They tried so hard

Oh they tried so hard to be toxic, and this was a 4 man swf, man did they really wanted to sweat and fry their electronics
And this was on the pale rose map
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This doesn't look toxic at all to me at least unless you count using items and offerings as tOxIc
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*cough* when an Instasaw-Billy acts like someone else was sweaty *cough*
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The user and all related content has been deleted.8
I'm sorry ll I'm seeing is a face camping, tunneling cheasy-mode billy.
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Stake out, Boil over, aftercare, and premonition
Tahxic perks against innocent instasaw billy, how terrible.
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@Delfador I think OP's definition of toxic is getting run around for more than 5 seconds.
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Isn't the purple branches meant to force hooks further apart? I assume they were trying to stack it so only a few hooks would spawn. Then their sabo person would deal with the few that were left.
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Boil over? Premonition? Urban Evasion? Stake Out?Aftercare?Bond?Iron Will? Sounds like they were stealthy, is stealth toxic?
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Hook distance increasing offerings are totally useless in this game. makes zero difference at all.
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Wasn't using the insta build, but unless you want me to put on the other addon then okay, yes 5 second chases is toxic (of course it's not, I'm joking) but them doing bad pallets and windows and still t-bagging is toxic (trying to be at least), and never camped or tunneled otherwise I wouldn't have gotten a near two pip.
And yes, some offerings, items and add-ons are toxic themselves ( so yes if you want to go point out that I was a little toxic then okay, won't mean much, 4 perks and two addons vs 16 perks, 4 offerings and 3 items and 6 addons with one of them being broken)
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Billy is 'insta down' by default. Cheasy-mode, hand held crutch Killer who deserves, earns and gets no respect.
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I don't think you understand what we mean by insta chainsaw, there are two add-ons that decrease the charge time to rev up the chainsaw, so by that we call it a insta build because it almost instantly charges up the chainsaw and I don't understand how it is a clutch as it somewhat to very difficult to handle the turning and speed of the chainsaw, as well to time it on certain occasion, and if you are out in the open, then that's on you
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Posting screenshots of bodying 4 man swfs Is my job thank you very much, you’re lucky I’m on break.
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Just say what you mean.
How were they toxic. Its mother's day. Give me something.
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For people who don't know, if you have a lower rank in your lobby it usually likes to match up with lower killers, and ik this is true because I did it will a rank 18 friend, we got a rank 16-17 when we were rank 14 and under
Not sure if that's what they were talking about when they said toxic, but it might be.
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@FSB75 Hilarious, I made a gif out of that I liked it so much lol
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14 is close to 16-17. The rank 18 didn't do it lol. Why d people act like this game is literally supposed to put rank 15 only against rank 15 and rank 7 only against rank 7?
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Generally less experienced people will struggle against experienced people @brokedownpalace. The thought behind it is that people will be placed in rankings where they belong.
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Where is my LOL button...
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People play with friends:...
killer mains: toxic
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At least you get to kill your survivors...
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@PolarBear God i wish i wsd facing something diffrent than Nurse or billy
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You should support killer buffs. If other killers rewarded skill like the Nurse, as opposed to having artificial skill ceilings, you'd see them more often.
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I wouldn't know. I never used those add-ons when I played the Nurse.
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Oh yes, that one time a survivor jumped over a pallet and started to t-bag just to get downed by a hatch.
Sometimes some people are trying hard. But I do not think that a screenshot will ever prove how they behaved in game.
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I've seen a lot worse...
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How the ######### did the noob get more BP then everyone else?
Let me guess you were face camping
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look at his perks and items he is either a returning player or a deranker.
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This. So much this. Spirit rewards skill, but she takes a f-ton of skill. Killers outside of Nurse/Billy/Spirit, you're hard capped no matter how good you are. MoM has greatly exacerbated that problem as well.