MoM Nerf Rumors

I really hope those rumors aren't true or even if they're not then this would be considered at some point, it always is with any decent perk. It's a perk that literally requires you to be most likely downed once, which you could be hooked and left by your team till struggle, not forgetting that if you don't get healed you're just down again. And you do have to be injured for it to work, so if you're healthy and get chainsawed, or hit by an iridescent head Huntress, or hit by NOED, it won't do anything. It'll extend a chase by a little bit longer, if you're a good enough killer you can just catch them again, it's like if someone uses Dead Hard or has Borrowed Time, it's not breaking the game it just makes a chase go on for a little longer. Or like most people I see with Dead Hard, straight into a wall to be hit again.


  • ThatSandwichGuy
    ThatSandwichGuy Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2019

    It is fact? Hopefully it'll still be an alright perk then if any reworks end up going through. I play both sides and it's never bothered me on either, just nice to have some sort of change.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    @SlinkyJinky How funny... right now its a situational perk that finds no use if you are facing the meta killers... and here you are, complaining that they are going to rework and make it a super situational perk...

    I hope they will rework this perk somehow to make it viable against m2 killers without breaking it even more for m1 killers.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    • Make all damage done towards Survivors taking hits for their allies (any hit received in close proximity to another Survivor) count towards MoM pip progression. I'm talking all M1 attacks, Traps All M2 attacks, every form of damage perceivable give at least one pip.
    • Attacks that do more than 1 health bar of damage will give the same amount in MoM pips.

    Do that and MoM will be balanced fairly.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited May 2019

    Protection is kinda messed up atm since you have to be on top of an ally which is awkward. So you can gain the protection score event a little easier to achieve.

    Fix this and MoM will encourage more riskier play. By trading hits to alleviate pressure off of injured survivours. As the reward of tanking a future hit will be well desired.

    The current existing perk is basically a free health state since unless the killer tunnel or camps it will proc unless 1 or two killer can hit you multiple times with there power. Which as many have said only nerfs the wealer killers.

    MoM reminds me too much of ds where the perk encourages killers to play in a optomised/ scummy manner to prevent it or mitigate its impact.

    Tunneling and camping to prevent it from procing if your playing 60 to 70% of current existing killers.

    But go on I want other survivours in favour of current MoM to explain to me how an additional health state is balanced. Because if the logic operates in anyway like old ds your fundamentally wrong. That why it was changed.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    @Zarathos Upvote for you <3

    That's what I'm worried about. MoM's entire mechanics being built around an incredibly unreliable hit identification tool takes all the power out of your hands and puts it into the devs which I am incredibly anxious about.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    If you actually watched the devs talk about it you'd see they talked about the awkwardness of protection at the moment and fixing that too.

    The change is necessary, regardless of which direction they go with it, because as is it's just abusive as hell, especially against killers who DON'T need an extra hit granted to the survivors, M1 killers.

    The change will be healthier because it actually adds some prerequisite, and more consistent as "M2" killers still count for protections especially when carrying a survivor and hitting a bodyblock.

    This guy suggesting the fix would be to just BUFF MoM is ludicrous.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911


    I understand the fear. Honestly the perk is called mettle of man. Shouldnt the perk challenge your mettle. Why not make it so the perk procs when your fully healed the first time so m2 killer hits dont negate it.

    But make the perk riskier by applying an exposed effect on you for x seconds. If you survive the x seconds without being downed you have proven your mettle you recieve mettle of man.

    Some might argue that will make the perk too weak but it wont if you are decent looper and activate the exposed timer at a good loop or play in an optimum manner. Even then you can always sneak out once the aura reveal has elapsed.

    Of course it will be one use mettle and the expose effect will only come up once.

  • Panduh
    Panduh Member Posts: 51

    If they stick with the idea of the endurance being around while healthy too then it'll finally be worth taking for Billy/Endgame Leather camps. I just hope they make the protection scores actually work so earning tokens is real.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    why is everyone defending this load of crap perk?

    it rewards for failure, is yet another 2nd chance perk, got immediately meta for all toxic survivors, takes out the pressure out of many situations and is literally a huge middlefinger in every M1 killers face.

    its annoyance level is around the old DS's level. combined with an instaheal its actually almost above DS's level.

    why does the survivor community always want cheap crutches to win for them? (not all of you ofc, but rn it seems like every 2nd survivor player is asking for MoM to stay the way it currently is)

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    Get hit de-hooking a team mate from a face camping sack of trash then lose them to mend = Skill

    But in @Mister_xD's imaginary world of make believe the only skill in dbd is M1 or M2 (most likely M2 one shot crutchery, let's be honest)

    Entity's left nut sack the Killer Echo Chamber on this forum is real

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767
    edited May 2019

    Completely ignores a hit with no counter play = Hand hodling with killers.

    Where is the killer perk for hitting a survivor 2 times, making the 3rd time one hit, upto 4 times?

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    @McEchoChamber ^ The amount of counters available to Killers have for MoM are hilariously long which I have listed countless times so I won't be listing them again which everyone if they're honest knows about but won't admit to because they want their easy ride.

    Kind of sad really.

  • Frugl1
    Frugl1 Member Posts: 72

    They have 1 and its tunneling a single survivor until he's dead.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    @Frugl1 Just of the top of my head:

    Myres - Countered

    One Shot Trapper mod - Countered

    One Shot Huntress mod - countered

    M2 Killers - countered

    Hex: Noed - Countered

    Hex: Haunted Ground - Countered

    Everyone else:

    Hit the Survivor twice with M1 twice to down them in the initial chase and it only counts as 1 pip (bug). hook them and patrol so they don't get rescued - MOM COUNTERED

    Hit the Survivor from Surprise Attack with M1 and it counts as 0 Pips. Hit them again and they have 1 pip, hook them and patrol so they don't get rescued - MOM COUNTERED

    If it triggers? chase them down AND HIT THEM AGAIN! (It's not hard, I've done it twice today) - COUNTERED

    If you let them escape? They earned a pip. Get the hell over it lol. It's not like they can do it all match long with zero repercussions like any one shot Killer out there. They can do it once safely then the Killer gets a guaranteed hook due permanent to aura reading debuff or they choose to go the rest of the match with 1 hit point.

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    Add to that [ More things that counter MoM and will continue to counter them once the nerf drops making it so situational no one in their right mind would ever take it]

    Spirit: [ Prayer Beads Bracelet] for stealth gen grabs = Countered

    Wraith: [ "The Ghost" - Soot ] + [ Coxcombed Clapper ] for stealth gen grabs = Countered

    Wraith (again) Surprise Attack doesn't trigger MoM pip = Countered

    Huntress: [ Iridescent Head ] One Shot Down = Countered

    Myres: Tier III [ Evil Within ] One Shot Down = Countered

    Billy: M2 [ Chainsaw ] One Shot Down = Countered

    Bubba: M2 [ Chainsaw ] One Shot Down = Countered

    Trapper: [ Honing Stone ] One Shot Down = Countered

    Nurse: [ Blink Surprise Attack ] doesn't trigger MoM pip = Countered

    Hag: [ Teleport Surprise Attack ] doesn't trigger MoM pip = Countered

    Clown: [ Redhead's Pinky Finger ] Exposed One Shot Down = Countered

    Pig: [ Sneak Attack ] One Shot Down = countered

    [ Hex: Haunted Ground ] One Shot Down = Countered

    [ Hex: No One Escapes Death ] One Shot Down = Countered

    [ Make Your Choice ] One Shot Down = Countered

    Basically any Exposed Status perk / hex / core killer ability = Countered

    The Plague [ Corrupt Purge ] Bypasses MoM Pip progression the same way M2 Killers do

    So that's Freddy / Doctor / Legion that need to COUNTER MOM by hitting them twice without losing the chase to take advantage of the pip progression bug that grants only 1 pip to MoM for 2 hits, hooking them and patrolling the hook so they don't get rescued

    And you know the funny thing? I guarantee you I've missed some!

    I hope that's enough hard, undeniable and sourced evidence to sway your god level denial. I highly doubt you can manage it but go ahead, prove me wrong and accept the cold hard reality presented before you.

    Post edited by SlinkyJinky on
  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Surprise attacks trigger MoM stacks.

    So 40% from your counters are wrong.

    And 20% are ultra rare addons.

    And the other 40% things depending on the situation.

    Hit the Survivor twice with M1 twice

    This argument remember me to the old DS.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    I want devs to remove from the game MoM and adrenaline if they remove NOED and Barbacue

  • SlinkyJinky
    SlinkyJinky Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2019

    Outright lies, mis-direction and smoke screening. Either that or you haven't actually puchased Ash or used MoM on live servers, if you had you'd know first hand that surprise attacks absolutely do not trigger MoM pip progression events.

    And the rest that "depend on the situation" are STILL A PART OF THE GAME! and out right prove you wrong when you state "MoM has no counter" It has a good what, 20 counters? Maybe more if I've forgotten any (which I'm sure I have) not to mention the chase them down, hit them twice (registering only 1 pip when it should be 2) hook them and don't let them get rescued counter which ALL KILLERS can do, INCLUDING ME! as I have done this many times since Ash dropped.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    may i ask how you got to that conclusion, solely by my comment on MoM?

    also, what makes you think MoM is a good perk? where is the skill in activating it? in my book, getting hit by the killer 3 times is not "the survivors immense amount of skill", but actually the killer playing well / the survivor screwing up. MoM is a perk that rewards for failure, thats my statement. prove me wrong.

    PS: Trapper main. then Doc and then Billy (in that order). but yeah, im only using M2 oneshot crutches. we all know these instadown Docs...

    PPS: gj on the fading effect on the speech bubbles. the other one didnt look nearly as good as this one.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    @ShyN3ko No reason to argue with @SlinkyJinky really. Their nonsensical ramblings on every thread about MoM is probably doing more to show that it needs to be reworked when that's the kind of insane logic people need to resort to to try to defend it.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Too many killers can't deal with "second chance" perks. You guys are hilarious.

    It's just a game. Keep playing it and maybe one day you'll get good at it.

    I get downed by killers a lot, I don't complain how unfair things are and killers need nerfs blah blah blah.

    You want hell? Try being a stealth player in this game. It's so hard every killer is packing tons of detection perks and abilities. It's a nightmare. That's not even counting killers like The Nightmare who you can't even see, so it's almost impossible to stealth them. You don't see me asking for nerfs to BBQ or NC or Doctor or whatever.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited May 2019

    I'm a stealth player. When the killer catches someone and is going to hook them, I hop in the nearest locker, wait for the hook, count to 4, then leave the locker. Boom, BBQ countered.

    I bring Premonition so I know which direction the killer is coming from, make sure I'm out of their line of sight, then go around them while they're wasting their time looking for me where I'm not and damaging my generator. Or I just jump into a locker out of their line of sight. Premonition works on every single killer except the Shape at Evil Within 1.

    For the Shape, I just keep an eye out for the fluorescent white mask. For the Doctor, I get in a locker. Lockers are amazing because nobody searches them.

    Does this work all the time? Obviously not, but the same can be said of every single strategy in existence.