whats the difference?

Mom and insta heals can extend a chase for another 30+ seconds, exposed status and insta down killers can can end a chase in under 10 seconds. lm seeing alot of people wanting mom nerfed and l just wanna know whats the difference between the two?
Yeah there are a LOT of Killer abilities that take away not one but both of the Survivors health bars instantly without having to do anything to earn it and they can do it ALL MATCH LONG!
Unlike MoM who has to get hit three times, escaping in between hits to mend each time before they get 1 extra hit point. After which they get a huge negative aura reading affect lasting until they get hooked if they mend again.
So I'm seeing some double standards here.
You know what the difference is? Killers get to do what MoM does in reverse only taking twice as many hit points while doing it without limit or consequence all throughout the match.
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You can't counter MoM and insta heals they happen regardless of skill.
You can counter exposed and insta downs by being good and looping/dodge.
Killers can't prevent you from pressing a button with their skill. M1 killers can't not hit you with M1 3 times to not let MoM happen.
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Exposed perks generally are easy to counter or have strict requirements on having them activate.
Killer exposed/instadowns are generally their entire power and they don't have much, or anything, beyond it.
Mettle takes a few hits to have active but you can get that with 0 effort on your part, and the killer has no reasonable means of stopping it. Instaheal is just a free 0 risk health state. And their power increases with more than 1 survivor having them.
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MoM requires no skill to activate apart from fail at winning chases and the killer's insta downs require at least some skill (apart from NOED)
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"You can counter exposed and insta downs by being good etc etc"
"You can counter MoM by being good at hitting them twice and not letting them get rescued"
That broken logic works both ways you see^
Things MoM currently cannot counter (and still won't be able to counter post nerf):
- MoM can't counter M2 Killers
- MoM can't counter M1 Killers with insta down core abilities
- MoM can't counter M1 Killers with insta down Perks / Hexes
- MoM can't counter M1 KIllers with insta down weapon mods
- MoM can't counter M1 Killers who exploit the surprise attack bug
Once the MoM nerf goes live all of this will still be true, only MoM pip progression will be so situationally rare that it won't be worth taking, so people won't.
Just like they don't take DS, only it's worse because at least DS counters tunneling where as MoM won't counter anything any more because it relies on janky coding to detect weather you took a defensive hit for an ally or not.
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l play leatherface and if l suspect someone of having mom l just insta down them.
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Unless they've changed their idea, post nerf MoM DOES counter instadowns, and any M2 ability that would otherwise put you into the dying state
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@SlinkyJinky Uh no. It doesnt work that way. There is no skillful way to prevent MoM as an M1 killer.
You're straight up telling people to face camp both hook states to avoid hitting them 3 times.
That's not being good you're likely to lose if you do that because you're just staring at a hook for minutes to not have to hit them more.
And as for the second part good. MoM should be super hard and rare to pull off its a free health state.
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@waffles4all What do you do as Wraith, Freddy, Clown, Trapper, Pig, Nurse, Doctor or Spirit?
They don't have a base kit M2 attack so no way to avoid it if they expect it.
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what about exposed status perks? noed, make your choice, devour hope, rancor? all those killers can run these perks
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To play devils advocate, they're all situational. NOED requires endgame and can easily be countered. MYC only matters if the MoM saves someone. Devour Hope takes work and rarely survives that long. And Rancor is also only Endgame and only useful against one person. You're either forced to ignore the obsession all game or you'll just end up activating MoM anyway.
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@waffles4all None of those can be activated at any time.
2 are endgame one can be countered by totem removal the other is obsession only. What if the obsession isn't the MoM user? Why should i let it reach endgame?
Devour can be removed 5 seconds into the match and usually is gone before 3 hooks.
Make your choice you have to get a hook and hope the rescuer has MoM and hit them in the time limit.
None of these can be done whenever the killer wants.
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M1 Killers that can counter MoM:
Myres: Evil Within III
Pig: Sneak attach doesn't trigger MoM pip progression
Trapper: with [ Honing Stone ] for insta down traps
Spirit with: [ Prayer Beads Bracelet ] for gen grabs (and / or surprise attack exploit that bypasses the MoM pip progression system)
Wraith with: [ Coxcombed Clapper ] + [ "The Ghost" - Soot ] for stealth gen grab (and / or surprise attack exploit that bypasses the MoM pip progression system)
There's probably more I've missed but that's besides the point here. All these Killers can remove 2 points of health instantly in their own round about ways bypassing the MoM pip progression system entirely. And that's not including M2 Killers who can do it easily.
There are so many counters to MoM it's just hilarious when MoM has no way to counter any of them.
Any other M1 Killer can 'counter' MoM with Hex: Haunted Ground or Noed. Or they could just sack up and continue the chase and hit them again, BAM! no more MoM unless they want to mend and give themselves a permanent aura reading debuff till they're inevitably hooked.
All Killers, every single one of them has no down side to their myriad of tools that counter MoM, and all of them bar the hex totem ones can do it all match long.
I tell you the denial, mis-direction, obfuscation and out right lies are real.
I guess those 'squeaky wheels' who /cry the loudest really do get the grease.
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New MoM will be able to counter everyone, just with a stricter requirement
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But yeah I know I'm fighting a losing cause here. Guess I'll just have to go back to /face rolling on easy-mode, hand-held, boring ass Killers. oh well.
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@SlinkyJinky I'm not saying MoM is op at all. Frankly I haven't had a problem with it. I just think the new version will be more reliable than current.
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@ClogWenchThe new version will be incredibly unreliable because the entire system hinges on recognizing weather you are taking a defensive hit for an ally or not. You have NO CONTROL over this as it's detection system is inconsistent at best.
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@SlinkyJinky Using (basically) the most powerful add-ons. Oke
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Be careful of FALSE EQUIVALENCY. What may seem equal on first glance won't always be equal in practice. The different is that there are 4 SURVIVORS and 1 KILLER. If a Killer gets a leg up on 1 survivor by insta downing them with a perk, well guess what, there are 3 other survivors to deal with who most likely aren't going to be insta downed unless you're running insta down only perks, which will overall disadvantage you because you aren't running RUIN.
MOM is in a state where once people realize its power, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE will be running it, and with one MOM extending for say 20-40 seconds, two MOMs could be a potential 2 generators, which is HUGE.
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Your forgetting the most powerful counter. Hit them twice, hook them, patrol the area (not face camp) and scare off anyone who tries to de-hook. If they do rescue them the first two hits they received if you didn't lose them during the chase ONLY COUNT FOR ONE MOM PIP (I think it's a bug) I've tested this on Survivor and if I'm hit twice during a chase it only counts for one pip. Just down them again, wash, wrince and repeat. If rescued they've only got 2 pips so if you hit them again after that MoM is prepped then just hit them again and they're down but that's besides the point.
MOM HAS NO WAY TO COUNTER M2 Killers and M1 Killers who exploit the sneak attack bug and other M1 Killers who have mods / totems / core abilities that bypass the system. So once the nerf drops it's just going to make MoM so situationally unusable that no one would ever in their right mind take it. Job done killers right? lawl.
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@SlinkyJinky body blocking counts as protection though if I'm not mistaken. And considering the tradeoff is an immunity to any hit that would down you, from injured or otherwise, that's a pretty solid effect.
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@ClogWench It does if it works which it rarely does. MoM will be reliant on an unreliable, inconsistent system. If they can make it reliably consistent then sure, but I highly doubt it.
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Can't say I've heard anyone else complain about Protection hits not registering properly. For that matter I haven't heard anything about the surprise hit bug or your problem with current MoM only registering one hit instead of two.
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People claiming that using MoM effectively requires 0 skill, lol.
Because escaping 3 times with only one hit means it totally rewarded bad play throughout the game, totally.
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It doesn't mean you escaped 3 times though. It means you could have gotten hit twice and hooked. It means you could have bodyblocked when the killer was carrying someone. You're still getting stacks even when failing.