Change to bloodlust

Make it active when following a trail of scratchmarks. I can't count the amount of times the chase broke when it shouldn't have.
That would make it a bit too powerful since you can just chain off of someone elses scratch marks and B3 right into them giving them no loop potenetial or anything
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It should just have a lingering effect if anything when a chase is broken. Maybe for like 5 seconds idk, maybe someone can build off this idea.
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This is a bad idea as the trade off would be either all survivors would become inherently faster or killers would be respec'd to be overall slower.
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@FireHazard I think that would be ok since sometimes you break out of the chase due to the game just being broken but maybe not 5 seconds like 2 or 3 would probably be better
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@legion_main what's to stop them from doing that now? It would be a massive waste of time since you could get a regular hit off in the time it takes you to build bloodlust. I'd be fine with them making this a separate mechanic honestly if it was too powerful.
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@ReikoMori there would be no trade off. Basically its bloodlust but useful.
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@legion_main Yeah, 3 seconds seems reasonable enough. It would make Bloodlust a lot more useful since its only just good for catching up to Survivors pulling a infinite on you.
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@KingB the point is if a good survivor is looping you around or something you can easily use that bloodlust to charge at another player and get a free hit Also you would basically be in bloodlust 50% of the game
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@legion_main You can do that now with bloodlust. Albeit it might be a little harder.
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@KingB not really because as soon as you break off from the player you lose bloodlust with this change you would have it almost all the time as long as scratch marks are within range