How bad is tunneling?

Best Answers
"Tunneling" is Survivor-speak for "Playing in the most effective manner possible by taking out the easiest target". It's no more toxic than when you play a game and pick up items that are worth the most. It's an efficient way to play; nothing more.
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Tunneling is usually the better way to play because of the absurd requirements from the killers. I understand that it can be annoying for survivors but try and walk a mile in killer shoes and you will see why it is kind of necessary
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@TinierPants said:
What is tunneling and is it a good strategy for slowing the game down for killers? Or is it just bad all around for survivors? Is tunneling just unacceptable? Is tunneling “Toxic”?Tunneling is the only thing the killer can do if he wants to do good.
Tunneling is when you go for the injured guy after an unhook, ignoring the healthy unhooker and thus effectively removing one survivor from the game ASAPSurvivors consider it toxic, but dont worry about them
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The term "tunneling" should be replaced with "Duh".
I'm a killer, I just hooked a survivor. I get no more than 15m away when the game notifies me that the player I just hooked has been rescued from the hook. I turn, here are the choices I see....full health survivor I've never hooked OR an injured, already been hooked survivor. What should I choose? ** DUH!**
I'm a killer patrolling gens and game notifications, I have no hooks, and 2 gens are complete. I've been chasing a few survivors and broken about 6 pallets. Finally I spot a survivor hiding behind a tree. I start chasing.....with pallets removed, I'm able to get a hit on the survivor. It now only takes one more hit to down them. BAM, another gen is repaired. Another survivor comes up from my right side, completely healthy and using a flashlight to get my attention. Here are my choices. Continue to chase the survivor that's already been hit and cost me about 3 minutes of time and 2 gens.....orrrrrrr turn and engage a new target that requires 2 hits and obviously wants to distract me. What should I choose? ** DUH!**
Two things to take away from the issue of "tunneling". It doesn't exist. It's a term survivors use in a pathetic attempt to shame or guilt a killer into a gameplay style that benefits them. Second point, all most killer want to do (especially those that care about rank) is get 2 deaths on hook so they can feel like they have done well enough to relax and actually enjoy what's left of the game.
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I really hate tunneling! You should be banned for it, it is toxic and requires no skill! Have you ever thought about the poor individual that suffers because of your tunneling? It is just not fun!
Every game there is that stupid tunneler. Only sits on this one gen and tunnels it until it is done. There are more than one gen you know! How about you get up after 50% of the gen done instead of tunneling this poor gen to death completion.
Oh, wait. You are talking about this ridiculous "You should hunt the guy with full health instead of the injured one just because full health guy is teabagging in front of you"-Tunneling. Not toxic, just the smart thing to do.
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No tunneling is not toxic. Tunneling is a viable strategy. You’re basically taking away the weakest link out of the bunch. But it’s like I always say play how you want it’s your lobby they are in!6
@TinierPants said:
What is tunneling and is it a good strategy for slowing the game down for killers? Or is it just bad all around for survivors? Is tunneling just unacceptable? Is tunneling “Toxic”?"Tunneling" is a made up term by a hypocrist survivors, who also "tunnel" the gens (aka working on already half-done gen etc).
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Sorry playing as a killer is not meant to be friends with the survivors! And the guides when you first start even say as a survivor you suppose to work as team and stay out of sight !! Sorry you can t stay out of sight like the ranks 1 who do it all the time ! And second the perk insidious was made for this very reason people !! So sorry your playing a game where you may die !!
I don’t tunnel I find it boring and kinda mean for the survivors like picture this your downed put on hook at like a minute into the match then left on the hook taken off instantly put back on and then killed it’s boring af for me as killer and when I’m survivor it’s easy to get a for man without tunneling or camping and if you say other wise then your either looking for an easy win with no challenge or aren’t good enough to get a 4K so I’m not saying you can’t tunnel or it’s toxic but it’s pretty bad out ngl2
I just got tunneled, but I'm not mad about it. I did at least some stuff before my well deserved demise.
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not my idea of a good time but they can justify it however they want. my interest in the game has waned significantly in the past few days as the behavior only worsens with time. i suspect even after the incoming killer buffs, they will still be doing the same crap. who knows? maybe some people love being tunneled/camped. they may get lucky.1
@deadbydaylightfan said:
I don’t tunnel I find it boring and kinda mean for the survivors like picture this your downed put on hook at like a minute into the match then left on the hook taken off instantly put back on and then killed it’s boring af for me as killer and when I’m survivor it’s easy to get a for man without tunneling or camping and if you say other wise then your either looking for an easy win with no challenge or aren’t good enough to get a 4K so I’m not saying you can’t tunnel or it’s toxic but it’s pretty bad out nglSome possible options for tunneling scenarios. (they may not apply to all and this is just my opinion.
-If the killer is should gen rush as much as you can until it's obvious the killer isn't moving. Then one should get 2 survivors or 3 depending to help you save the hooked victim. This can be accomplished and negated in several ways...but can be done with some sacrifice on other survivor's part.
-If you get pulled off a hook and the killer was camping/patrolling hard enough to get back to the hook quickly....then you have a few choices.
--(survive long enough for the killer to realize you are a waste of resources/time)
--(Manage to lose and/or hide effectively from the killer)-easier said then done I know.
--(Have an insta-heal, use it, and then run from the killer as per normal now that you are less in the danger zone.)-If you get pulled off a hook and the killer is far enough away, try to get heals right on the spot if you expect a possibly tunnel in the next 10 seconds or so. With 2 teammates healing you should just make it. (one of the other survivors may get injured, pulling the killer off you....and if least you are now ready for a standard run.)
All that aside....from a moral viewpoint....I find hitting survivors that have been hung on a hook far more of an issue than tunneling.
Tunneling makes you feel desperate....but when you consider that everyone will probably do forces one to think of strategies around it.
Not saying it's right or wrong in any sense. It is a game....and we all know how much of an micro/macro cosmos games can be.
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When I'm playing killer, I don't care about the fun of the survivors or their perceived notion of "fairness."
Caring about camping/tunneling as a killer is like asking your hamburger about its feelings before you eat it.
When I'm playing as survivor, I get a lot of undeserved wins because the killers consistently make the wrong plays in the interest of "fairness."3 -
@Damaho said:
I really hate tunneling! You should be banned for it, it is toxic and requires no skill! Have you ever thought about the poor individual that suffers because of your tunneling? It is just not fun!Every game there is that stupid tunneler. Only sits on this one gen and tunnels it until it is done. There are more than one gen you know! How about you get up after 50% of the gen done instead of tunneling this poor gen to death completion.
Oh, wait. You are talking about this ridiculous "You should hunt the guy with full health instead of the injured one just because full health guy is teabagging in front of you"-Tunneling. Not toxic, just the smart thing to do.
If you want it to stop DONT GIVE KILLERS ADVANTAGES when killing a survivor off.
Adjust gen times to player count. I already suggested it a million times, devs just ignored my request and said then I should switch to a different game, if the game is for killers unplayable lol.
This would fix gen rushing, camping, tunneling, just ######### everything the game is broken for so long.1 -
That's probably the most uninformed and ignorant balance change I have ever seen.
*Golf Claps*0 -
i had a survivor msg me 'you shouldn't tunnel'. he was the second person to die but there were other ppl hooked in between.... the problem was that he got farmed and i hit him accidentally rather than the rescuer. i went ahead and rehung him because games have been tense lately.... he told me he was a killer main and that he doesn't ever tunnel. maybe. maybe not.... but i main billy. i don't run Ruin or BBQ And Chili. i'm in the rank 12 to 9 and the gen rush is still real. i don't feel i'm in a position to overlook one survivor and go after another one.
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@FSB75 said:
The term "tunneling" should be replaced with "Duh".I'm a killer, I just hooked a survivor. I get no more than 15m away when the game notifies me that the player I just hooked has been rescued from the hook. I turn, here are the choices I see....full health survivor I've never hooked OR an injured, already been hooked survivor. What should I choose? ** DUH!**
I'm a killer patrolling gens and game notifications, I have no hooks, and 2 gens are complete. I've been chasing a few survivors and broken about 6 pallets. Finally I spot a survivor hiding behind a tree. I start chasing.....with pallets removed, I'm able to get a hit on the survivor. It now only takes one more hit to down them. BAM, another gen is repaired. Another survivor comes up from my right side, completely healthy and using a flashlight to get my attention. Here are my choices. Continue to chase the survivor that's already been hit and cost me about 3 minutes of time and 2 gens.....orrrrrrr turn and engage a new target that requires 2 hits and obviously wants to distract me. What should I choose? ** DUH!**
Two things to take away from the issue of "tunneling". It doesn't exist. It's a term survivors use in a pathetic attempt to shame or guilt a killer into a gameplay style that benefits them. Second point, all most killer want to do (especially those that care about rank) is get 2 deaths on hook so they can feel like they have done well enough to relax and actually enjoy what's left of the game.
Sums it up quite well
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tunneling does exist, but it's up to your team mates to fix it. Borrowed time and flashlights usually shut down a great deal of "tunneling" and give your team mates time to run off. The other thing is do gens, if your whole team gen rushes then the killer can't do ######### outside of a clutch noed/bloodwarden/remember me.