Trial Phases and Game Length

AntiJelly Member Posts: 1,155
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

With the addition of the EGC, this begs the question...should trials be more streamlined into certain "phases"?

You always hear about "endgame", "earlygame", and "midgame", but truly the only one that's actually defined now is the endgame, and that's from the moment the 5th gen is done until everyone escapes, OR when there's one survivor left in a trial.

Those two scenarios define the endgame, and you know there's a limited time for certain things to happen.

So back to the main question, should trials be more streamlined with different effects or obstacles & whatnot happening at different phases of the game? Or maybe timers limiting what can and cannot be done until a certain point?

My point is, as of right now, the earlygame and midgame are wildly, WILDLY varying. You can have a game where no gens get done (still in the early game, right?) but the survivors are just playing grand champ hide and seek. Or they're being immersed and not doing gens, and either way the trial stays in the earlygame, but you're still there for 9 minutes.

Should there be incentives and/or punishments for doing gens by a certain point?

What would those points be? Would they be defined by time, hook stages, or what?

What effects would entail the punishments or incentives?


  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    This is where I always make the statement that the game still feels like it's in beta.... survivors spawn in and automatically know how to escape no early game objective to complete like finding a blueprint or gas or both..... the game rushes straight to the EGC where either everyone is dead or the gens are completed in 3-4 mins... this is something that the community has been after as well for awhile...

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    The incentive to doing gens is getting BP, XP (longer games), points for ranking up, and increasing your chance of escape.

    The punishment is not getting those things.

    I'm not sure why we'd need more or even what they would be? If you don't do gens you'll... get extra sacrificed?

    I'm all for additional objectives but there are already punishments and incentives built into the game.

  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    I saw a post recently about using the corrupt intervention (entity blocked gens perk) to limit what gens were available to be completed as default for all killers. Early game only a few generators are accessible and as time goes on more unlock.

    I don't think survivors should get punished for completing the objective, instead there should be a mechanic in place that makes it difficult/impossible to achieve a 4 minute escape. On the contrary punishing survivors for not doing the objective by a certain time is too harsh, since they're already losing (there's probably been a few hooks).

    The only thing I could come up with would be as your fellow survivors die, you become more scared of your impending doom causing your breathing and cries for help to be slightly louder than before.