from the day i've watched the livestream i were looking for a time to post this . now if you are a pc player i want u to put yourself in our situation and decide if i'm right or not . 

as a content maker on ps4 it is the end of the world when you see you cant work and create content on new stuff in the game and that was obvious when I saw the live stream . I've been waiting for so damn long that the new chapter comes out and I work on it so I can build my fan base but now it has all turned into a dream .
and its not just about me so you say its 1 person in front of whole community , its about all console players when they see that no 1 cares about their fun . 
Now don't say we are just gonna help for bug fixes as we all know at the end of the day you got your hands on new chapter and so many console players didn't .
Pls pls pls don't put the new chapters on the PTB . I'm sure that its not possible to fix this PTB and remove the new chapter but for god sake don't do this on future ptbs .
If you you agree with me pls take your time and put a comment on this post in hope of that the ENTITY shows mercy on console players :'( 

You can check out my channel by clicking on this link :



  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    To be entirely honest I like the PTB having the new chapter. The if the killer is too weak or too strong they can be toned accordingly more quickly leading to more balance and sooner. I don't exactly know how Microsoft and Sony do PTB's. My friends that play on console are disappointed they don't get to play it early but at the same time videos will be everywhere. I know this isn't exactly what you want to hear but look on the bright side, we all get to see the killer earlier and watch game-play.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited May 2018
    I play on ps4 and tbh the ptb is not really something I’d personally want. Plus it’s just not realistic for them to do one because of Microsoft and Sony. On pc they can change anything whenever they want but on console it has to go through a process so it’s just not worth the effort to put a ptb on console and the chapter needs to go through a ptb. I mean we all know the Bugged by Daylight thing people say lol. I just care about whether it goes live at the same time for everyone or does console have to wait. 
  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    I mean, blame microsoft and sony. They dont allow devs much control over what they release, things have to go through some kind of process to be released to the public.  
    With a ptb you might have to chage thing at a moments notice in order to bugfix properly. If they cant do that on console then theres no point in doing it.
  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Every update in sony and miscrosoft stuff costs money and it's not cheap, soo everytime the devs update your console they are losing money and there isn't really a point in spending 2x the money on a update when you'll get it 2 weeks later while on steam it's free to update the game.

    soo don't blame the devs for not caring about consoles, it's just the companies that own those consoles that don't care.

    also please don't advertise your youtube channel here(and why are you making ochido type videos?)

  • 51uk4y
    51uk4y Member Posts: 34
    Again, the devs want to do it but they don't know how. 

    Plus, putting new contents in the PTB will improve the game for everyone, including the console players. So why not?
  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    @Thatbrownmonster said:
    Every update in sony and miscrosoft stuff costs money and it's not cheap, soo everytime the devs update your console they are losing money and there isn't really a point in spending 2x the money on a update when you'll get it 2 weeks later while on steam it's free to update the game.

    I think it was really expensive in the previous generation of games (PS3 era) but now I think that updates cost significantly less.

    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323

    Every update in sony and miscrosoft stuff costs money and it's not cheap, soo everytime the devs update your console they are losing money and there isn't really a point in spending 2x the money on a update when you'll get it 2 weeks later while on steam it's free to update the game.

    soo don't blame the devs for not caring about consoles, it's just the companies that own those consoles that don't care.

    also please don't advertise your youtube channel here(and why are you making ochido type videos?)

    Dude it really isn't that much that you want to mention . and I didn't tell you check out my channel or I'll kill you I said if you want to check it out . and its interesting you say ochido type of videos XD . so every clip with voice of a human and music that is made about Dbd is copyright from ochido O_O
    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    I respect all your opinions but we all know that the bug fix can be done even if new chapter be released as an update not ptb . all I'm saying is that we all get our hands on new content at the same time . 
  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    edited May 2018

    As others have pointed out, the PTB is a PC-exclusive thing simply because Steam allows the devs much more control over their own game and it's much more convenient than it would be on console, with the ability to continuously hotfix it, something which would be impossible on console.

    The devs also give us access to the new content on the PTB for quality assessment on a scale that would be impossible to perform in-house, overall leading to a better live build from which all platforms will benefit.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    @HIPSTERLION said:
    I respect all your opinions but we all know that the bug fix can be done even if new chapter be released as an update not ptb . all I'm saying is that we all get our hands on new content at the same time . 

    It's not like your progress on the PTB is saved. Everyone gets the content at the same time. PC just gets to test it early in a place where nothing is saved.

    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    weirdkid5 said:

    @HIPSTERLION said:
    I respect all your opinions but we all know that the bug fix can be done even if new chapter be released as an update not ptb . all I'm saying is that we all get our hands on new content at the same time . 

    It's not like your progress on the PTB is saved. Everyone gets the content at the same time. PC just gets to test it early in a place where nothing is saved.

    Maybe I'm greedy but I just want to test it too:(
  • Xen
    Xen Member Posts: 12

    Have the the hours whe released PTB?

    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    Xen said:

    Have the the hours whe released PTB?

    What ???
  • Xen
    Xen Member Posts: 12

    tomorror release the PTB. when? 2 PM? 8PM?
    Sorry, i'm stupid whit with english XD

    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    Xen said:

    tomorror release the PTB. when? 2 PM? 8PM?
    Sorry, i'm stupid whit with english XD

    Soory . I don't know the exact release time .
  • Xen
    Xen Member Posts: 12

    QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN! where are u? we need response! XD

  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135
    Keep in mind this isn't new, Overwatch doesn't release new characters to test on console at the same time. It's next to impossible to have any form of PTB on consoles as it's been said, Microsoft and Sony don't just let anything on their.

    In fact I recall the devs of Overwatch outright sharing their communication somewhat with the console companies and it's due to overprotective measures. The consoles want to triple check any content update or any updates before it goes live so it doesn't mess with their systems. 

    As such it's just easier to wait 3 weeks once it's been tested on PC and then ship it. It won't change. I'm sorry it's annoying console players but this is how the industry and current state of technology operates.
    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    Keep in mind this isn't new, Overwatch doesn't release new characters to test on console at the same time. It's next to impossible to have any form of PTB on consoles as it's been said, Microsoft and Sony don't just let anything on their.

    In fact I recall the devs of Overwatch outright sharing their communication somewhat with the console companies and it's due to overprotective measures. The consoles want to triple check any content update or any updates before it goes live so it doesn't mess with their systems. 

    As such it's just easier to wait 3 weeks once it's been tested on PC and then ship it. It won't change. I'm sorry it's annoying console players but this is how the industry and current state of technology operates.
    According to devs they're not gonna change anything on killers as fast as they used to do . so if the new killer is gonna come on ptb even if we scream he is op they still gonna take their time . 
    Maybe I failed to make the title understandable . I'm not just saying make ptb on console !!! I'm saying what's the point of new chapter on ptb when you say you aren't gonna touch them . you may wanna say why not we get our hands on new chapter faster but when it comes to console players we get smacked in the face and the fact that we gonna die waiting .
    All I'm asking is that we all get to play new chapter together . maybe console players have something to say about it too but when you get your hands on it 3 weeks before us we can't even say our opinions and that means half of community is gonna judge the chapter by just looking at YouTube videos which makes the information not true . 
    I'm sure the day ptb gets released first discussion is gonna " is the new killer op or underpowered " and half of community is gonna vote blind .
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    Keep in mind this isn't new, Overwatch doesn't release new characters to test on console at the same time. It's next to impossible to have any form of PTB on consoles as it's been said, Microsoft and Sony don't just let anything on their.

    In fact I recall the devs of Overwatch outright sharing their communication somewhat with the console companies and it's due to overprotective measures. The consoles want to triple check any content update or any updates before it goes live so it doesn't mess with their systems. 

    As such it's just easier to wait 3 weeks once it's been tested on PC and then ship it. It won't change. I'm sorry it's annoying console players but this is how the industry and current state of technology operates.
    According to devs they're not gonna change anything on killers as fast as they used to do . so if the new killer is gonna come on ptb even if we scream he is op they still gonna take their time . 
    Maybe I failed to make the title understandable . I'm not just saying make ptb on console !!! I'm saying what's the point of new chapter on ptb when you say you aren't gonna touch them . you may wanna say why not we get our hands on new chapter faster but when it comes to console players we get smacked in the face and the fact that we gonna die waiting .
    All I'm asking is that we all get to play new chapter together . maybe console players have something to say about it too but when you get your hands on it 3 weeks before us we can't even say our opinions and that means half of community is gonna judge the chapter by just looking at YouTube videos which makes the information not true . 
    I'm sure the day ptb gets released first discussion is gonna " is the new killer op or underpowered " and half of community is gonna vote blind .
    This is part of the reason I want to get a pc lol
    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    ThePloopz said:
    Keep in mind this isn't new, Overwatch doesn't release new characters to test on console at the same time. It's next to impossible to have any form of PTB on consoles as it's been said, Microsoft and Sony don't just let anything on their.

    In fact I recall the devs of Overwatch outright sharing their communication somewhat with the console companies and it's due to overprotective measures. The consoles want to triple check any content update or any updates before it goes live so it doesn't mess with their systems. 

    As such it's just easier to wait 3 weeks once it's been tested on PC and then ship it. It won't change. I'm sorry it's annoying console players but this is how the industry and current state of technology operates.
    According to devs they're not gonna change anything on killers as fast as they used to do . so if the new killer is gonna come on ptb even if we scream he is op they still gonna take their time . 
    Maybe I failed to make the title understandable . I'm not just saying make ptb on console !!! I'm saying what's the point of new chapter on ptb when you say you aren't gonna touch them . you may wanna say why not we get our hands on new chapter faster but when it comes to console players we get smacked in the face and the fact that we gonna die waiting .
    All I'm asking is that we all get to play new chapter together . maybe console players have something to say about it too but when you get your hands on it 3 weeks before us we can't even say our opinions and that means half of community is gonna judge the chapter by just looking at YouTube videos which makes the information not true . 
    I'm sure the day ptb gets released first discussion is gonna " is the new killer op or underpowered " and half of community is gonna vote blind .
    This is part of the reason I want to get a pc lol
    And that's messed up :(
    HIPSTERLION Member Posts: 323
    ThePloopz said:
    Keep in mind this isn't new, Overwatch doesn't release new characters to test on console at the same time. It's next to impossible to have any form of PTB on consoles as it's been said, Microsoft and Sony don't just let anything on their.

    In fact I recall the devs of Overwatch outright sharing their communication somewhat with the console companies and it's due to overprotective measures. The consoles want to triple check any content update or any updates before it goes live so it doesn't mess with their systems. 

    As such it's just easier to wait 3 weeks once it's been tested on PC and then ship it. It won't change. I'm sorry it's annoying console players but this is how the industry and current state of technology operates.
    According to devs they're not gonna change anything on killers as fast as they used to do . so if the new killer is gonna come on ptb even if we scream he is op they still gonna take their time . 
    Maybe I failed to make the title understandable . I'm not just saying make ptb on console !!! I'm saying what's the point of new chapter on ptb when you say you aren't gonna touch them . you may wanna say why not we get our hands on new chapter faster but when it comes to console players we get smacked in the face and the fact that we gonna die waiting .
    All I'm asking is that we all get to play new chapter together . maybe console players have something to say about it too but when you get your hands on it 3 weeks before us we can't even say our opinions and that means half of community is gonna judge the chapter by just looking at YouTube videos which makes the information not true . 
    I'm sure the day ptb gets released first discussion is gonna " is the new killer op or underpowered " and half of community is gonna vote blind .
    This is part of the reason I want to get a pc lol
    And that's messed up :(