Need Help handling Toxic Anger

Just had a match where I was almost destroyed as Freddy (for once). Had to kill 1 survivor early on, despite this the other 3 got out due to their MOM and Exhaustion perks. They gave me many toxic comments and told me why I shouldn't do that despite me giving them reasons.
Just need someone to give tips or just talk to to get my head off of it. I have legit Anger Management when pushed and I don't want to hurt myself or break anything in my room right now.
This is my go to thought on people been toxic with their anger, words etc
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lol! well i am a pagan...i can sacrifice a goat and curse them in the name of Mushwin...maybe turn off chat for a bit? i never had chats on for like ages even if it is a break *s
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Honestly, just leave if they start. No reason to give them the attention they are craving. Also, remember nothing they say really effects your life. Sometimes it is hard, but do not take what is said personal.
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Turn off chat when playing this game.
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Bring a mori every game.
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@ba_tetsuo Not when I have 15 survivor puddings and 30 shells left! :p
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Thanks guys. Luckily my friend called me and asked if I wanted to come for a short walk in the woods. Did me good. Think I'll try and use that as my coping method
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Glad to see you found an outlet.
I will offer you some advice given to me many years ago when I had issues handling my anger towards idiots(or all of humanity). "Do they pay your bills? Do they take care of your needs? Do they profane term you? No? Then why care what they say about or to you?
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One step solution to all drama ^
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@SlinkyJinky I know it is, but I get way too curious for my own good. And recently there's been a sudden rise of people who are actually nice, however it doesn't do much to soften the bad eggs
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This is the only true solution.
I had a similar situation where I was being bullied quite hard by a 4 stack, Even though I managed to kill 2 of them, the aftertaste has never been more bitter. But, after some minutes of contemplation, I thought to myself "Is being mad at something like this really that worth?".
The answer is: No, and it will never be.
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To be honest dont play lots of games as killer. Just dont, the devs dont even play killer at high ranks to see how annoying matches can be and how frustrating it can get sometimes.
-Take a few minutes after each match to relax or cool down, regardless if you win or lose.(Sometimes i watch a video, listen to music, or work on props.)
-Dont play nice when you're a killer, survivors are going to throw everything they got at you and always assume the worst when it comes to rank 1-4 survivors. (So if you're anticipating DH, ADREN, DS, MoM) Play killers according to those perk picks to counter them.
-Dont beat yourself up about not wiping the floor with the survivors, if it helps record some of your matches to see what you couldve done differently. (but do remember there are a lot of killers in DBD who are limited to their kill potential so dont be surprised when about 75% of the roster doesnt slaughter at high ranks)
-Play another game thats not DBD, i know it's crazy and one of the devs did say this and i laugh about it every time but its true. DBD is not the only game in this world so keep something around to switch off to that isnt as... how do i say this, as "Nerve racking" as DBD.
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You're essentially dealing with cyberbullying. The guidelines in the link above are pretty accurate.
Also, you can try strategies under "Strategies to Keep Anger at Bay" here:
You may opt to seek professional help as well (therapy), if you feel that your anger is an overarching problem in your life and you feel that self-help strategies and resources aren't helping you enough. Games are here for our enjoyment, and it's a big shame being unable to enjoy them.
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Here is the simplest way to deal with it.
Say "gg"
And then leave.
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I can relate. This game can be infuriating. What I try to remind myself is that there is so much in each trial that is left up to random chance that can have a really big effect on the game in ways we can't really notice. Or a lot of little things can make a big difference. This game does require some skill but in certain circumstances skill can only get you so far before things beyond your control affect the outcome (and these things can sometimes work in your favor, too).
In addition to that, even if you play a game poorly and you know it and the opposing side is giving you grief, remind yourself that being good, average or bad at a video game has zero to do with who you are as a person. If people in an online game are insulting you, remember that they don't know anything about you, they are just angry and in some cases just not very nice people.
I'm kind of rambling but hopefully some of this is helpful.
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@ItsYourBoyGuzma Not all survivors belong to toxic teams: there are also good teams, average teams, and solos. Please, don't suggest all survivors are bastards: innocent players shouldn't be punished because the opponent had a bad match...
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Step 1: Get a pumpkin or watermelon.
Step 2: Get a knife or other sharp object.
Step 3: Stab pumpkin/watermelon to release tension.
Step 4: Enjoy pumpkin/watermelon slices.
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Ive been here since day 1 release , i stand by what i've said.
I'm a solo player and im telling OP how it is, it's up to him how he sees survivors. I've already developed my view on survivors and looking back through the years my past game experience speaks volumes when I can say Ive seen more negativity from survivor players than killers.(Granted theyre the majority but that doesnt stop killers from wanting to be toxic/facecamp/tunnel.. they can but they dont do this as often as survivors trying to irritate killers.)
Innocent players will be punished regardless, tell that to the ebony's I've had to eat because someone was abusing an infinite/running through broken entity blockers/ getting sandbagged/ pallets slammed on them in chase with the killer/ farmed till death/ DC'd on because the killer wasnt one to a players liking/ etc etc ~ ######### happens.
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Personally, it helps for me if I dehumanise the survivors in my head while playing killer. They are just bots to me, that spew out insults, and belong on rusty meathooks.
After every match I check my BP gain, emblems, player's perks, leave a GG and leave. If someone brings constructive criticism, I will happily engage in a conversation. In every other case, not.
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Just take the advice from the devs themselves:
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How I deal with survivors: