Fan-made Chapter: Rust and Bone

LonerNova Member Posts: 22
edited June 2018 in Creations

Hello all! I hope you're having a wonderful day, even if you're a pallet looper with a flashlight. I'm new here to the forum. I was recommended to make a post here by Jarvs, so here I am.

I'm a creative person. Doing things where I can run free with my imagination are right up my alley. Recently, with the Clown being revealed, I've done some scheming of my own chapters. I've actually conjured up four whole chapter concepts. A killer, survivor, map, the whole shebang. This post is going to be my attempt at sharing one of those with you, as best I can. I hope that you'll all consider what I present with open-minds, take it seriously, and most of all, I hope this has an affect. Whether or not this chapter gets integrated into the game doesn't matter. What I want to really do, is show people that our community isn't just a bunch of toxic, tea-bagging/camping jerks. Let's put a more lighthearted and positive side of the community on display, eh?

So, I'll start off with our killer, since they're objectively the most exciting. I want to keep your attention as best as possible, so let's 'clickbait' a bit here, if you get what I'm saying.

Our killer is The Crow. To be sure things are interpreted correctly, I'll be referring to the avian wildlife found in-game simply as birds.

The Crow, or, Corvus Clemens, was a plague doctor during the late thirteen-hundreds. He would lure sickly people to his house promising refuge and remedy, but they found no such thing. Instead, they'd only submitted themselves to become playthings for Corvus. He brutalized and murdered dozens of people in the name of art, ensuring their unavoidable death did not go to waste. Although, the artistic value of his work is... questionable. His work was heinous and disturbing, constructed from bone fragments, tufts of hair, samples of flesh, vertebrae, teeth, tongues, eyes, all of it a horrific collage. Often times the monstrous creations were painted in the victim's own blood.

When the plague's reign of terror came to an end, people began to put two and two together. Remains were found of Corvus' patients, and they looked quite dissimilar to that of an actual plague casualty. A witch hunt soon followed, but it turned up no justice. Corvus had vanished.

The name, The Crow is actually symbolic of the nature of Corvus' killings. Crows are sort of like domesticated vultures, preying on the dead, nearly dead, or simply organic waste. Corvus, much like an actual crow, preyed on those who were dying, and couldn't easily defend themselves. Not a major point, but one I wanted to mention.

The Crow has a base movement speed of 110%, and a terror radius of 28m.

The Crow's Power: Featherstorm:

The Crow's very soul has been split into fragments, some of which have been placed into the various birds found throughout the Entity's trial. As a result of this, the auras of birds are revealed to The Crow at all times. (This is unaffected by things like Sole Survivor.)

Additionally, The Crow does not startle birds when walking passed them.

Now here's the juicy part.

Note: (The Crow's power behaves similarly to The Nightmare's, in the sense that it's a targeted ability with a finite range, and indicator of where it's affecting.)

By using the primary active part of the ability, The Crow raises his left hand to gesture. Releasing the button performs the gesture. When The Crow performs this while aimed at a bird within his terror radius, the bird will fly to him. While the bird is flying, The Crow can activate the secondary active part of the ability. Teleportation. Both the bird, and The Crow are consumed in a maelstrom of black feathers. After a brief delay, The Crow emerges from the swirling vortex of feathers where the bird was located. (Feathers dissipate after teleportation is complete.)

If The Crow does not teleport to the bird's location, the bird will arrive directly at Corvus' position, and circle around him like it would a survivor. While this is happening, the terror radius of The Crow is increased moderately, and his movement speed is slightly decreased. The option to teleport is unavailable while the bird is circling him, obviously. By reactivating the primary part of the ability, the one that drew the bird to The Crow in the first place, The Crow will command the bird that circles him to fly in the direction he's looking. This opens another opportunity to teleport. If the bird reaches its maximum range before The Crow teleports, or hits an obstacle after being commanded away from The Crow, it'll explode into a cloud of feathers. If a survivor is within 6m of this, they'll be disoriented. (Kind of like a Blackened Catalyst explosion.)

If the bird hits a survivor directly while it's flying to or from The Crow, the bird will begin circling that survivor. This allows The Crow to teleport directly to them.

Now, some details:

Birds have a base flight speed of 130%. This can be modified with the use of add-ons, which I'll address later.
Birds cannot fly up. Weird right? Almost like it doesn't make sense contextually outside of video game mechanics. This is just to stop the killer from 'Nursing,' if you catch my drift. They operate simply on a horizontal plane.
Birds cannot go through walls, or other impassible obstacles. That one's fairly obvious.

I'm also toying with the idea of letting The Crow teleport to disturbed birds around the map. Maybe that'll be a built in function, or perhaps an add-on. Leave your own thoughts on that in the comments, please.

Now that his power is out of the way, here's The Crow's teachable perks. I would throw together a rough idea of what the icons might be, if I had any sort of skills whatsoever when it comes to graphic design. Sadly, that'll be left to your imagination.

Fervent Feathers:
Survivors that startle a bird have a 50%/75%/90% chance to have that bird immediately start circling around them. Additionally, birds circle survivors for 10%/20%/30% longer.

Grisly Gallery:
Putting your work up for display fills you with a potent sense of pride. Gain a stack of Grisly Gallery, up to a maximum of 4/6/8, every time a survivor is hooked. Each stack grants +1% movement speed, and increases your terror radius by 1m.

I don't mean to alarm you, but here's some very simple math.
{X|1≤X≤4, XEW}
X = # of survivors currently on a hook. The effects of all Grisly Gallery stacks are multiplied by X at any given moment.
The domain I provided just above, simply states that at any given moment, X cannot be less than one, even if there are zero survivors hooked. This is to prevent the effects of the stacks from simply being negated entirely. As we all should know, anything multiplied by zero is zero. Thus, X is always at least one. X cannot be greater than 4, as there aren't enough survivors for anything more. The XEW simply means that X is always a whole number, and never 2.5 survivors, because that also isn't possible.

Just wanted to make sure the math didn't spook anyone, even if it isn't particularly complicated. Math is scary to a lot of people. Anyway, I'll provide you all with an example of this perk right now.

Let's say that I'm playing as The Shape, and I down and hook my first survivor. Like Barbecue and Chilli would, Grisly Gallery gains a stack. This makes me 1% faster, and increases by terror radius by 1m. 1x1=1, so things don't get crazy yet. I go and down another survivor, and hook them up. The unlucky guy from earlier is still hanging out. Now I have two stacks, and X = 2. My movement speed now has a 4% increase, and my terror radius is now 4m scarier. Unhooking one of the two survivors, would reduce the value of X, causing the bonuses from my stacks to decrease to +2% movement speed, and +2m of terror radius. I think you all see where this is going.

Master of Manipulation:
Survivors failing a skill check within a 12m/18m/24m radius of you, suffer from the exposed status effect for 2/3/4 seconds.
(This is one of those perks that would need a lot of tuning to ensure it's not busted. It seems great on a killer like the Huntress, or Nurse, but what about good ol' Bing-Bong? Or Freddy for that matter? Not every perk needs to be viable on every killer, but its worth noting that this could feed into the onslaught of top-tiers outclassing low-tiers.)

Those are the teachable perks I conjured up They're fairly unique, save for maybe Fervent Feathers, being a bit of a rehashed Spies From the Shadows. Now, onto The Crow's add-ons.


Brown Tier:

  • Rat Tail: Increases speed of birds slightly .
  • Fragmented Bone: Increases range of birds slightly.

Yellow Tier:

  • Splintered Fingernail: Time to teleport slightly decreased. Teleport cooldown moderately decreased.
  • Jar of Preservatives: Grants a considerable burst of movement speed after teleporting for 1.5s.
  • Severed Iris: Allows The Crow to teleport to disturbed birds.

Green Tier:

  • Margaret's Bow: Flight speed of crows moderately increased. Range of crows moderately increased.
  • Margaret's Ribbon: Grants the ability to teleport to idle/undisturbed birds and disturbed birds.

Purple Tier:

  • Bloodvial: After teleporting, grants you a tremendous burst of movement speed for 2 seconds.
  • Alec's Molar: Time taken to teleport increased considerably. Range of birds increased tremendously. Flight speed of birds increased tremendously. Cooldown of teleport reduced slightly.
  • Alec's Tongue: Grants a considerable burst of movement speed while within 16m of a bird. Speed of birds moderately reduced. Birds move moderately faster when travelling in the direction of a survivor.

Red Tier:

  • Feathered Whetstone: Survivors with a bird circling them suffer from the exposed status effect. The effect lingers for 5s after the bird leaves.

Lastly, but certainly not least, we have our Mori. The survivor frantically struggles to get away, crawling backwards, facing up at The Crow as he looms over them eerily. They shield their eyes as The Crow raises his hand, but he doesn't bring a blade down on them. No, no. He reaches into his pocket, and removes a pouch of birdseed, which he then pours onto the survivor. They stare on in horror as a monolithic flock of birds envelope them entirely, devouring them alive. Their body is picked clean, leaving nothing but a skeleton behind. (Maybe the bones even have rag doll. It might be fun to bump into it while running around as survivor, who knows. That's certainly an unnecessary detail though.)

And that about wraps up The Crow. All that's left is his map. I'd imagine it to be something similar to Old Yarnham from Bloodborne, or perhaps a house in the woods, similar to Mother's Dwelling, where The Crow would have committed all of his torturous murders. It would certainly have a very... Ye olde vibe about it.

Now, The Survivor!

I introduce you to troubled friend, Gavin Callaghan.
First off, let's talk appearance.

Gavin would definitely be rocking a plaid shirt, with a vest over top of it. He'd also rock a beanie, like Quentin's but brighter. Let's give him two example outfits to begin.

A red and black, long-sleeved checker shirt, with a muted green vest over top. He'd be rocking a bright orange toque/beanie, and some grey jeans.

Another version could be a blue and black, long-sleeved checker shirt, with a grey vest over top, alongside a blue toque/beanie, and some beige khakis.

Gavin is a small-town kid, with a troubled childhood. He sustained a lot of beatings growing up, and for no good reason at all. As he got older, he became more desperate to escape from it all, and turned to substances like alcohol, cannabis, and potentially ever more. About seventeen years old, Gavin was found out by his parents, and they were furious with him. His beatings before had never had real reason, but once given a reason, his parents were straight from a horror film. Punching and kicking, screaming and cussing, even throwing his own bottle of beer at him. Gavin fled the house, fearing for his life, and went straight to the social workers. A monotone woman told him that it'd be days before the proper paperwork would be filed, which meant he'd have to hold out until then. But he refused to return home. He stayed on the street, hoping in vain that his rescue would come. When it finally did, Gavin was gone.

Gavin's three teachable perks are as follow:

Good Natured:
After everything you've faced, you're still you; a good kid. Its hard out here, and the sympathy you feel for your fellow trial-goers is powerful enough to unlock hidden potential in your aura reading ability. Grants you the ability to see a survivor's aura within 34m/68m/unlimited range, while they are inside the killer's terror radius.

Tempered Resolve:
The regular beatings you once endured have strengthened your spirit, and will to fight. When the killer picks you up from the dying state, 30%/40%/50% of your recovery bar is converted to progress in the struggle bar. This effect is doubled for the obsession.

Relaxed Reflex:
The use of drugs whilst your brain developed had interesting side-effects, making certain things play-out almost in slow motion. The speed of skill checks are reduced by 15%/20%/25%. Success zone of skill checks are increased by 3%/6%/9%.

And on that note, I suppose this Fan-made Chapter is over. Please leave your thoughts down below. I'd love to know whether or not I've got a solid idea, or if I'm completely deluded. I'm more than happy to tweak this as time goes on. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this. I hope that you enjoyed, and if you did, why not share this with your buddies? ;)

Have a good one. :chuffed:


Post edited by LonerNova on


  • mizey13
    mizey13 Member Posts: 2
    The devs should seriously consider taking this on. I love it. Keep it up man. 
  • PolarAppleCaps
    PolarAppleCaps Member Posts: 5
    This is pretty cool! I hope they consider this. I wonder how gameplay would be.
  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22
    This is pretty cool! I hope they consider this. I wonder how gameplay would be.
    I think it would probably play out like a slower version of the Nurse, since her blinks aren't instant. That, and Crow can't use them whenever he wants, he needs to be set up correctly for it. The upside of course is that his base speed allows for chase, and his blinks don't punish him. Maybe a beginner level nurse? Potentially eveneven be than her in some situations. That's my take at least. Thanks for the support and interest!
  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22
    mizey13 said:
    The devs should seriously consider taking this on. I love it. Keep it up man. 
    I would probably die of a stroke if they actually did decide to pursue this, whether they just like a perk idea, or the whole thing, I'd be super flattered. Most importantly though, I'd kist hope that everyone else liked it too. Thanks dude!
  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187
    LonerNova said:

    Hello all! I hope you're having a wonderful day, even if you're a pallet looper with a flashlight. I'm new here to the forum. I was recommended to make a post here by Jarvs, so here I am.

    I'm a creative person. Doing things where I can run free with my imagination are right up my alley. Recently, with the Clown being revealed, I've done some scheming of my own chapters. I've actually conjured up four whole chapter concepts. A killer, survivor, map, the whole shebang. This post is going to be my attempt at sharing one of those with you, as best I can. I hope that you'll all consider what I present with open-minds, take it seriously, and most of all, I hope this has an affect. Whether or not this chapter gets integrated into the game doesn't matter. What I want to really do, is show people that our community isn't just a bunch of toxic, tea-bagging/camping jerks. Let's put a more lighthearted and positive side of the community on display, eh?

    So, I'll start off with our killer, since they're objectively the most exciting. I want to keep your attention as best as possible, so let's 'clickbait' a bit here, if you get what I'm saying.

    Our killer is The Crow. To be sure things are interpreted correctly, I'll be referring to the avian wildlife found in-game simply as birds.

    The Crow, or, Corvus Clemens, was a plague doctor during the late thirteen-hundreds. He would lure sickly people to his house promising refuge and remedy, but they found no such thing. Instead, they'd only submitted themselves to become playthings for Corvus. He brutalized and murdered dozens of people in the name of art, ensuring their unavoidable death did not go to waste. Although, the artistic value of his work is... questionable. His work was heinous and disturbing, constructed from bone fragments, tufts of hair, samples of flesh, vertebrae, teeth, tongues, eyes, all of it a horrific collage. Often times the monstrous creations were painted in the victim's own blood.

    When the plague's reign of terror came to an end, people began to put two and two together. Remains were found of Corvus' patients, and they looked quite dissimilar to that of an actual plague casualty. A witch hunt soon followed, but it turned up no justice. Corvus had vanished.

    The name, The Crow is actually symbolic of the nature of Corvus' killings. Crows are sort of like domesticated vultures, preying on the dead, nearly dead, or simply organic waste. Corvus, much like an actual crow, preyed on those who were dying, and couldn't easily defend themselves. Not a major point, but one I wanted to mention.

    The Crow has a base movement speed of 110%, and a terror radius of 28m.

    The Crow's Power: Featherstorm:

    The Crow's very soul has been split into fragments, some of which have been placed into the various birds found throughout the Entity's trial. As a result of this, the auras of birds are revealed to The Crow at all times. (This is unaffected by things like Sole Survivor.)

    Additionally, The Crow does not startle birds when walking passed them.

    Now here's the juicy part.

    Note: (The Crow's power behaves similarly to The Nightmare's, in the sense that it's a targeted ability with a finite range, and indicator of where it's affecting.)

    By using the primary active part of the ability, The Crow raises his left hand to gesture. Releasing the button performs the gesture. When The Crow performs this while aimed at a bird within his terror radius, the bird will fly to him. While the bird is flying, The Crow can activate the secondary active part of the ability. Teleportation. Both the bird, and The Crow are consumed in a maelstrom of black feathers. After a brief delay, The Crow emerges from the swirling vortex of feathers where the bird was located. (Feathers dissipate after teleportation is complete.)

    If The Crow does not teleport to the bird's location, the bird will arrive directly at Corvus' position, and circle around him like it would a survivor. While this is happening, the terror radius of The Crow is increased moderately, and his movement speed is slightly decreased. The option to teleport is unavailable while the bird is circling him, obviously. By reactivating the primary part of the ability, the one that drew the bird to The Crow in the first place, The Crow will command the bird that circles him to fly in the direction he's looking. This opens another opportunity to teleport. If the bird reaches its maximum range before The Crow teleports, or hits an obstacle after being commanded away from The Crow, it'll explode into a cloud of feathers. If a survivor is within 6m of this, they'll be disoriented. (Kind of like a Blackened Catalyst explosion.)

    If the bird hits a survivor directly while it's flying to or from The Crow, the bird will begin circling that survivor. This allows The Crow to teleport directly to them.

    Now, some details:

    Birds have a base flight speed of 130%. This can be modified with the use of add-ons, which I'll address later.
    Birds cannot fly up. Weird right? Almost like it doesn't make sense contextually outside of video game mechanics. This is just to stop the killer from 'Nursing,' if you catch my drift. They operate simply on a horizontal plane.
    Birds cannot go through walls, or other impassible obstacles. That one's fairly obvious.

    I'm also toying with the idea of letting The Crow teleport to disturbed birds around the map. Maybe that'll be a built in function, or perhaps an add-on. Leave your own thoughts on that in the comments, please.

    Now that his power is out of the way, here's The Crow's teachable perks. I would throw together a rough idea of what the icons might be, if I had any sort of skills whatsoever when it comes to graphic design. Sadly, that'll be left to your imagination.

    Fervent Feathers:
    Survivors that startle a bird have a 50%/75%/90% chance to have that bird immediately start circling around them. Additionally, birds circle survivors for 10%/20%/30% longer.

    Grisly Gallery:
    Putting your work up for display fills you with a potent sense of pride. Gain a stack of Grisly Gallery, up to a maximum of 4/6/8, every time a survivor is hooked. Each stack grants +1% movement speed, and increases your terror radius by 1m.

    I don't mean to alarm you, but here's some very simple math.
    {X|1≤X≤4, XEW}
    X = # of survivors currently on a hook. The effects of all Grisly Gallery stacks are multiplied by X at any given moment.
    The domain I provided just above, simply states that at any given moment, X cannot be less than one, even if there are zero survivors hooked. This is to prevent the effects of the stacks from simply being negated entirely. As we all should know, anything multiplied by zero is zero. Thus, X is always at least one. X cannot be greater than 4, as there aren't enough survivors for anything more. The XEW simply means that X is always a whole number, and never 2.5 survivors, because that also isn't possible.

    Just wanted to make sure the math didn't spook anyone, even if it isn't particularly complicated. Math is scary to a lot of people. Anyway, I'll provide you all with an example of this perk right now.

    Let's say that I'm playing as The Shape, and I down and hook my first survivor. Like Barbecue and Chilli would, Grisly Gallery gains a stack. This makes me 1% faster, and increases by terror radius by 1m. 1x1=1, so things don't get crazy yet. I go and down another survivor, and hook them up. The unlucky guy from earlier is still hanging out. Now I have two stacks, and X = 2. My movement speed now has a 4% increase, and my terror radius is now 4m scarier. Unhooking one of the two survivors, would reduce the value of X, causing the bonuses from my stacks to decrease to +2% movement speed, and +2m of terror radius. I think you all see where this is going.

    Master of Manipulation:
    Survivors failing a skill check within a 12m/18m/24m radius of you, suffer from the exposed status effect for 2/3/4 seconds.
    (This is one of those perks that would need a lot of tuning to ensure it's not busted. It seems great on a killer like the Huntress, or Nurse, but what about good ol' Bing-Bong? Or Freddy for that matter? Not every perk needs to be viable on every killer, but its worth noting that this could feed into the onslaught of top-tiers outclassing low-tiers.)

    Those are the teachable perks I conjured up They're fairly unique, save for maybe Fervent Feathers, being a bit of a rehashed Spies From the Shadows. Now, onto The Crow's add-ons.


    Brown Tier:
    - Rat Tail: Increases speed of birds slightly .
    - Fragmented Bone: Increases range of birds slightly.

    Yellow Tier:
    - Splintered Fingernail: Time to teleport slightly decreased. Teleport cooldown moderately decreased.
    - Jar of Preservatives: Grants a considerable burst of movement speed after teleporting for 1.5s.
    - Severed Iris: Allows The Crow to teleport to disturbed birds.

    Green Tier:
    - Margaret's Bow: Flight speed of crows moderately increased. Range of crows moderately increased.
    - Margaret's Ribbon: Grants the ability to teleport to idle/undisturbed birds and disturbed birds.

    Purple Tier:
    - Bloodvial: After teleporting, grants you a tremendous burst of movement speed for 2 seconds.
    - Alec's Molar: Time taken to teleport increased considerably. Range of birds increased tremendously. Flight speed of birds increased tremendously. Cooldown of teleport reduced slightly.
    - Alec's Tongue: Grants a considerable burst of movement speed while within 16m of a bird. Speed of birds moderately reduced. Birds move moderately faster when travelling in the direction of a survivor.

    Red Tier:
    - Feathered Whetstone: Survivors with a bird circling them suffer from the exposed status effect. The effect lingers for 5s after the bird leaves.

    Lastly, but certainly not least, we have our Mori. The survivor frantically struggles to get away, crawling backwards, facing up at The Crow as he looms over them eerily. They shield their eyes as The Crow raises his hand, but he doesn't bring a blade down on them. No, no. He reaches into his pocket, and removes a pouch of birdseed, which he then pours onto the survivor. They stare on in horror as a monolithic flock of birds envelope them entirely, devouring them alive. Their body is picked clean, leaving nothing but a skeleton behind. (Maybe the bones even have rag doll. It might be fun to bump into it while running around as survivor, who knows. That's certainly an unnecessary detail though.)

    And that about wraps up The Crow. All that's left is his map. I'd imagine it to be something similar to Old Yarnham from Bloodborne, or perhaps a house in the woods, similar to Mother's Dwelling, where The Crow would have committed all of his torturous murders. It would certainly have a very... Ye olde vibe about it.

    Now, The Survivor!

    I introduce you to troubled friend, Gavin Callaghan.
    First off, let's talk appearance.

    Gavin would definitely be rocking a plaid shirt, with a vest over top of it. He'd also rock a beanie, like Quentin's but brighter. Let's give him two example outfits to begin.

    A red and black, long-sleeved checker shirt, with a muted green vest over top. He'd be rocking a bright orange toque/beanie, and some grey jeans.

    Another version could be a blue and black, long-sleeved checker shirt, with a grey vest over top, alongside a blue toque/beanie, and some beige khakis.

    Gavin is a small-town kid, with a troubled childhood. He sustained a lot of beatings growing up, and for no good reason at all. As he got older, he became more desperate to escape from it all, and turned to substances like alcohol, cannabis, and potentially ever more. About seventeen years old, Gavin was found out by his parents, and they were furious with him. His beatings before had never had real reason, but once given a reason, his parents were straight from a horror film. Punching and kicking, screaming and cussing, even throwing his own bottle of beer at him. Gavin fled the house, fearing for his life, and went straight to the social workers. A monotone woman told him that it'd be days before the proper paperwork would be filed, which meant he'd have to hold out until then. But he refused to return home. He stayed on the street, hoping in vain that his rescue would come. When it finally did, Gavin was gone.

    Gavin's three teachable perks are as follow:

    Good Natured:
    After everything you've faced, you're still you; a good kid. Its hard out here, and the sympathy you feel for your fellow trial-goers is powerful enough to unlock hidden potential in your aura reading ability. Grants you the ability to see a survivor's aura within 34m/68m/unlimited range, while they are inside the killer's terror radius.

    Tempered Resolve:
    The regular beatings you once endured have strengthened your spirit, and will to fight. When the killer picks you up from the dying state, 30%/40%/50% of your recovery bar is converted to progress in the struggle bar. This effect is doubled for the obsession.

    Relaxed Reflex:
    The use of drugs whilst your brain developed had interesting side-effects, making certain things play-out almost in slow motion. The speed of skill checks are reduced by 15%/20%/25%. Success zone of skill checks are increased by 3%/6%/9%.

    And on that note, I suppose this Fan-made Chapter is over. Please leave your thoughts down below. I'd love to know whether or not I've got a solid idea, or if I'm completely deluded. I'm more than happy to tweak this as time goes on. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this. I hope that you enjoyed, and if you did, why not share this with your buddies? ;)

    Have a good one. :chuffed:


    The crow’s totally based on bloodborne
  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22
    The crow’s totally based on bloodborne
    You're 100% correct. The Crow is inspired by Bloodborne. That, a bit of Jhin from League of Legends, and my own spice as well. If directly mentioning Old Yarnham didn't give it away, I don't know what would, ha!
  • MuteNewt
    MuteNewt Member Posts: 234

    I was thinking the same thing. That's Eileen from Bloodborne concept art. But I really love the idea and concept. I would love to see this type of Hunter in the game :D Bloodborne is one of my favourite games ever!!

  • Otar
    Otar Member Posts: 6

    Wow, what a detailed description, I'm impressed. I hope too, that the devs look at this! Keep up your work :)

  • Brawler
    Brawler Member Posts: 333

    Really nice! Devs take a look on it!

  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22
    Otar said:

    Wow, what a detailed description, I'm impressed. I hope too, that the devs look at this! Keep up your work :)

    Thanks man! I'd have a stroke if the devs looked over this thing. I've got high hopes, but low expectations for it. I'll post another chapter sometime soon! :)
  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22
    MuteNewt said:

    I was thinking the same thing. That's Eileen from Bloodborne concept art. But I really love the idea and concept. I would love to see this type of Hunter in the game :D Bloodborne is one of my favourite games ever!!

    Bloodborne is one of the greatest games of this generation, and easily one of my favorites too. I'm glad to hear you're liking the idea! Thanks!
  • Kyogetsu
    Kyogetsu Member Posts: 2
    love the concept! Keep those ideas rolling :D
  • Xray525
    Xray525 Member Posts: 3

    Wow that’s amazing, you should apply for a job and make this happen😂

  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22
    edited June 2018
    Xray525 said:

    Wow that’s amazing, you should apply for a job and make this happen😂

    I'm not sure how useful I would be, not having much knowledge in regards to programming. But if they decided they wanted me, I wouldn't say no.  ;)
  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22
    Kyogetsu said:
    love the concept! Keep those ideas rolling :D
    Thanks man! I'm really flattered by all this support! I'm aiming to upload the other chapters I have in the coming days, ideally when my exams are over. Stay tuned! :chuffed:
  • PolarAppleCaps
    PolarAppleCaps Member Posts: 5
    Cool looking killer and the survivor sounds pretty cool too.😀
  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    "This is not a thing effected by Sole Survivor."
    Oh come on, Sole Survivor needs at least ONE use, lmao.

  • Doccy
    Doccy Member Posts: 103

    What in the world - turns out we came up with the exact same Mori! Ah, well I suppose you came up with it first. I'll rethink mine, in that case.

    Otherwise, the Killer in itself looks fine. However, I feel like the Crow's unique perks are a little... tame? They just seem very uninteresting and not very unique - plus I see some bad balance issues in them. Grisly Gallery seems very ineffective in general, while Master of Manipulation I fear will be far, far too strong.

  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22

    @Doccy said:
    What in the world - turns out we came up with the exact same Mori! Ah, well I suppose you came up with it first. I'll rethink mine, in that case.

    Otherwise, the Killer in itself looks fine. However, I feel like the Crow's unique perks are a little... tame? They just seem very uninteresting and not very unique - plus I see some bad balance issues in them. Grisly Gallery seems very ineffective in general, while Master of Manipulation I fear will be far, far too strong.

    Oh really? I knew there were similarities between our killers, but not the Mori too! Haha! It's a good idea, so I'm not surprised you came up with it too. You're right about Master of Manipulation. I think the time of the status effect would need to be decreased, or maybe the range, or maybe even both. As it stands, it's a terrifying prospect to think of a Nurse with Overcharge blinking through a wall and one-shotting you. Or a Huntress bopping you into oblivion from the fog's embrace.

    Grisly Gallery is hard to balance, and I share some of your thoughts on it. At the beginning of the game it's pretty useless, granting only a few piddly percent of movement speed. But late game, when everyone is pretty much on their last hook, is when it really starts to add up. What makes it hard to balance was the math part, wherein the effects were multiplied based on how many survivors were hooked.

    As is, if you were to have eight stacks, and two hooked survivors, you'd be zooming around the map 16% faster. Also, it'd only take a couple stacks to make killers like the Nurse, or Stage I Myers move fast enough to catch survivors outright.

    If I were to change it from 1% to 2%, to have more immediate effects, at max stacks you are now moving 16% faster, and that's without the multiplication factor! I like the idea, and believe me, I've put some thought into the balancing of it, but I think something like this would be better left to the pros over at the HQ. It's very minor adjustments that would either break the game, or make the perk obsolete. It's hard. I'm open to suggestions though!

    Fervent Feathers was the result of my wanting to make the Ultra Rare add-on more scary, by having an extra way to trigger the exposed status. That, and I don't really like how the current Spies From The Shadows functions.

    With all that said, I think with some tuning and adjustments, the perks could be pretty neat. Of course, that's my opinion. I've still got plenty to share, too.

    Thanks for the interest dude! Keep on keepin' on. :)

  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22

    @Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:
    "This is not a thing effected by Sole Survivor."
    Oh come on, Sole Survivor needs at least ONE use, lmao.

    I BELIEVE, that Sole Survivor is to receive a rework at some point, making it actually useful. If that's the case, then I think it's fine this way. If I'm wrong on that, well, you're right. That perk sucks. It might as well have one use, even if it's against a fan killer that isn't in the game, haha!

    Thanks for checking the page out dude! :)

  • Macho
    Macho Member Posts: 4


  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22

    @Macho said:

    Definitely. :)

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    To start off, I love the Mori, when ever you think about a Mori, you think about knife to the chest, but this...this is just unique and amazing.

    He's basically a Nurse, sometimes better sometimes worst. Like them both, one false move and you've lost.

    I also love the fact that you took time to discuss add ons, as many people don't take the time to do that.

    The lore and the references to Blood borne are also both pleasent, and I hope I see more of you in the future!  :)
  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22

    @CheersTC said:

    To start off, I love the Mori, when ever you think about a Mori, you think about knife to the chest, but this...this is just unique and amazing.

    He's basically a Nurse, sometimes better sometimes worst. Like them both, one false move and you've lost.

    I also love the fact that you took time to discuss add ons, as many people don't take the time to do that.

    The lore and the references to Blood borne are also both pleasent, and I hope I see more of you in the future!  :)

    Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words! I tried to make a killer who really uses the environment to their advantage, that isn't a trap killer. I also really enjoy playing the Nurse, and wanted to try reformatting her. I'm really glad that it's gathered such positive responses! I'm actually working on the draft of my next killer right now! You can expect to see The Woodsman sometime later this week. Thanks! <3

  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22

    The new chapter, The Trembling Flame, was just posted. Sorry for the delay!

  • spiritmeiner
    spiritmeiner Member Posts: 61

    @LonerNova said:
    Hello all! I hope you're having a wonderful day, even if you're a pallet looper with a flashlight. I'm new here to the forum. I was recommended to make a post here by Jarvs, so here I am.

    I'm a creative person. Doing things where I can run free with my imagination are right up my alley. Recently, with the Clown being revealed, I've done some scheming of my own chapters. I've actually conjured up four whole chapter concepts. A killer, survivor, map, the whole shebang. This post is going to be my attempt at sharing one of those with you, as best I can. I hope that you'll all consider what I present with open-minds, take it seriously, and most of all, I hope this has an affect. Whether or not this chapter gets integrated into the game doesn't matter. What I want to really do, is show people that our community isn't just a bunch of toxic, tea-bagging/camping jerks. Let's put a more lighthearted and positive side of the community on display, eh?

    So, I'll start off with our killer, since they're objectively the most exciting. I want to keep your attention as best as possible, so let's 'clickbait' a bit here, if you get what I'm saying.

    Our killer is The Crow. To be sure things are interpreted correctly, I'll be referring to the avian wildlife found in-game simply as birds.

    The Crow, or, Corvus Clemens, was a plague doctor during the late thirteen-hundreds. He would lure sickly people to his house promising refuge and remedy, but they found no such thing. Instead, they'd only submitted themselves to become playthings for Corvus. He brutalized and murdered dozens of people in the name of art, ensuring their unavoidable death did not go to waste. Although, the artistic value of his work is... questionable. His work was heinous and disturbing, constructed from bone fragments, tufts of hair, samples of flesh, vertebrae, teeth, tongues, eyes, all of it a horrific collage. Often times the monstrous creations were painted in the victim's own blood.

    When the plague's reign of terror came to an end, people began to put two and two together. Remains were found of Corvus' patients, and they looked quite dissimilar to that of an actual plague casualty. A witch hunt soon followed, but it turned up no justice. Corvus had vanished.

    The name, The Crow is actually symbolic of the nature of Corvus' killings. Crows are sort of like domesticated vultures, preying on the dead, nearly dead, or simply organic waste. Corvus, much like an actual crow, preyed on those who were dying, and couldn't easily defend themselves. Not a major point, but one I wanted to mention.

    The Crow has a base movement speed of 110%, and a terror radius of 28m.

    The Crow's Power: Featherstorm:

    The Crow's very soul has been split into fragments, some of which have been placed into the various birds found throughout the Entity's trial. As a result of this, the auras of birds are revealed to The Crow at all times. (This is unaffected by things like Sole Survivor.)

    Additionally, The Crow does not startle birds when walking passed them.

    Now here's the juicy part.

    Note: (The Crow's power behaves similarly to The Nightmare's, in the sense that it's a targeted ability with a finite range, and indicator of where it's affecting.)

    By using the primary active part of the ability, The Crow raises his left hand to gesture. Releasing the button performs the gesture. When The Crow performs this while aimed at a bird within his terror radius, the bird will fly to him. While the bird is flying, The Crow can activate the secondary active part of the ability. Teleportation. Both the bird, and The Crow are consumed in a maelstrom of black feathers. After a brief delay, The Crow emerges from the swirling vortex of feathers where the bird was located. (Feathers dissipate after teleportation is complete.)

    If The Crow does not teleport to the bird's location, the bird will arrive directly at Corvus' position, and circle around him like it would a survivor. While this is happening, the terror radius of The Crow is increased moderately, and his movement speed is slightly decreased. The option to teleport is unavailable while the bird is circling him, obviously. By reactivating the primary part of the ability, the one that drew the bird to The Crow in the first place, The Crow will command the bird that circles him to fly in the direction he's looking. This opens another opportunity to teleport. If the bird reaches its maximum range before The Crow teleports, or hits an obstacle after being commanded away from The Crow, it'll explode into a cloud of feathers. If a survivor is within 6m of this, they'll be disoriented. (Kind of like a Blackened Catalyst explosion.)

    If the bird hits a survivor directly while it's flying to or from The Crow, the bird will begin circling that survivor. This allows The Crow to teleport directly to them.

    Now, some details:

    Birds have a base flight speed of 130%. This can be modified with the use of add-ons, which I'll address later.
    Birds cannot fly up. Weird right? Almost like it doesn't make sense contextually outside of video game mechanics. This is just to stop the killer from 'Nursing,' if you catch my drift. They operate simply on a horizontal plane.
    Birds cannot go through walls, or other impassible obstacles. That one's fairly obvious.

    I'm also toying with the idea of letting The Crow teleport to disturbed birds around the map. Maybe that'll be a built in function, or perhaps an add-on. Leave your own thoughts on that in the comments, please.

    Now that his power is out of the way, here's The Crow's teachable perks. I would throw together a rough idea of what the icons might be, if I had any sort of skills whatsoever when it comes to graphic design. Sadly, that'll be left to your imagination.

    Fervent Feathers:
    Survivors that startle a bird have a 50%/75%/90% chance to have that bird immediately start circling around them. Additionally, birds circle survivors for 10%/20%/30% longer.

    Grisly Gallery:
    Putting your work up for display fills you with a potent sense of pride. Gain a stack of Grisly Gallery, up to a maximum of 4/6/8, every time a survivor is hooked. Each stack grants +1% movement speed, and increases your terror radius by 1m.

    I don't mean to alarm you, but here's some very simple math.
    {X|1≤X≤4, XEW}
    X = # of survivors currently on a hook. The effects of all Grisly Gallery stacks are multiplied by X at any given moment.
    The domain I provided just above, simply states that at any given moment, X cannot be less than one, even if there are zero survivors hooked. This is to prevent the effects of the stacks from simply being negated entirely. As we all should know, anything multiplied by zero is zero. Thus, X is always at least one. X cannot be greater than 4, as there aren't enough survivors for anything more. The XEW simply means that X is always a whole number, and never 2.5 survivors, because that also isn't possible.

    Just wanted to make sure the math didn't spook anyone, even if it isn't particularly complicated. Math is scary to a lot of people. Anyway, I'll provide you all with an example of this perk right now.

    Let's say that I'm playing as The Shape, and I down and hook my first survivor. Like Barbecue and Chilli would, Grisly Gallery gains a stack. This makes me 1% faster, and increases by terror radius by 1m. 1x1=1, so things don't get crazy yet. I go and down another survivor, and hook them up. The unlucky guy from earlier is still hanging out. Now I have two stacks, and X = 2. My movement speed now has a 4% increase, and my terror radius is now 4m scarier. Unhooking one of the two survivors, would reduce the value of X, causing the bonuses from my stacks to decrease to +2% movement speed, and +2m of terror radius. I think you all see where this is going.

    Master of Manipulation:
    Survivors failing a skill check within a 12m/18m/24m radius of you, suffer from the exposed status effect for 2/3/4 seconds.
    (This is one of those perks that would need a lot of tuning to ensure it's not busted. It seems great on a killer like the Huntress, or Nurse, but what about good ol' Bing-Bong? Or Freddy for that matter? Not every perk needs to be viable on every killer, but its worth noting that this could feed into the onslaught of top-tiers outclassing low-tiers.)

    Those are the teachable perks I conjured up They're fairly unique, save for maybe Fervent Feathers, being a bit of a rehashed Spies From the Shadows. Now, onto The Crow's add-ons.


    Brown Tier:

    • Rat Tail: Increases speed of birds slightly .
    • Fragmented Bone: Increases range of birds slightly.

    Yellow Tier:

    • Splintered Fingernail: Time to teleport slightly decreased. Teleport cooldown moderately decreased.
    • Jar of Preservatives: Grants a considerable burst of movement speed after teleporting for 1.5s.
    • Severed Iris: Allows The Crow to teleport to disturbed birds.

    Green Tier:

    • Margaret's Bow: Flight speed of crows moderately increased. Range of crows moderately increased.
    • Margaret's Ribbon: Grants the ability to teleport to idle/undisturbed birds and disturbed birds.

    Purple Tier:

    • Bloodvial: After teleporting, grants you a tremendous burst of movement speed for 2 seconds.
    • Alec's Molar: Time taken to teleport increased considerably. Range of birds increased tremendously. Flight speed of birds increased tremendously. Cooldown of teleport reduced slightly.
    • Alec's Tongue: Grants a considerable burst of movement speed while within 16m of a bird. Speed of birds moderately reduced. Birds move moderately faster when travelling in the direction of a survivor.

    Red Tier:

    • Feathered Whetstone: Survivors with a bird circling them suffer from the exposed status effect. The effect lingers for 5s after the bird leaves.

    Lastly, but certainly not least, we have our Mori. The survivor frantically struggles to get away, crawling backwards, facing up at The Crow as he looms over them eerily. They shield their eyes as The Crow raises his hand, but he doesn't bring a blade down on them. No, no. He reaches into his pocket, and removes a pouch of birdseed, which he then pours onto the survivor. They stare on in horror as a monolithic flock of birds envelope them entirely, devouring them alive. Their body is picked clean, leaving nothing but a skeleton behind. (Maybe the bones even have rag doll. It might be fun to bump into it while running around as survivor, who knows. That's certainly an unnecessary detail though.)

    And that about wraps up The Crow. All that's left is his map. I'd imagine it to be something similar to Old Yarnham from Bloodborne, or perhaps a house in the woods, similar to Mother's Dwelling, where The Crow would have committed all of his torturous murders. It would certainly have a very... Ye olde vibe about it.

    Now, The Survivor!

    I introduce you to troubled friend, Gavin Callaghan.
    First off, let's talk appearance.

    Gavin would definitely be rocking a plaid shirt, with a vest over top of it. He'd also rock a beanie, like Quentin's but brighter. Let's give him two example outfits to begin.

    A red and black, long-sleeved checker shirt, with a muted green vest over top. He'd be rocking a bright orange toque/beanie, and some grey jeans.

    Another version could be a blue and black, long-sleeved checker shirt, with a grey vest over top, alongside a blue toque/beanie, and some beige khakis.

    Gavin is a small-town kid, with a troubled childhood. He sustained a lot of beatings growing up, and for no good reason at all. As he got older, he became more desperate to escape from it all, and turned to substances like alcohol, cannabis, and potentially ever more. About seventeen years old, Gavin was found out by his parents, and they were furious with him. His beatings before had never had real reason, but once given a reason, his parents were straight from a horror film. Punching and kicking, screaming and cussing, even throwing his own bottle of beer at him. Gavin fled the house, fearing for his life, and went straight to the social workers. A monotone woman told him that it'd be days before the proper paperwork would be filed, which meant he'd have to hold out until then. But he refused to return home. He stayed on the street, hoping in vain that his rescue would come. When it finally did, Gavin was gone.

    Gavin's three teachable perks are as follow:

    Good Natured:
    After everything you've faced, you're still you; a good kid. Its hard out here, and the sympathy you feel for your fellow trial-goers is powerful enough to unlock hidden potential in your aura reading ability. Grants you the ability to see a survivor's aura within 34m/68m/unlimited range, while they are inside the killer's terror radius.

    Tempered Resolve:
    The regular beatings you once endured have strengthened your spirit, and will to fight. When the killer picks you up from the dying state, 30%/40%/50% of your recovery bar is converted to progress in the struggle bar. This effect is doubled for the obsession.

    Relaxed Reflex:
    The use of drugs whilst your brain developed had interesting side-effects, making certain things play-out almost in slow motion. The speed of skill checks are reduced by 15%/20%/25%. Success zone of skill checks are increased by 3%/6%/9%.

    And on that note, I suppose this Fan-made Chapter is over. Please leave your thoughts down below. I'd love to know whether or not I've got a solid idea, or if I'm completely deluded. I'm more than happy to tweak this as time goes on. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this. I hope that you enjoyed, and if you did, why not share this with your buddies? ;)

    Have a good one. :chuffed:


    Wow! You do a pretty good work I want see this killer in the game

  • GeminiCrow
    GeminiCrow Member Posts: 55

    As I started reading the Killer Power... UGH. I really want this to be a thing now

  • LonerNova
    LonerNova Member Posts: 22

    @GeminiCrow said:
    As I started reading the Killer Power... UGH. I really want this to be a thing now

    Thanks! I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed the concept. :chuffed:

  • GeminiCrow
    GeminiCrow Member Posts: 55
    LonerNova said:

    @GeminiCrow said: 
    As I started reading the Killer Power... UGH. I really want this to be a thing now

    Thanks! I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed the concept. :chuffed:

    While I was reading this to my husband I had to stop to gasp a few times before O could continue/finish! It's very well thought out and I like how it's slightly game-breaking (like all killers at first) but still cleverly utilized mechanics already in game. Also, I love crows.
  • brock
    brock Member Posts: 305

    Wow this is great, nice work!

  • CursedDragon
    CursedDragon Member Posts: 1

    This is awesome I love it and really want this in the game :)

  • crimsondragon
    crimsondragon Member Posts: 12

    so basically, Corvus is a crazy doctor that lets birds feed on people. Sweet.