My favorite Killer moment is when Surv mains aren't bastards.

I used to believe they were.

But then three of them ganged up on this one salty boi in the post-game chat and I felt SO TOUCHED. It would've brought tears to me eyes, but I was playing Nurse and the pillowcase kept tears from coming out.

That was when I realized: The best moments for a me as a Killer aren't the dope hatch escape catches. They're not tunneling and face camping that one teabagging P3 flashlight Claudette . They're not landing sick gamesense strats with stuff like Hag traps and Nurse blinks. It's when the Survivors are respectful, sportsmanlike, and sociable. Why?

Simple: We don't expect them to be. And when those expectations are shattered, it's such a lovely feeling.

Many Killers have come to think of it as a necessary evil: Surv mains will be salty and will have to deal with their saltiness. But just because an evil is necessary doesn't mean we have to like it. It dampens moods when the local Myers main thinks about all the sabo Jakes who call Tombstone OPAF, or when Megs teabag circles around the Nurse every time she misses a blink. But Killers can't stop it, so they suck it up and just move to turn off the chat.

Then a message pops up. The David on the team goes "gg" before the chat can be closed. Curiosity peaked, a Killer decides to sit there and see if anyone else types it. Another "gg" and then another. Then someone goes "Good Hillbilly. Try using Chainsaw for sprinting more tho. Helps stop gen rushing."

THAT moment right there. When you think you're gonna get ripped into and you get praise instead? That's a great moment. Bracing for the worst and getting the best instead is always a sweet feeling. And it doesn't have to end there. You might stay around and chat or maybe a fourth Surv will get all toxic, and the others will actually defend you. These moments can range from "Oh hey, everything went better than expected" to "Omigosh my heart is warm now" but they're always nice.

And as someone who plays Survivor roughly equally as Killer, I like it even more. See, Killers play Killer so they can win, but I've always felt that Killers themselves are not designed so that the one playing them can win, but rather so that the people playing AGAINST them can lose. They exist to inflict pain on and fluster Survivors, which will make losing as a Surv always feel bad. So ditching that salt for sportsmanship in the post-game? That takes just a teensy tiny bit of integrity. And I respect that.

I'd like to spread the positivity moments like these bring to me. So I implore you: If you have ever played Killer and had a noteworthy or otherwise shareable "Survivor mains aren't bastards" moment, share it. Spread the love. We need it, for sure.


  • Saaron
    Saaron Member Posts: 4

    I'm a survivor main and I loved to read your rant! Honestly, I see how everybody talks about DBD having a toxic community, so I am friendly all the time in this game exactly for reactions like yours! I say hi in the lobby, I stay a spectator until the very end to say "good game!" (because I'm really bad so I'm usually the first one to die-)... I believe that if I can just make one killer happy of his play because at least one person didn't insult them or at least one congratulated them at the end, I'm happy too!
    I've rarely seen really toxic players, though, maybe because I've never ranked higher than rank 19 but ANYWAY

    I wanted to add too, that I had a play where everyone was super friendly in the end, survivors and killer, and it made me just so happy! It also made me realized that the toxic people just don't realize how they ruin this game for themselves by acting this way, and how the game is much more enjoyable for every player when everyone had a good time and is friendly in the chat!

    (Did my "Kate main" show up? I think it did, sorry)

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @Saaron said:

    (Did my "Kate main" show up? I think it did, sorry)

    Hey fam, I main Jake. I always have. Even though my highest level Surv is Claud

    I remember back when the Nurse was the newest addition to DBD, I was a HUGE Sabo noob. God, I used to be so toxic.

  • HookedonDemand
    HookedonDemand Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2018

    I defended a facecamping clown after Ruin evaporated shortly after the match started and 4 gens were done when I got hooked in the basement. I made it out, someone else didn't in the end. The salty monster of complaining reared it's ugly head after the match and I told that guy off.

    I feel that 5 people play this game together, even if the roles in the game itself are antagonistic. I enjoy merciless killers doing good plays, even if it kills me. GG forever. :)

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I play both sides and will always defend a killer. Hell, last game I played a couple days ago the cries of "Camper" came out. You know what I said?

    "The generators were done, what else can you expect him to do at that point?"

    This of course got me cussed at - which I'm used to. Afterall, I started this game as a killer main, I have a thick skin for it now. Not to say this game doesn't get to me from time to time (I had a ragequit for the first time in weeks earlier this week) - but there's no reason to add to it.

    If the game gets you so mad you have to berate a fellow human being, do yourself a favor and turn it off. You're likely too tilted to be of any good in the next game anyway. Turn it off, grab your favorite snack or beverage, watch a movie, or jump your partner for a roll in the sheets - find your happy place that doesn't involve DBD for a bit.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476


    jump your partner for a roll in the sheets

    .>Implying tilted rank 20 Dwight mains aren't virgins

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:
    .>Implying tilted rank 20 Dwight mains aren't virgins

    I never said what that partner was either.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    @FrenziedRoach said:

    @No_Mither_No_Problem said:
    .>Implying tilted rank 20 Dwight mains aren't virgins

    I never said what that partner was either.

    50 bucks says it's a Huntress body pillow.

  • NeoVid
    NeoVid Member Posts: 37

    Yknow, it's amazing how good matches can be when no one in them is trying to make it horrible. I'm surprised by how much of a difference this event is making, guess most people have realized they're getting huge rewards no matter how the trial turns out.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    Unless someone’s super salty in which case you’ll need to take action. Somewhat effective tactic to lightening the mood: Type “gg”as “jee jee”. Helps give off an air of lightheartedness.

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
    Actually when rank reset happens I play nurse for my first match (and I’m a terrible nurse like I’m lucky to get one hook) but after a match the survivors felt bad and were like “dude nurse is hard so kudos to you for trying to play her” and I was shocked I was expecting a “EZ NOOB killer” message 

    then I was playing trapper a couple weeks ago and a feng ran into one of my traps and I placed her on the hook and I replaced the trap I was like I don’t think she’ll fall into it again right? Wrong! She fell into it again and I shook my head like really feng?! She messaged me at the end of the game and she said she laughed so hard because she didn’t expect to fall into that trap again! I told her I shook my head in amazement and she said that’s what made it even funnier