matter, im not spending anymore till balance is fixed
    new killer is trash
    new perks are weak compared to meta perks

    I am playing on PC and the only difference I am noticing is that vacuum is gone and maybe that you can earn DLC with shards now

  • JusticeZERO
    JusticeZERO Member Posts: 173

    @Master said:

    Cosmetics, wont matter, im not spending anymore till balance is fixed
    new killer is trash
    new perks are weak compared to meta perks

    I am playing on PC and the only difference I am noticing is that vacuum is gone and maybe that you can earn DLC with shards now

    Alright that's fine that you feel that's the only difference but the patch notes are there for others that might not feel that way because maybe their bug was addressed with those fixes.

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    If ps4 players cant buy Auric Cells or the clown then we cant buy the better cosmetics and without the clown we have no quality of life for the game. Whats the point in even releasing the update with no clown and unobtainable cosmetics? The update without either is just a bug fix and rework 
    Wow. So Ungrateful...
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    If ps4 players cant buy Auric Cells or the clown then we cant buy the better cosmetics and without the clown we have no quality of life for the game. Whats the point in even releasing the update with no clown and unobtainable cosmetics? The update without either is just a bug fix and rework 
    Wow. So Ungrateful...
    Ungrateful? They screwed up the launch of Huntress before this for PS4 as well. 

    I was fully fine with waiting till the 6th for the DLC and store, but now, not only am I getting screwed because I play on PS4, I’m also getting screwed again because I’m NA region. I’m understanding that PS4 has a certification process, I’m understanding and fine with having to wait because of that as well as being treated “Second Class” to PC. That’s perfectly fine with me. I don’t like PC gaming and want to stay with my console, I made that choice. I’ll accept the consequences for choosing not to play PC.

    However, this bullshit that I’m getting screwed because of what region I play in tipped me over the edge. Now I’m pissed off. This is unacceptable that I’m getting dicked over twice. The “extra double BP” event is far from adequate compensation. Simply because of where I live, I’m getting the shaft, and losing out on ANOTHER 3 days and the weekend I have off work? Bullshit. 

    I have every right to be pissed off. I have every right to be dissatisfied with this treatment. 
  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606

    @not_Queen said:
    @SovererignKing The reason behind PS4 NA and EU date difference for the DLCs release is that Sony NA and Sony EU are two different entities. They are managing their releases separately.

    I checked the playstation store for australia and they don't have the auric cell packs.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    I understand that, however I can not readily accept that this has happened twice now. What’s Sony NA’s reason for the delay? There is absolutely no reason to delay the release for another 3 days. 
  • Geondp
    Geondp Member Posts: 35

    With the performance hit that ps4 has taken sense patch we probably want them to delay the DLC as long a they can! ;)

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @Geondp said:
    With the performance hit that ps4 has taken sense patch we probably want them to delay the DLC as long a they can! ;)

    So you noticed the 3-5 FPS lower too then?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @Geondp said:
    With the performance hit that ps4 has taken sense patch we probably want them to delay the DLC as long a they can! ;)

    So you noticed the 3-5 FPS lower too then?

    Pc users have been experiencing this for awhile now along with lag/lobby issues etc. The devs released a hotfix a few days ago which fixed quite a few issue sso once they get the performance stuff back from PS4 they'll probably hotfix some of the issues for PS4 as well.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    I hope so... but PC experience hard issues and getting 40-50 FPS is hardly a true concern.

    We just want 30fps on PS4. We're not picky

  • Geondp
    Geondp Member Posts: 35

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @Geondp said:
    With the performance hit that ps4 has taken sense patch we probably want them to delay the DLC as long a they can! ;)

    So you noticed the 3-5 FPS lower too then?

    It dipped down to like 10 fps at some points for me (on pro). Even as survivor I was getting 3-10 FPS drops.

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @Geondp said:

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @Geondp said:
    With the performance hit that ps4 has taken sense patch we probably want them to delay the DLC as long a they can! ;)

    So you noticed the 3-5 FPS lower too then?

    It dipped down to like 10 fps at some points for me (on pro). Even as survivor I was getting 3-10 FPS drops.

    But that means you still get a good 140 fps right?

  • Ivy
    Ivy Member Posts: 15
    @not_Queen Can you look into the fps issues on console please, it’s gotten noticeably worse after the 2.0.0 patch  :'(
  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @Kuris said:

    @Geondp said:

    @Dwight_Confusion said:

    @Geondp said:
    With the performance hit that ps4 has taken sense patch we probably want them to delay the DLC as long a they can! ;)

    So you noticed the 3-5 FPS lower too then?

    It dipped down to like 10 fps at some points for me (on pro). Even as survivor I was getting 3-10 FPS drops.

    But that means you still get a good 140 fps right?

    Make less sense troll.

    Fail harder.

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    edited July 2018
    If ps4 players cant buy Auric Cells or the clown then we cant buy the better cosmetics and without the clown we have no quality of life for the game. Whats the point in even releasing the update with no clown and unobtainable cosmetics? The update without either is just a bug fix and rework 
    Wow. So Ungrateful...
    Ungrateful? They screwed up the launch of Huntress before this for PS4 as well. 

    I was fully fine with waiting till the 6th for the DLC and store, but now, not only am I getting screwed because I play on PS4, I’m also getting screwed again because I’m NA region. I’m understanding that PS4 has a certification process, I’m understanding and fine with having to wait because of that as well as being treated “Second Class” to PC. That’s perfectly fine with me. I don’t like PC gaming and want to stay with my console, I made that choice. I’ll accept the consequences for choosing not to play PC.

    However, this bullshit that I’m getting screwed because of what region I play in tipped me over the edge. Now I’m pissed off. This is unacceptable that I’m getting dicked over twice. The “extra double BP” event is far from adequate compensation. Simply because of where I live, I’m getting the shaft, and losing out on ANOTHER 3 days and the weekend I have off work? Bullshit. 

    I have every right to be pissed off. I have every right to be dissatisfied with this treatment. 
    I understand why you’re mad but you seriously can’t wait 4 days on the confirmed date? I know that they screwed up badly with everything but we finally got the 2.0 patch and all the cosmetics we wanted! And we still get the double BP event, we just won’t be able to spend it on the DLC while the event is going on, but the devs have decided to give us another BP event for the inconvenience. It’s okay to be dissatisfied with the treatment they have been giving us but you gotta get used to it, they are an unprofessional company and will always treat the PC players as if they’re above console, especially since PC is their first original platform.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    patch not in? thanks obama!
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    If ps4 players cant buy Auric Cells or the clown then we cant buy the better cosmetics and without the clown we have no quality of life for the game. Whats the point in even releasing the update with no clown and unobtainable cosmetics? The update without either is just a bug fix and rework 
    Wow. So Ungrateful...
    Ungrateful? They screwed up the launch of Huntress before this for PS4 as well. 

    I was fully fine with waiting till the 6th for the DLC and store, but now, not only am I getting screwed because I play on PS4, I’m also getting screwed again because I’m NA region. I’m understanding that PS4 has a certification process, I’m understanding and fine with having to wait because of that as well as being treated “Second Class” to PC. That’s perfectly fine with me. I don’t like PC gaming and want to stay with my console, I made that choice. I’ll accept the consequences for choosing not to play PC.

    However, this bullshit that I’m getting screwed because of what region I play in tipped me over the edge. Now I’m pissed off. This is unacceptable that I’m getting dicked over twice. The “extra double BP” event is far from adequate compensation. Simply because of where I live, I’m getting the shaft, and losing out on ANOTHER 3 days and the weekend I have off work? Bullshit. 

    I have every right to be pissed off. I have every right to be dissatisfied with this treatment. 
    I understand why you’re mad but you seriously can’t wait 4 days on the confirmed date? I know that they screwed up badly with everything but we finally got the 2.0 patch and all the cosmetics we wanted! And we still get the double BP event, we just won’t be able to spend it on the DLC while the event is going on, but the devs have decided to give us another BP event for the inconvenience. It’s okay to be dissatisfied with the treatment they have been giving us but you gotta get used to it, they are an unprofessional company and will always treat the PC players as if they’re above console, especially since PC is their first original platform.
    Getting screwed out of the weekend I have off to play simply because I live in NA is highly infuriating. 

    It’s not the wait that bothers me, it’s the lack of concern by BHVR that irritates me most of all, along with their unprofessionalism. Throwing us a bone with another double BP event (that mind you, PC, Xbox, and PS4 EU gets to enjoy, even though they didn’t get screwed like we did) is a slap in the face. It’s like saying “Yeah, we screwed you. Here’s a piece of candy, now shut up. Oh, but but you also have to share with everyone else too, even though we didn’t screw them.”

    Platform differences I’m fine with. This region thing though is completely unacceptable. There is no reason that Sony NA can’t have it out the same time as Sony EU. If I was BHVR I would be raising holy hell. Wednesday is a national holiday, I get that (if Sony NA is based in USA) but there is today and Friday. Two standard business days, there is no reason at all to delay if for 4 whole days. 
  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    If ps4 players cant buy Auric Cells or the clown then we cant buy the better cosmetics and without the clown we have no quality of life for the game. Whats the point in even releasing the update with no clown and unobtainable cosmetics? The update without either is just a bug fix and rework 
    Wow. So Ungrateful...
    Ungrateful? They screwed up the launch of Huntress before this for PS4 as well. 

    I was fully fine with waiting till the 6th for the DLC and store, but now, not only am I getting screwed because I play on PS4, I’m also getting screwed again because I’m NA region. I’m understanding that PS4 has a certification process, I’m understanding and fine with having to wait because of that as well as being treated “Second Class” to PC. That’s perfectly fine with me. I don’t like PC gaming and want to stay with my console, I made that choice. I’ll accept the consequences for choosing not to play PC.

    However, this bullshit that I’m getting screwed because of what region I play in tipped me over the edge. Now I’m pissed off. This is unacceptable that I’m getting dicked over twice. The “extra double BP” event is far from adequate compensation. Simply because of where I live, I’m getting the shaft, and losing out on ANOTHER 3 days and the weekend I have off work? Bullshit. 

    I have every right to be pissed off. I have every right to be dissatisfied with this treatment. 
    I understand why you’re mad but you seriously can’t wait 4 days on the confirmed date? I know that they screwed up badly with everything but we finally got the 2.0 patch and all the cosmetics we wanted! And we still get the double BP event, we just won’t be able to spend it on the DLC while the event is going on, but the devs have decided to give us another BP event for the inconvenience. It’s okay to be dissatisfied with the treatment they have been giving us but you gotta get used to it, they are an unprofessional company and will always treat the PC players as if they’re above console, especially since PC is their original platform.

  • mike2835
    mike2835 Member Posts: 83
    Hey dead by daylight is coming out with a road map with so many potholes in it. Your car might not make it home to play the next chapter lol. 
  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    The way I see it is they wanted to show that they could make their deadline but honestly to me I thought that (knowing how BHVR is) we wouldn’t get the update till either PC got mid chapter update or the next killer came out (glad they proved me wrong). So it’s the price we have to pay to play on console it sucks but hey other than buying a PC what can you do. Also don’t get your hopes up when it comes to BHVR and this game (no offense BHVR)

    side note: I’d rather have something than nothing and I mean we only have to wait a couple days for the DLC it could’ve been worse we could’ve been waiting month (imagine that)
  • mike2835
    mike2835 Member Posts: 83
    Lol it was a June release it's already been a month. That's like saying well the next chapter could have come out in 2019. yay!