

Fan-Made Chapter: Among The Dead

Member Posts: 164
edited July 2019 in Creations

Chapter name: Among the Dead

Killer idea: The Reign
A vengeful killer, able to track survivors and objectives using his power Sixth Sense.

His personal perks, Hard Boiled, Silent Songs and Hex: Frozen Wish allow him to chase survivors while gaining numerous advantages over the survivors.

Benedict Baker Entry:
“What makes a man a man? What makes a murderer a murderer? As I was hiding, panicking, trying not to look back from the fear of being found. I then realize, I’m alone, but right before I am able to think about my next move, I see the killer, staring at me from behind a window. But he wasn’t looking at me, he was looking at the person, right beside me....”


Riley Young was born from an extremely strict household where everyone had to feed 20 farm animals a day to earn the right to eat. He wasn’t even allowed on a proper bed before he was seven years old. By then the cruel parents’ methods had already changed him.

Two weeks after he turned seventeen, his dad came home drunk and took all of his anger out on his son, but Riley seemed completely unfazed by it for this wasn’t the first time his dad has done something like this. His father then pulled a knife on him. Unexpectedly, he grabbed the knife from him and stabbed his father till he collapsed to the floor, in which he kept brutally plunging his knife through his chest.

After he killed his father he then killed his mother but spared his sister. And that was the last anybody heard from him again.

Killer ability: Sixth Sense
At the start of the game, you can see the aura of survivors, totems, chests, hooks, pallets, exit gates and vaults within 52 metres for 4 seconds, every minute you can see all auras again for 4 seconds, during this stage all survivors can see your aura. When any survivor enters your terror radius gain a visual cue from where they entered it.

“As the darkness grew bitter, the smell of sweat intensified and I could feel my heart racing, everyone around me turned into ash as I could feel death stalking behind me. As I then remember him staring at somebody who wasn’t really there...” - Lost Tapes: Vincent.

Add-ons: Stale Bread, Common Add-on:
A bread slice covered with mold and dust:
•Slightly increases the time of the aura reading.

Beer Bottle, Common Add-On:
A cheap, empty bottle of beer.
•Slightly decreases the cool-down of Sixth Sense.

Broken Knife, Common Add-on:
A kitchen knife cracked at the handle:
•Blood marks are slightly more noticeable while Sixth Sense is active.

Binoculars, Common Add-on:
A pair of birdwatching binoculars with strangly wide lenses:
•While Sixth Sense is active, your field of view is slightly wider.

Can Of Beans: Uncommon Add-On:
An unopened can of beans:
•Moderately increases the time of the aura reading.

Jagged Razor, Uncommon Add-on:
A razor used to shave the most rugged of beards:
•Blood marks are moderately more noticeable while Sixth Sense is active.

Red Wine, Uncommon Add-On:
A half full bottle of wine. Tastes of strong fruit.
•Moderately decreases the cool-down of Sixth Sense.

Reading Glasses, Uncommon Add-On:
A pair of thin glasses with really thick lenses.
•While Sixth Sense is active, your field of view is Moderately wider.

Gothic Journal, Uncommon Add-on:
A diary with subliminal messaging and hidden codes nearly impossible to decrypt:
•All survivors suffer 13% decreased action speed while Sixth Sense is active.

Gardening Gloves, Rare Add-on:
Worn-out gloves which have seen better days:
•Sixth Sense no longer reveals survivors auras.
•Considerably reduces your terror raidus.
•Gain 125% more bloodpoints in the Deviousness category.

Dirty Plate, Rare Add-on:
A ceramic plate with leftovers of meat and fish still left on it:
•Blood marks are considerably more noticeable while Sixth Sense is active.

Stable Lock, Rare Add-on:
A lock for a horse stable with bite marks on the keyhole.
•While Sixth Sense is active, your field of view is considerably wider.

Bloody Toothbrush, Rare Add-on:
A toothbrush with pieces of gum and broken teeth on the bristles.
•Considerably increases the time of the aura reading.

Sheep’s Eye, Rare Add-on:
The right eye of a sheep dripping with tears of horror.
•Can track lockers using Sixth Sense.
•Can track survivors in lockers.

Lump Of Flesh, Very Rare Add-on:
A massive chunk of charred flesh and veins:
•Considerably increases movement speed while Sixth Sense is active.
•Slightly reduces normal movement speed.

Goat’s Head: Very Rare Add-on:
A goat’s head sawed off from the jaw:
•Tremendously increases the time of the aura reading.

Mother’s Nightgown: Very Rare Add-on:
An oversized gown with a smell of perfume and vanilla.
•Blood marks are tremendously more noticeable while Sixth Sense is active.

Wedding Photo, Very Rare, Add-on:
A couple’s wedding photo with the letter “X” drawn across both of their faces.
•While Sixth Sense is active, your field of view is tremendously wider.

Ankle Shackle, Ultra Rare Add-on:
An ankle bracelet with the beeper ripped off:
•Unlocks awesome potential in one’s aura reading ability.
•During Sixth Sense, the repair progress of generators can be determined be the intensity of their auras.

Iridescent Journal, Ultra Rare Add-On:
A journal molded from The Fog itself. It’s filled with sacrificial rituals and ruins that can never be deciphered. Trembles with intensity.
•Your aura is no longer revealed to survivors while Sixth Sense is active.
•Survivors’ auras are still revealed for 5 seconds after Sixth Sense has ended.


(Very Rare)
Hard Boiled: When you enter a chase, all survivors except the one in the chase suffer a 3/4/5% decreased action speed. An additional 3/4/5% for every level of bloodlust.
“The thought of succeeding was overshadowed by the thought of dread.”

(Very Rare)
Silent Songs: You become obsessed with one survivor. Whenever the obsession fails a skill check, gain a token, up to a maximum of 5, for each token gain:

1 token: 15% increased vaulting speed;

3 tokens: All survivors but the obsession suffer the Exposed status effect;

5 tokens: Can always see the obsession’s aura until they are hooked.

Skill checks are 30% more difficult for the obsession

All tokens reset when the obsession is hooked.

Only one obsession per match.
“His life and misfortune has led him down a path which collapsed behind him.”

Hex: Frozen Wish:
A hex totem rooting its power off fear. While the hex totem is active;
•You are 50/75/100% more resistant to stuns.
•All survivors in your terror raidus will suffer the Blindness status effect.
•Groans of pain for survivors are 25/50/75% louder.
All effects last as long as the connected hex totem is still standing.
“The fear trembles as we edge closer to the beast.” -Unknown

Killer’s description: Wears a worn out jacket, fingerless gloves spiked boots and a cracked face with grayish hair and for a weapon he uses a pocket knife. His speed is 115%, 95% while the ability is active. His height is average and his terror raidus is 28 metres.

Mori: He stabs their right eye then repeatedly stabs them.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Survivor: Harry Stone
An anxious junkie, able to defend objectives and his team.

His personal perks, Get Up, Overdose and Rehabilitation give himself and others extra defense during and out of chases.

Benedict Baker Entry:
“What makes a man a man? As I stare upon this newcomer, I can already tell, he has been through rough times. I feel bad for him, I want to show him compassion and love, but at the same time, I can’t trust him, he has those eyes, dark, emotionless eyes which makes me think he could be one of them.”


Harry was a really intelligent child growing up in Chicago, maybe the loudness off the place kept him calm, but when it got to high school, he started getting extremely bullied from most of the people in his grade, he became very depressed within the next two years, until he was actually invited to a party from one of the most popular people in his grade.

After seeing that they were doing drugs, he was peer-pressured into doing it, it made him feel a certain buzz you wouldn’t get from reading a fantasy book or really looking at the stars. He then dropped out of school, started sneaking out of his house and stealing money from his parents just to get his daily “buzz”. After many long years, his parents finally decided to intervene. They got him a therapist who suggested to them to try and talk to him, which worked a lot better than they were expecting. After his addiction had stopped he went back to watching the stars, but nobody knew what happened to him after he apparently saw the stars fade away as fog filled his lungs...


(Ultra Rare)
Rehabilitation: When put into the injured state, a 120/105/90 second timer will begin, after the timer is completed, you will go back to healthy. All injured survivors within 8 metres of you will also regenerate to the healthy state. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.
Timer is completely halted while in a chase.
“It feels like the the treatment has helped me physically more than mentally, huh.” -Harry Stone .

(Very Rare)
Overdose: You become excited when fighting against the killer. You stun the killer 15/30/45% longer. If not Exhausted, when you stun the Killer, break into a sprint burst of 150% normal running speed, causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds. You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.
“I understand your anger and frustration, Harry. But you will have to open up about your thoughts.” - Dr. Lucas Haynes.

Get Up: For every second you been chased by the killer, 1% of your dying state recovery bar will be added. Up to a maximum of 45/55/65%. All percentage resets when hooked.
“I’m not trying that #########, ever again, you can take my word on it.” -Harry Stone

Description: Wears a gray ripped hoodie with skinny jeans and a beanie.

Difficulty: Hard

Map: Rosewood’s Mansion.

Map Varieties: Wine Cellar, Damon’s Bar and Riley’s Fortress.
“This old mansion rented from what was left of the stocks the Rosewood’s had, has been home to many lost souls. After both parents died, young Sally was driven insane, eventually killing herself, and officially, ending the Rosewoods reign...”

Map Offering:
Decayed Rose, Rare Offering:
Tremendously increases the chances of being sent to Rosewood’s Mansion.
“This decaying rose with a rotten smell emitting from it, crumbles from even the slightest touch.”

Post edited by BillyBoiMain on

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  • "the reign" doesnt sound right to me, i dont know why

  • Maybe the killer should be called "The Seer"
  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I like how his ability helps him find people but doesn't help him in chase. Changes up the meta perks a bit. I'm really not sure how strong it is though. Sounds a bit weak personally. I'll just give a comment on the perks

    Hard Boiled: I don't know how fair this is when killers are chasing survivors most of the game. If it's coupled with other gen perks then it's way too strong.

    Silent Songs: I feel the obsession should be able to see that this perk affects them. Also I think getting 5 tokens should give something better, maybe the obsession gets broken until the end of the game. The problem is survivors don't miss skill checks too often. They could also have 50% greater chance of getting skill checks.

    Hex: Frozen Wish: 

    I personally don't think I'd run this. I don't see why I'd run this over Haunted Grounds. Would you use this on your killer?

    Rehabilitation: Too strong mate sorry, it's not hard to loop a Killer for 40 seconds or even just throw pallets till the time runs out. I wouldn't run Self Care if this perk was available. Simply rename to How To Make Killers Rage Quit

    Overdose: I like this, rewards survivors for pallet dropping the killer and counters spirit fury. Good idea!

    Get Up: Again this is way too strong, a survive with friends lobby could exploit this so badly.

    You need to give all of your perks a different tier. You have no upgrade between tier 1 and 3. I'm a survivor main at rank 1 so that's where my perspective of these perks and ability came from. I've gotten my killer to rank 1 but really a survivor main. You have some really good ideas here just need a slight tweet to make it perfect.

  • Member Posts: 164
    edited January 2019

    @CashelP14 said:
    I like how his ability helps him find people but doesn't help him in chase. Changes up the meta perks a bit. I'm really not sure how strong it is though. Sounds a bit weak personally. I'll just give a comment on the perks

    Hard Boiled: I don't know how fair this is when killers are chasing survivors most of the game. If it's coupled with other gen perks then it's way too strong.

    Silent Songs: I feel the obsession should be able to see that this perk affects them. Also I think getting 5 tokens should give something better, maybe the obsession gets broken until the end of the game. The problem is survivors don't miss skill checks too often. They could also have 50% greater chance of getting skill checks.

    Hex: Frozen Wish: 

    I personally don't think I'd run this. I don't see why I'd run this over Haunted Grounds. Would you use this on your killer?

    Rehabilitation: Too strong mate sorry, it's not hard to loop a Killer for 40 seconds or even just throw pallets till the time runs out. I wouldn't run Self Care if this perk was available. Simply rename to How To Make Killers Rage Quit

    Overdose: I like this, rewards survivors for pallet dropping the killer and counters spirit fury. Good idea!

    Get Up: Again this is way too strong, a survive with friends lobby could exploit this so badly.

    You need to give all of your perks a different tier. You have no upgrade between tier 1 and 3. I'm a survivor main at rank 1 so that's where my perspective of these perks and ability came from. I've gotten my killer to rank 1 but really a survivor main. You have some really good ideas here just need a slight tweet to make it perfect.

    Thanks for the kind criticisms about my fan made chapter. Maybe if Rehabilitation only went up within the killer’s terror radius, but then against Michael it’s useless, also maybe get up ditched the whole “healthy state when recovered” for just the 85% recovery, or maybe drop it down to 75/65% instead.

    With the killer
    perks, hard boiled will make all survivors other then the one currently being chased, perform actions only 5% with no stacks of bloodlust, silent songs will alert the obsession for every token you gain, and make skill checks considerably more difficult with the great skill check zones reduced by 45% also with frozen wish all survivors become injured revealing their aura for 4 seconds, suffering the broken status effect.

    Thanks again for your thoughts and for the very kind constructive criticism. Have a fantastic day!

    Also with Sixth Sense, you not only see the auras of all survivors, but you also see dull totems, exit gates, pallets, vaults, hooks and chests.

    Post edited by BillyBoiMain on
  • Member Posts: 5,564

    @CashelP14 said:
    I like how his ability helps him find people but doesn't help him in chase. Changes up the meta perks a bit. I'm really not sure how strong it is though. Sounds a bit weak personally. I'll just give a comment on the perks

    Hard Boiled: I don't know how fair this is when killers are chasing survivors most of the game. If it's coupled with other gen perks then it's way too strong.

    Silent Songs: I feel the obsession should be able to see that this perk affects them. Also I think getting 5 tokens should give something better, maybe the obsession gets broken until the end of the game. The problem is survivors don't miss skill checks too often. They could also have 50% greater chance of getting skill checks.

    Hex: Frozen Wish: 

    I personally don't think I'd run this. I don't see why I'd run this over Haunted Grounds. Would you use this on your killer?

    Rehabilitation: Too strong mate sorry, it's not hard to loop a Killer for 40 seconds or even just throw pallets till the time runs out. I wouldn't run Self Care if this perk was available. Simply rename to How To Make Killers Rage Quit

    Overdose: I like this, rewards survivors for pallet dropping the killer and counters spirit fury. Good idea!

    Get Up: Again this is way too strong, a survive with friends lobby could exploit this so badly.

    You need to give all of your perks a different tier. You have no upgrade between tier 1 and 3. I'm a survivor main at rank 1 so that's where my perspective of these perks and ability came from. I've gotten my killer to rank 1 but really a survivor main. You have some really good ideas here just need a slight tweet to make it perfect.

    Thanks for the kind criticisms about my fan made chapter. Maybe if Rehabilitation only went up within the killer’s terror radius, but then against Michael it’s useless, also maybe get up ditched the whole “healthy state when recovered” for just the 85% recovery, or maybe drop it down to 75/65% instead.

    With the killer
    perks, hard boiled will make all survivors other then the one currently being chased, perform actions only 5% with no stacks of bloodlust, silent songs will alert the obsession for every token you gain, and make skill checks considerably more difficult with the great skill check zones reduced by 45% also with frozen wish all survivors become injured revealing their aura for 4 seconds, suffering the broken status effect.

    Thanks again for your thoughts and for the very kind constructive criticism. Have a fantastic day!

    Rehabilitation would need to be at least 2 mins but I still just think it may need changed completely. Get Up should just be the 55/65/75% progression I think.

    I like the changes you made to killer, the broken status would need to be 60 seconds max. Hard Boiled is hard to balance, same with all generator related perks.

    When you edit in your changes you need to get the perk tiers sorted. As I said with Get Up I think that's a good tier set up for the perk. Another example is Hex: Frozen Wish could affect 2/3/4 survivors. You need to do this for all perks because they all have tiers in the main game.

    Have a good day yourself mate
  • Member Posts: 1,358

    i would change the hex perk when you get 3 tokens you can see the aura of the survivors inside lockers and 5 expose status then will be ok

  • Member Posts: 164
    Tru3Lemon said:

    i would change the hex perk when you get 3 tokens you can see the aura of the survivors inside lockers and 5 expose status then will be ok

    You are talking about silent songs, which is not a hex perk but thanks for your opinion about it, I might change it.
  • Member Posts: 164
    Edit: Fixed certain perks/add-ons.
  • Member Posts: 164

    "the reign" doesnt sound right to me, i dont know why

    Okay the reason I called him that was because he grew up from fear and hatred, a REIGN of terror, if you could say.
  • Member Posts: 164
    Maybe the killer should be called "The Seer"
    The Overseer maybe
  • Member Posts: 164
    I put a lot of time and effort into this so I would really appreciate any criticisms or comments from other people. 
  • Member Posts: 10
    I respect you didn't create a fake account to promote your chapter so I'll give you my honest review.

    His ability doesn't seem that strong. Giving a notification is good but doesn't help him kill anyone that quick. Also the fact that he sees so many things at one time, wouldn't that crowd the screen. It would be annoying if your speed dropped to 95% during a chase as well.

    Perk 1 is ok as long as it doesn't include gen repair speed. It isn't strong but could have a place with certain builds. Perk 2 is good but I'd be worried at how easy a killer could farm survivors with this. Perk 3 is a better haunted grounds. I like the perk but no reason to run haunted grounds over this perk.

    Perk 1 is too op. 90 seconds chases aren't that difficult, especially at low ranks. Perk 2 is a good perk. Perk 3 is good as well, worried about a swf though. 
  • Member Posts: 164
    edited January 2019
    I respect you didn't create a fake account to promote your chapter so I'll give you my honest review.

    His ability doesn't seem that strong. Giving a notification is good but doesn't help him kill anyone that quick. Also the fact that he sees so many things at one time, wouldn't that crowd the screen. It would be annoying if your speed dropped to 95% during a chase as well.

    Perk 1 is ok as long as it doesn't include gen repair speed. It isn't strong but could have a place with certain builds. Perk 2 is good but I'd be worried at how easy a killer could farm survivors with this. Perk 3 is a better haunted grounds. I like the perk but no reason to run haunted grounds over this perk.

    Perk 1 is too op. 90 seconds chases aren't that difficult, especially at low ranks. Perk 2 is a good perk. Perk 3 is good as well, worried about a swf though. 
    Thanks for the criticism. For his ability he can see a lot of things yeah but depends on where you are, also I forgot to say you can activate it.

    For Rehabilitation, it now goes up way slower during a chase.

    Again thanks for the comment. Have a great day buddy.
  • Member Posts: 164
    edited February 2019
    I respect you didn't create a fake account to promote your chapter so I'll give you my honest review.

    His ability doesn't seem that strong. Giving a notification is good but doesn't help him kill anyone that quick. Also the fact that he sees so many things at one time, wouldn't that crowd the screen. It would be annoying if your speed dropped to 95% during a chase as well.

    Perk 1 is ok as long as it doesn't include gen repair speed. It isn't strong but could have a place with certain builds. Perk 2 is good but I'd be worried at how easy a killer could farm survivors with this. Perk 3 is a better haunted grounds. I like the perk but no reason to run haunted grounds over this perk.

    Perk 1 is too op. 90 seconds chases aren't that difficult, especially at low ranks. Perk 2 is a good perk. Perk 3 is good as well, worried about a swf though. 
    Thanks for the criticism. For his ability he can see a lot of things yeah but depends on where you are, also I forgot to say you can activate it.

    For Rehabilitation, it now goes up way slower during a chase.

    Again thanks for the comment. Have a great day buddy.
    I fixed it.
  • Member Posts: 164
    edited February 2019
  • Member Posts: 164
    I’m thinking about reworking rehabilitation. Should I?
  • Member Posts: 3,272
    What ability? Getting unintentionally fevealed automatically is some passive weakness, not an ability. Your m2 is unmapped on this killer.
  • Member Posts: 571
    edited February 2019

    This reminds me when I use to make make my own chapters, I quit a long time ago because no one read them. But overall I think this killer does have potential, just tweak his ability a bit, make them something unique and special! It is clear that you did put effort and care into this chapter Idea which I like.

    I enjoy the lore, I wish it was longer with a bit more detail, but that's a small nitpick from me

    You get better with every idea, please keep making more ideas, in my opinion, fan made chapters are pretty fun to read.

  • Member Posts: 164
    What ability? Getting unintentionally fevealed automatically is some passive weakness, not an ability. Your m2 is unmapped on this killer.
    He has an ability. It’s not automatic, you can activate it.
  • Member Posts: 164

    This reminds me when I use to make make my own chapters, I quit a long time ago because no one read them. But overall I think this killer does have potential, just tweak his ability a bit, make them something unique and special! It is clear that you did put effort and care into this chapter Idea which I like.

    I enjoy the lore, I wish it was longer with a bit more detail, but that's a small nitpick from me

    You get better with every idea, please keep making more ideas, in my opinion, fan made chapters are pretty fun to read.

    Thank you, it really means a lot to me.
  • Member Posts: 571
    edited February 2019

    @BillyBoiMain said:
    JoyfulLeader said:

    This reminds me when I use to make make my own chapters, I quit a long time ago because no one read them. But overall I think this killer does have potential, just tweak his ability a bit, make them something unique and special! It is clear that you did put effort and care into this chapter Idea which I like.

    I enjoy the lore, I wish it was longer with a bit more detail, but that's a small nitpick from me

    You get better with every idea, please keep making more ideas, in my opinion, fan made chapters are pretty fun to read.

    Thank you, it really means a lot to me.

    I'm glad, I know how it feels to spend a lot of time thinking of ideas and writing it down only to have little to no people to even notice it or have anything positive to say. It sucks, but always keep making ideas and concepts, you'll only become better. Keep making more in the future.

  • Member Posts: 164
    Edit: Now Edited In Benedict Baker Entries.
  • Member Posts: 164

    @BillyBoiMain said:
    JoyfulLeader said:

    This reminds me when I use to make make my own chapters, I quit a long time ago because no one read them. But overall I think this killer does have potential, just tweak his ability a bit, make them something unique and special! It is clear that you did put effort and care into this chapter Idea which I like.

    I enjoy the lore, I wish it was longer with a bit more detail, but that's a small nitpick from me

    You get better with every idea, please keep making more ideas, in my opinion, fan made chapters are pretty fun to read.

    Thank you, it really means a lot to me.

    I'm glad, I know how it feels to spend a lot of time thinking of ideas and writing it down only to have little to no people to even notice it or have anything positive to say. It sucks, but always keep making ideas and concepts, you'll only become better. Keep making more in the future.

    Again thank you. I will try to make more fan-made chapters, if I’m not busy with college, I will try. Your words really mean a lot to me.
  • Member Posts: 164
    All comments appreciated yet again.
  • Member Posts: 571

    @BillyBoiMain said:
    All comments appreciated yet again.

    @BillyBoiMain said:
    JoyfulLeader said:

    @BillyBoiMain said:

    JoyfulLeader said:

    This reminds me when I use to make make my own chapters, I quit a long time ago because no one read them. But overall I think this killer does have potential, just tweak his ability a bit, make them something unique and special! It is clear that you did put effort and care into this chapter Idea which I like.
    I enjoy the lore, I wish it was longer with a bit more detail, but that's a small nitpick from me
    You get better with every idea, please keep making more ideas, in my opinion, fan made chapters are pretty fun to read.

    Thank you, it really means a lot to me.

    I'm glad, I know how it feels to spend a lot of time thinking of ideas and writing it down only to have little to no people to even notice it or have anything positive to say. It sucks, but always keep making ideas and concepts, you'll only become better. Keep making more in the future.

    Again thank you. I will try to make more fan-made chapters, if I’m not busy with college, I will try. Your words really mean a lot to me.

    Awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing them

  • Member Posts: 164
    edited February 2019

    @BillyBoiMain said:
    All comments appreciated yet again.

    @BillyBoiMain said:
    JoyfulLeader said:

    @BillyBoiMain said:

    JoyfulLeader said:

    This reminds me when I use to make make my own chapters, I quit a long time ago because no one read them. But overall I think this killer does have potential, just tweak his ability a bit, make them something unique and special! It is clear that you did put effort and care into this chapter Idea which I like.
    I enjoy the lore, I wish it was longer with a bit more detail, but that's a small nitpick from me
    You get better with every idea, please keep making more ideas, in my opinion, fan made chapters are pretty fun to read.

    Thank you, it really means a lot to me.

    I'm glad, I know how it feels to spend a lot of time thinking of ideas and writing it down only to have little to no people to even notice it or have anything positive to say. It sucks, but always keep making ideas and concepts, you'll only become better. Keep making more in the future.

    Again thank you. I will try to make more fan-made chapters, if I’m not busy with college, I will try. Your words really mean a lot to me.

    Awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing them

  • Member Posts: 164
    Edit: Fixed Rehabilitation.
  • Member Posts: 164
    I Fixed 6th Sense.
  • Member Posts: 164
    Also a lot of people are saying that Hard Boiled is op, but the reason I put it in the chapter is quite simple. Ever wasted so much time chasing a survivor that when you finally get them, 2/3/4 generators are already completed. So this perk is to reward you for chasing survivors and punishing them.
  • Member Posts: 164

    Thanks to everyone who commented or read the fan made chapter of mine.

  • Member Posts: 164

    Refreshing this.

  • Member Posts: 164

    Edit: Fixed Silent Songs and Frozen Wish

  • Member Posts: 164

    Comments and criticism welcome.

  • Member Posts: 504

    Very nice ideas! +1

  • Member Posts: 164

    Refreshing this.

  • Member Posts: 12

    I love how well thought out this is. I don't have much else to add apart from what others have said, other than Get Up would be busted with Flip Flop. 50% completed wiggle meter always.

  • Member Posts: 164

    Edit: Added better lore

  • Member Posts: 164

    Edit: Added Quotes for perks.

  • Member Posts: 164

    Edit: Fixed some minor grammatical errors.

  • Member Posts: 571

    Love the lore! You're pretty good at being supportive of your ideas

  • Member Posts: 164

    Refreshing this.

  • Member Posts: 164

    Refreshing this.

  • Member Posts: 164

    Edit: Reworked Get Up and added perk rarities.

  • Member Posts: 164

    Edit: Added a new map, The Rosewood’s Mansion. Also added map variations and a map Offering.

  • Member Posts: 2,263

    Nice work! I see you've been working on this for a while. Really interesting, and i like also the perks ideas! 😀

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    So crazy detailed! I love the lore and the work you put into this.😍 I personaly like the Benedict Baker Entries. I read thoses on othe characters consistently. I wish all killers and survivors have these.

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