Natural dangers/tactical resources in maps

Entità Member Posts: 1,583
edited February 2019 in General Discussions
I would love to see more wild nature in the maps, natural hazards that hinder survivors and killers in their deadly challenge. I speak of rivers of lava, of marshes that exhale toxic vapors, of luxuriant lakes in which to plunge to hide better or to launch ambushes, all without having to invent new mechanics, but simply enhancing existing ones. Of course, these improvements will come after the game optimization.

For example:
1) rivers of lava: the survivors who cross them suffer a deep wound, if healthy, or are reduced to the dying state, if already injured, and / or they get the mangled status; the killer can walk on them for a few moments, then suffers a long stun;
2) marshes with toxic vapors: exhaustion/intoxication/blindness for the survivors; serious blurring of sight (such as stalking) and / or loss of Aura-reading abilities for a while for the killer;
3) luxuriant lakes: the survivors can walk half-submerged, almost invisible, but their steps are very noisy; the killer loses the red stain and the terror radius inside them, but is noisy, too;
4) quicksand: long slowdown for survivors, long stun for the killer;
5) gusts of wind: loss of items for the survivors, scratch marks disappear for the killer.

Some maps of MacMillan (maybe Shelter Wood with a lake?), Autohaven (quicksand?), Coldwind (Rotten Fields with gusts of wind?), Crotus Prenn (lava?), Red Forest (lake?), Backwater (toxic marshes) could be changed, to add one or more of the natural dangers/resources, and new maps could be created as wild environments.

Some survivors' perks ignored by a vast majority of the players could be reworked to give help in particular natural settings, and new killer's perks could be created (killers have less perks than survivors).
Post edited by Entità on


  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    No people commenting?
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Sounds intersting though could also compliment mori and the pebble perk can be used on lakes to make a loud distraction
  • i love that! the toxic vapors are the ones that fit the game better in my opinion.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    @redsopine01 @ThGameIsHardButSoAmI Yeah, they would add more diversity to the five maps of the three original realms, more challenges and fun for players. External maps with a few or no buildings are boring: too flat, too monotonous, too insipid. Instead, a beautiful lake in Shelton Woods, with some isles with gens or chests in the middle, would be great! Or a river of lava from the Suffocation Pit, like an ancient volcano which destroyed the old mining site! Think to strange tornados which suddenly appear in the middle of Rotten Fields or to dangerous quicksand among the walls of scrap in Autohaven or to toxic vapors in the Swamps... Not only the killer, but also the ground itself, is an enemy: we are in the Entity's realms, not in beautiful woods with colored flowers and singing birds... nature is wicked, too!

    @not_Queen @Patricia What do you think? Wouldn't it be a great buff to the game variability, longevity and beauty? **
  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    not_Queen said:

    Interesting. Sent this post to the Level designers. Maybe it will spark a discussion?

    Have you sent them the opening post, too? I would like to point out that it is not a question of inventing new mechanics, but only of enhancing existing ones to transform the maps into inhospitable places. Thanks for your excellent work! :)
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Entità I love you. Your suggestion for more level hazards has inspired me with another proposal to counter end-game hostage taking.

    In case you were uninformed sometimes survivors after powering all generators and opening both exit gates will spend upwards of 20 minutes sneaking around the level in an attempt to get the killer to disconnect and forfeit all of their hard-earned bloodpoints.

    With environmental hazards in mind, you could add several time-based hazards that encourage survivors to leave quickly once they can. For example, on certain maps, you can hear wolves howling in the ambiance. Now, what if after 2 minutes of an exit gate being opened on those maps a wolf or two would spawn. The Wolves would basically be m1 killers that are controlled by a basic AI with a speed of 105%. If survivors remain in the trial 2 minutes after a gate has been opened a louder than normal howl would be heard and then the wolves would appear in a natural part of the map. These wolves have a keen sense of smell and can detect survivors they get within a short radius of, let's say 8 meters for now. The wolves will then roam the level in a pair and seek out survivors. Once a survivor is detected the wolves will growl and then chase the survivor the same as a killer. The Wolves can climb over pallets and will bark while they chase any remaining survivors. The Wolves will attack by lunging forward and biting survivors. If a survivor is downed by a wolf attack or is dropped on the ground near a wolf a wolf will mori the survivor regardless of the number of times hooked and will just start eating them there. The wolves would not attack the killer as the killer is stronger than them.

    I'm still working on other ideas, but I feel like this one will work for most of the maps. (Excluding the indoor ones)

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    I want this type of stuff as well.. but I was thinking more a long the lines of like traps.... net traps that hang in the trees and fall on the survivors if they run underneath them...
    - graves or pits that have been dug and covered up and survivors and killers can fall in them 

    A lot this stuff can be added to the game and make players worry more... 

    Maybe these ideas could be new offerings???
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I would love something like this to make maps more than what they are now, it would make for some very interesting gameplay. The maps as we have now are getting boring, something like this would make the game much more interesting

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    @not_Queen @Patricia @Peanits @Shelby Any answer from the Level Designers? :)

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651

    This is a super cool idea and I hope this is something that the level designers can play with in the upcoming maps.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    This may be the missing piece of the game

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Honestly this sounds like one of the coolest ideas for dbd.

    This along with manipulatble map elements whether there doors that can be opened with a lever that shortens routes, destroyable windows that injure survivors when running through (like the glass window on the clown map) or even just the fire pit in the red forest actually injuring the survivor if they stay on it for too long.

    Perhaps even map hazards the killer can activate that will harm or even kill survivors for them. like dark entity ridden pirhana plants on red forest which spawn as more gens are done and will eat survivors if they get close (And have been incited to attack by the killer by being attacked by the killer)

  • Glassgo
    Glassgo Member Posts: 10

    it would be a good idea, it would add the challenge but it is necessary that killer AND survivor be impacted by the elements, which could give a pursuit race more intentense than turn around the boxes and go through windows because it's a bit monotonous ... the killer could force us to head towards a hostile area and the survivors could also benefit from it