Fun perk builds

drunky26 Member Posts: 686

Suggest me some fun perk builds to use.

Plase no meta ones.

I just tried the probably most annoying build to killers, I'm sorry.

Deliverance, decisive, and sprint burst with self care.

Save someone, get my deliverance up, get chased, get hooked, unhook infont of the killer, decisive strike him and sprint burst away. Probably the most fun I've had in a while in dbd :D


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    My favorite meme build is:

    No mither,OoO,pebble and autodidact .

  • BloodyTapp
    BloodyTapp Member Posts: 108

    Deja Vu, Stake Out, Spine Chill, Adrenaline

    This is my gen jockey build I'd been using for some time. It's actually pretty decent if you like doing objectives for most of the time

    Play immersed basically. Walk around the Killer as well as hiding, then go to a generator. Stake Out is pretty good if you get to charge it up, because you can speed up any skillful action you want

    Spine Chill will allow you to stay hidden and outplay killers like Wraith, Freddy and Spirit. Adrenaline is there as the only exhaustion & second chance perk, because you should have one. If you wanna go even more off-meta, you can use Alert to keep tabs on the Killer

  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    Balanced Landing, Lithe, Dead Hard, Vigil

    Run around and mind game chases by activating various exhaustion perks.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Bond, aftercare, empathy, Buckle up/Kindred. Teammate aura reading build.

    Dark sense, Sole survivor, Object of Obsession, and alert. Killer aura reading build.

    Ds, Deliverance,We'll make it, Borrowed Time.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Killers counter: Small game, Urban evasion, Calm spirit, Kindred. This is my main build

    Gen focus: No mither, Resilience, This is not happening, Decisive strike.

    Altruism: Borrow time, Botany knowledge, We live forever, Empathy

    I dont have some of these perk yet but Im looking for to get them to try

    Tanking: Deliverance, Decisive strike, Dead hard, Mettle of men.

  • CubeyBlueDice
    CubeyBlueDice Member Posts: 61

    This is my new favorite build:

    Med kit Hoarder (Feel free to make your own adjustments)

    Botany Knowledge, Pharmacy, Streetwise, and Empathy

    Use a med kit at a major reduce cost on allies and yourself. If you runout, just pick up another one!

  • Arial
    Arial Member Posts: 134

    Undying, Surveillance, Hex: Ruin, Spies From The Shadows

  • Viciusaurus
    Viciusaurus Member Posts: 407

    WGLF, We'll Make It, Desperate Measures, and then a choice between Kindred (for soloqueue), Botany Knowledge, or BT. Healing speed go zoom.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    Is this specifically Survivor perk builds? Anyway, I've got 2 I like.

    For the People, Dead Hard, Tenacity, Self Care/Inner Strength

    Build is mostly designed to enable you to use For the People without dying horribly. Dead Hard because you're frequently going to be injured. Tenacity because you frequently get slugged when you go for a For the People play and that way you can disappear on the ground. Self Care/Inner Strength to recover after you've given someone a health state and aren't broken anymore.

    Lithe, Red Herring, Saboteur, Diversion

    It's my "Run the killer via noise notifications" build. Basically you go around the map luring the killer to parts of the map where there are no other survivors and then leave before they get there or hide so they waste a bunch of time. After all, if the Killer is hunting for a phantom 5th survivor, that gives your team all the benefits of looping without the risks of someone going down.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    The tactical officer build:

    Kindred, Bond, Open-handed, your choice of exhaustion perk

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483
    edited October 2020

    Not a full build, but pairing agitation with lightborn is really fun when you see flashlights in the lobby. Could use other speed boosting perks as well I suppose. Down someone, pick them up while baiting an attempted flashlight save, then quickly attack and possibly down a second survivor 🎃

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    prepare for being face camped and tunneled for 10 games in a row and than go back to dh+ds+iron will with your tail between your legs.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,935
    edited October 2020

    Only Survivor Builds? Because I played with a meme Wraith Build yesterday.

    "The ultimate soccer player" (totally not a name I just wrote in to give it some name because you know... he kicks a lot. Ok I'll go now.)


    • Dragon's Grip
    • Brutal Strength
    • Fire Up
    • Discordance

    with: "Shadowdance" - Blood (or white if you don't have the purple one) with Windstorm. It feels unnecessary to have both Shadowdance Addons. And since I did this Build because of the "kick 12 generators challenge" in the tome, I made this build.

    It's a Meme Build, don't expect to win with it, but it's defintely pretty fun.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    Killer perk build: tinkerer, pop, agitation, true grit. You surprise grab someone with tinkerer, clear anybody else out while carrying using agitation and TGrit, then pop that gen so tinkerer can re-proc, rinse and repeat