A new Killer, The THING can mimic based on the film from 1982, can mimic survivors based on the ones in play, offers a new way to play and to scare players in game.
Not to mention a Surivivor based on Kurt russell Character R.J Macready.
Welcome to the forums, @H3LLC0MMANDER . As much fun as that could be in theory, it wouldn't be in reality because of simple SWF. Even just two people on com's make this killer useless. Take this for example:
*Friend supposedly runs up to gen with you*
"Is this you, Bob?"
*You run away after using your advanced investigating skills on the killer*
Lack of information may make the killer scary in this game, however information is far too abundant and outside of the game's control. The killer would be a one trick pony at this point.
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Yeah it would be cool but
This here I agree
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The thing could do more than just imitate survivor appearances. Picture setting/assimilation of crows; traps that assault you with gaping mouth chests like flying face huggers, separating limbs that can stealthily transverse the map and incapacitate targets for a short time, erupting into full monster mode, or some completely new feature with no resemblance to other killers.
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Here's a random thought. The killer could infect crows, lockers, chests, or certain areas. A survivor who interacts or crosses that area becomes infected, but doesn't realize it. Only one survivor can be infected at a time. The killer sees the infected survivors aura and the aura of any other survivors within 8 meters. Additionally, the infected survivor has an INFINITE DURATION BORROWED TIME effect which DOESN'T cause a knockdown after a time limit. Essentially borrowed time on crack. The survivor doesn't know this. The killer does. If the killer strikes an infected survivor it removes the borrowed time and the infection.
At any time, the killer can "reveal" that the survivor was a host all along, instantly teleporting to the survivor. The survivor takes no damage from this and gets a huge speed boost for a couple seconds which doesn't cause exaustion, AND leaves no tracks for 5 seconds. The borrowed time lasts until the speed boost ends. But the killer is instantly free to attack after teleporting.
One survivor unwittingly becomes a double agent, without realizing it. The survivors are able to figure out who based on killer behavior. The killer gets no advantage against this survivor due to borrowed time effect making it impossible to use this to attack them. But at any time the infected host passes near another survivor, they could unwittingly attack them as the killer reveals themself.
Imagine the paranoia that would cause. Utterly terrifying.
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Also, because the infection is hidden from the survivors, even voice comms won't help. One of the survivors is simply infected. And no one knows who.
I imagine this power only being used a few times a game, but imagine going to heal another survivor only to have the killers tentacles and limbs burst from your body and down your friend as you flee.
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Can we go play Deceid? Like cmon game is for free and ther you can feel paranoic.