Are any survivors from the future?

Dolvling Member Posts: 10

Since we can assume that all the current survivors were taken from a different time, were any taken from an era that was more advanced than what we have right now? Not necessarily a big lore-breaker, just kind of interesting to think about. If I had to guess, I would say that Nea or Feng is the most modern of the survivors, I believe that one of Feng's shirts says 2017 for a championship, although the fact that Detective's Hunch shows Tapp in front of notes and a computer, we at least know he comes from a time later than the 1970s.


  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Read Jake's new skin descriptions. Everything suggests he's from a post apocalyptic time
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The Entity's realms are timeless. A Survivor can be "from the future" relative to another one, but the realms themselves don't exist in any one time.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    You know I never really considered that.
    Perhaps the reason why there isn't survivors from the future is because the Entity itself is in the here and now in our time. And the survivors that we know and love ( or hate ) are the ones that have been there longer.

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    Feng is probably the most modern survivor judging by her store cosmetics and original ones and Nea comes the second also judged by her store cosmetics.I strongly believe Feng was pulled from the year 2017 (as seen on her polo shirt 'lazer bears'.And i guess Nea was pulled the year before?No idea but she is definitely not from before 2010 in my opinion.

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2018

    The entity doesn't do time, so there definitley could also be survivors in the entities realm from the year of 25XX, we wouldn't know. It probably keeps those who can comprehend each other together. Those that wouldn't be able to are somewhere else. The devs mentioned something about the lines of the realm not being one existing one, but rather small bubbles which can sometimes align long enough for something to come through. That's how we see new Killers and Survivors in our 'bubble'.

    We can only see one corner of the entities realm, so I am positive that there is one bubble full with people from the future. Of course this would imply that the entity still has power in that time period, as it needs suffering and cruel deeds to grasp someone from the real world.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         Perhaps Time is so convoluted; All we can do is wonder when not why.
  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited July 2018

    Detective Tapp from 2000-2005 or so btw.

    Devs mentioned, that technically Entity capable to "kidnap" survivors (locations) from different dimensions and times, but its very unlikely, since there is must be something like emotional recall about these places/people. They have to be familiar to already existing survivors more or less. If place isn't familiar enough, survivors would lose their hope to escape well too quick. This is how it explained lorewise. Other than that, this would just simply break setting of the game.