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Do you think this game is still fun?
In my opinion, killer is super frustrating to play, while survivor is super boring to play. Do you agree?
Hm....killer is a bit frustrating but rewarding.
Survivor is fun, especially in a SWF. Solo survivor isn't fun at all.
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Unless you play one of the few rank 1 viable killers it is frustrating. Unless they're just potato survivors anyway.
Survivor is a little boring because it's too easy imo. I'd like more challenge. Make me have to actually put down the pizza, turn of the tele and pay attention a little. The skill ceiling for survivor is very low.
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Since I got this game where I can play as Freddy Krueger I am having the time of my life :-D
Is the killer that I struggle the least (I play as him a lot).
I thunk I will keep playing untill they shut the servers down
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Playing survivor is more frustrating to me as a solo player.
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Killer gets boring once you get to see the same survivor build in every match.
Survivor is just boring in general.
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Attempting to get the Skilled Huntress and Wounded Healer trophies are NOT fun. Absolute depression.
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I have more fun with it now than ever before
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I am enjoying the game more than I did a year ago. I still hate playing survivor though (mainly because they get a ridiculously small amount of bps.)
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As a Killer, most of the time I enjoy myself (playing Trapper, Clown and Plague being the sole exceptions). Even though it's mostly the same Survivor load outs, I enjoy the variety I have to deal with them.
I have no friends to play with, and don't just friend random people online, so I'm stuck as a solo survivor. It's pretty boring, until you face the ever rare Doctor or Killer that just doesn't seem to care about winning and more about messing around. Those games can be pretty fun, as rare as they are.
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I like playing as the solo survivor. There is still in this horror aspect .
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I still have lots of fun playing this game, on both killer and survivor side.
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I had some fun spirit games yesterday but it's a lot of effort invested to play killer so i often opt to play more chill games lately. Tbh I'm kind of bored with the monotony of it and when i try to do fun meme builds i just get dunked on.
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I still have fun on both sides. This is one reason I'm happy to work hard on it. :)
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I can't play survivor anymore.... not without a SWF team. I'm tired of AFK's and D/C's.
Killer is.... Ugh... Unrewarding.
4k and i get 1 pip.
3k and black pip
2k (what the devs claim is a good game, and what they want most games to end in) usualy end in "Entity Displeased"
I don't give people hatch anymore, or play nice at all.
And that's not counting the tank META.
plus totems have 2 modes:
Mode 1: Out in the open
Mode 2: Invisible
And I only ever get mode 1 as killer.
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I still have fun but I don’t play dbd as much anymore because I have multiple games I play.
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Killer Gameplay - It's fun imo, but it can be very frusturating sometimes.
Survivor Gameplay - Same thing, it can be fun but also very frusturating from time to time.
Solo Survivor Gameplay - Literal nightmare. Absolute garbage. Devs should look into this more. It's no secret that the majority of the community dislikes Solo gameplay.
Overall, it's still a good game imo. I personally just don't play it as much as I used to because of the frusturation levels.
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Killer can be fun, though it can also be very frustrating. One of the biggest problems I face is that I either get stomped by the survivors, or I do well and survivors disconnect the first time I down them. For instance, last night I played Leatherface when I noticed two Jakes in my lobby. When I saw him and another survivor healing in the basement, I went down there and downed them both. They each disconnected right upon being hooked, so I doubt that went towards me getting the Jake face. Really sucks.
Survivor is almost never fun when I play it. The good games where I last long enough to have any fun are really satisfying, but they're so few and far between. Either the killer tunnels me right out of the match or my teammates leave me to die. Yeah, I need to "git gud," but when it's not fun in the least, why bother? I'd rather play killer or a different game entirely. To me, the thing that's attractive about playing survivor is the survival-horror aspect, but that only exists for the first few days of playing the game, then any suspense goes away and it's about learning to loop the killer and stuff. Games like Evil Within and Silent Hill are better options if I'm looking for tense gameplay. If I want to goof off with other people in SWF, that can be fun, but when I'm playing video games I often just want to play solo and not talk to anyone.
Post edited by TragicSolitude on5 -
The game is still fun. As much as us killers give the devs crap about balance the game is in a better state now than a year or more ago. There is always improvement and balance to be done though.
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No. Number of DCs that often steal a pip from you is just frustrating compounded by more difficulty in pipping. People go down so fast in matches it isn't even funny. The learning curve is high before you begin to do well.
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Survivor isn't fun solo really. Swf is fun for running stupid builds while laughing with your mates.
Killer can be the most rewarding or most frustrating. At high ranks it just feels too sweaty to play.
The only reason I'm not bored yet is because of the new chapters. I'm starting to get bored now and the game needs something new as well as the chapter to give it new life.
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Killer is fun to play. I enjoy terrorizing the Survivors. It's only frustrating when I'm being outplayed by Survivors. But that happens in EVERY GAME with player vs player.
Survivor is really not being fun. I find myself swearing out loud at my teammates. I play SWF with friends maybe 10% of the time. And THAT IS FUN! But Solo Survivor is just unbelievable awful. Like... I really do need to stop doing that. Between sweaty Killers and Survivors who are either complete potatoes or show-offs who get their butt handed to them... it's just losing it's awe now.
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(just note: I only started playing this game 2 months ago, and currently in brown ranks. However, I was at green ranks at one point, but just can't rank up)
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Solo experience gets worse every day. About 1 in 10 games is actually fun, where it's healthy all around, one or two people escape plenty of hooks. The other nine games you deal with campers, tunnelers, potato survivors, mismatches cause the matchmaking system likes to mix red rank with green ranks, DCs, ebony moris, and hillbilly/nurses that destroy your team.
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Killer is frustrating... sounds being broken and not being consistent when the are adjusted.. the fov is still an unpleasant/unenjoyable experience...
Solo survivor.... is repetitive and boring.. in a grindy game there needs to be more to do..
Swf... I feel more powerful than the killer...
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Killer is more often than not too frustrating to be worth the effort (unless I'm really hard up for bloodpoints). I only run solo on survivor, so that's usually a toss-up of either a match being so easy it's boring or mercilessly frustrating due to fellow survivors. Not as much fun as I used to have, but may just be time for a little breather. Taking a break every once in a while does tend to help, at least for a bit.
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I go back and forth on this. Killer can be fun until you hit the 4 man swf on a bad map.
I pretty much play solo survivor when I play survivor. Alot of the time it's just incredibly frustrating. I seem to always get paired with the worst possible teammates. I'm mediocre at best, but compared to them I'm a pro.
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Survivor is too easy, Killer is harder and yes i agree with some. At Rank 1 there's some killers that mostly won't cut it. Sometimes it has to do with their power and if survivors commit to gens you're #########
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I lovevthis is the (very few) toxic players I have played with pr against that make it suck at times. But then that match ends and I move on to the next one. The fun part about this game is that no two games are ever alike.
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I've never not had fun as killer. It's much for chill and relaxing for me.
My survivor games are fun as long as the killer doesn't camp or tunnel (so like 50% of the games). Kind of hard to have any fun when the killer puts you on a hook and never leaves until you die.
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Nah tired of looping and too many pallets and mom is a pain
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You need to be a masochistic to enjoy solo.
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Well that depends on what you define as 'fun' in this game. For me, as a killer main, the most fun I have are the games where all 4 survivors stay in the same portion of a map the whole game, focusing on only 1 or 2 generators in close proximity to each other. As a killer in those games, you get numerous hits and hooks in, talk about racking up points while having fun doing it. Those games are rare, however.
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I haven't played in 2 weeks, the game wasn't fun for me anymore but what kept me going was that it was fun for me at one point, so I kept on grinding those bloodpoints until I couldn't take it anymore. My free time is precious and i have moved onto different games, whenever I think to myself i'll play a quick round, my finger hovers over the 'Play' button but it never gets pressed.
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Define fun.
Can I enjoy a match in this game? Yes
Will I always enjoy every match in this game? No
Would I rather play something else? A lot of the time
Do I hate this game? No
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On occasion. I have more fun playing survivor than killer, even if I prefer to play killer over survivor.
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Still have fun with both sides. Sure there's rough matches no matter which side I play, but overall I enjoy the game.
I understand that it might be frustrating if you have a "4k/escape or it's a bad game for me" attitude though, but I've never had that outside of going for adept achievements 😄
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I find myself playing less and less. I enjoy killer to a point, but it is tiring dealing with the salty survivors in most matches. Now and then I get some fun players and win or lose we laugh afterwards. That is why I play an online game. To have fun with other people.
Survivor has become a major bore. Gens, door, run and get crap BP and likely depip because the killer focused on just one survivor no matter what. I can play simulation games and have more fun.
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I'm a main solo survivor and the game is getting boring: DCs, bad survs, mori, NOED, tunneling, camper, slugging, new closing hatch,... At medium levels is so difficult to be a solo surv!
When I play as killer is so easy for me . I can easily make 4k but I don't kill anyone and I have fun more times.
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Are you being serious? You're really gonna ask us this after burning this game to the ground? You can't use your perks sometimes, the hit boxes are ridiculous, the lag makes it impossible to play, We can't throw down pallets cause we get stuck, we get stuck on the trees, can't mend or heal our teammates, get stuck while trying to jump in the hatch, window vaulting twice because it lagged you back, when you get the hooked prompt it makes you heal yourself if you're injured, you have to finish healing yourself because it gave the other survivors the full health bar....And there is soooo much more wrong with this game. But you guys are too freaking lazy to fix. You're more worried about lame cosmetics and new killers. If you actually took the time to fix this ######### the game would be so fantastic. You guys were doing so well in the beginning and now you've become too selfish and too full of yourselves for thinking this game is a pretty good job so far....grow up......Hey you asked for our opinion don't dish it if you can't take it right?
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I only play solo.
Squeeze my (INSERT GOOD WORD) and call me Papa Myers!
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Yeah I still have a laugh.
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EGC sucks!
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Can be fun on both side but broken mechanics/perks make it unfun and, the balance being fragile on red ranks.
Solo survivors is sad and unfun. As for broken mechanics i talk about Camp/tunnel.
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I still manage to have fun in the game when I play killer despite problematic maps & perks though I do believe the game could be made a lot more fun with a new mode like 2v8 as an example.
Survivor on the otherhand is iffy, I occasionally have fun but can easily get bored if I play survivor for too long or just get farmed by my teammates.
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Mostly yes...but the game ends up making me take huge breaks in between...the issues of fast DCs and suicide on first hook asap, to face camping Killers that just all waste my time and by default...make the huge grind even worse...end up making the gane abysmally unfun.
When the game is good, it's great...when it's not so great, it's godawful
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Yeah, DC's ruin it but overall it's fun.
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Both can be frustrating; both can be fun. If the survivors spawn together and they aren't a toxic SWF with instas and that jazz, (especially on big map) it can be a fun long as I'm not running ruin and they haven't spawned with it (which I've found to happen a ton recently, sadly...and still had fun in most games)
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killer is getting less and less fun but swf is still fun as hell.
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I love this game but it can get pretty annoying to play especially because of how salty some can get. Get a grip people it's a game, your family isn't on the line or anything.