If Killer is SLUGGING, Survivors should be able to rez themselves if in Terror Radius

If the Killer is being toxic and slugging everyone, the Survivors should be able to Rez themselves if they are in the Killer's Terror Radius. As punishment to the Killer for being a weirdo, the Survivor's Scratchmarks are gone for 10 seconds.
It's a legitimate strategy, just run No Mither if it bothers you so much
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Yes - They need MORE second chances!
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Because survivor needs to be an easier role.
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But you can already though, if you so choose.
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"If the killer is making any tactical decision, I should be given free counters to that because I don't like it"
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This exist
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DISGOSTANG that is not BILL!
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If you're so against those few cases where you might get slugged, get No Mither or Unbreakable.
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If the survivors are being "toxic" and sabboing, killers should get the hook back instantly and the toxic survivor should be downed. Neither sabboing or slugging are toxic. You can work around both and both take some effort to pull off correctly. There's a perk for that, too. Just run Unbreakable or No Mither.
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Also survivors should have build in selfcare, borrowed time, ds and mom. Killers are just way too op
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“What’s that? Out of all my Xbox lifetime I never seen that icon in my life.”
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You can. Use unbreakable or no mither.
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This exists, its called No Mither and Unbreakable
This suggestion is terrible anyways, we don't need more second chances and nerf freddy again
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farming the downvotes I see, good man.
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It’s called running No Mither, Unbreakable, and tenacity all at once you try hard 😤.
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Just run No Mither or Unbreakable if it bothers you that much.
This kind of nonsense is dumb, and I say that as a survivor main. It's just as dumb as Killers asking for NoEd and Ruin to be baseline.
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there's litterally a perk to let you heal yourself out of dying.
but instead of taking it, you'de rather affect the game as a whole.