Why hasn't there been a perk like this yet?

-insert name here- (Rarity: uncommon/rare/very rare)
You are determined to escape your foe's grasp.
If your wiggle meter is beyond 97/95/93%, within 4 meters of a hook, you will instantly break free from the killer's grasp.
You are able to wiggle during the hooking process.
If the wiggle meter is at 99% during any circumstance, you will escape their grasp but be Broken for 60 seconds.
I came up with this perk after experiencing many scenarios when I almost escaped the killer's grasp but I was placed on the hook right at the 99% mark. I'm sure this has happened to many people before:
- You're being carried down to the basement, and the bar has exceeded 60%.
- You're at the corner of the basement stairs, and you've filled up more than 3/4 of the meter.
- The killer hooks you just as you fill the meter to 99%, and you decide if you should punch a hole into the wall or DC.
The time it takes to wiggle out of the killer's grasp is reduced by 3%.
If you fill at least 50% of your wiggle bar and you are hooked, the next time you are put into the killer's grasp, the wiggle meter will be filled up by 50/55/60%.
After reaching at least 80% of your wiggle bar, the killer will be slowed down by 50% of their normal carry speed for 2/3/4 seconds.
Because such a thing is absurd?
EDIT: Also, that's just Decisive Strike.
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awh, okay.
how did you get that pfp?
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Because I'm the Forum King. It'll be gone in a few days.
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As Orion said, this is basically DS and not balanced at all.
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That's why you have Flip Flop or Boil Over.
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I'd Love some mechanic that you escape at 99% because screw hook vacuum.
I like the idea, maybe a 99/97/95 perk or something.
Or something.
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Im always iffy about wiggle-related perks because if too many are stacked together it basically becomes an impossible hook scenario. And whats the counter for that? Slugging. And what is a generally unfun way to play a match for both sides? Slugging. Stuff like the sabotage meta died for a reason.
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Flip Flop would probly accomplish that.
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Actuelly yeah thats a really good perk im actuelly suprised its not in the game i hope they see this and ad this good job honestly, its not that often you make it to 75/80/95.
Imagine saying this is the new DS LUL
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Flip flop is garbage though. If you are on the ground that much and for that long you might as well just use unbreakable. 9 times out of 10 you are instantly going to a hook.
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Flip flop should be 75% and not 50% then will be good to go
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"hook vacuum" does not exist.
its just the fact that the killer has no ability to turn the hook like survivors do, but still has the same activation radius survivors have. the game just pulls the killer in the right direction, so the animation looks good. this results in your belief a "hook vacuum" was present, even though the killer has already reached the hook.
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it would be a some what decent counter to iron grasp agitation combo. I say bring it in.
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Thanks. I should probably increase the values, or change the mechanics of the perk.
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Just also give killers a perk that sacrifices survivors while they still have 10%/15%/20% of their struggle bar left.
No? That ridiculous?
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That sounds balanced to me XD That's right.. the basement perk. The one that increases hooked time in basement.
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The amount of times I've been at 99% wiggle on the verge if not already on 100% and been hooked regardless. lol
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MS gives only 9% faster entity progression at it's 3rd tier and ONLY for basement hooks. Perk is probably the worse in the entire game.
Does not even come close to comparing to what OP suggested for survivors.
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I wonder why devs would implement such a terrible perk. They could apply the effects to all hooks but lessen the values.
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The values are already worthless and you want to decrease them further?
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Or they could just fix the bar to not be 99.9999999% every time you get hooked
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To the people calling this unbalanced i have 1,3 k houers in this game and this is how many times i wiggled out
Honestly we need this +1
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You already have a few perks that let you wiggle easier. You hardly need another. To add to that, wiggling free shouldn't be a regular thing. It's a small hope mostly there so the killer can't hold you hostage on their shoulder. Any strategy designed to make this easier is just gonna reencourage the slug meta. Bad idea OP.
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Wiggling is not a thing for the Survivor to really escape the Killers grasp. Wiggling is a mechanic that prevents that the Killer can carry you whole map away (and in the Basement) all the time.
Of course there are Killer Perks which help with that way more than the respective Survivor Perks. Agitation/Iron Grasp are FAR better than Boil Over/Flip-Flop. But still mediocre at best. If they would do something about Insidious (which is simply a bullshit-Perk and promotes bad gameplay), you would see even less of Agitation/Iron Grasp.
So yeah, there should not be anything that changes the Wiggling.
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I'm sorry.
Yeah, that too.
or increase them.
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The problem is that you'd need to increase the values so much for it to be worth it, you'd probably need to make it a hex perk, which would send it right back into "useless perk" territory. Monstrous Shrine is just a poorly designed perk. It needs to be smashed with a hammer and rebuilt.
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In my opinion, Monsterous Shrine would immediately become a useful but niche perk if they just added + 50/75/100% Sacrifice bloodpoint progress. Sacrifice bloodpoints are the hardest ones to get to max out at 32,000
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Not really. Maybe in your Killah Main nightmares, but not during real gameplay.
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Not constructive at all. If you're being serious, makes me think you smoke crack-cocaine.
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Killer Perk: Hail Mary
You throw the survivor you're carrying. If they land on a hook, they're Sacrificed. Otherwise they return to the Injured state.
If they land on another survivor, the other survivor is temporarily Broken.
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If you introduce a meta of survivors hopping off shoulders more frequently you'll absolutely see a new slugging meta arise. It's an easy way to make the game suck for both sides
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well slugging its good way so that killer waste hes time to find other survivor while the other can get up with unbreakable if they do that this perk will be good and use alot become meta it sucks i agree but killers have iron grasp and agitation
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Is that sarcasm?
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I added another version of the unbalanced perk.