Do you dare with the 'taxi challenge'?

Btw it is very fun and difficult at higher ranks
Post here ur clip if u made it!✔️
Tip, Swap out Franklyns for Deer Stalker.
Nice fun build to run and mini game inside the game ^_^
However, doesn't work at high ranks.....
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I don't see how this works since survivors will just wiggle out
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It works as long as ur build last wiggle as long as possible
The point is: it is fun
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Sounds impossible to me unless all the survivors are brain dead.
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I've playing playing a lot of Nurse with Agitation+Iron Grasp+Mad Grit. Other killers are simply too weak to use these, but with Nurse you can down people fast enough to risk using a fun build. Also, it makes me sooooooo happy to be able to chase survivors (with Agitation, you're actually faster while carrying).
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How does it work with Nurse? Can you blink while carrying a survivor?
Seems to me this works best with Pig, you can Bear Trap them when they go down so at least they need to run around removing the trap. Most other killer's abilities get nullified playing in this self-imposed mode.
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@Mochan no, of course I cannot blink while carrying. But I got something like 106% movement speed (if someone knows the exact number, correct me), and just as importantly, they don't expect it. The real beauty of it is that it's not so good against careful soloes, but works wonders against eagerly bodylocking SWF squads :)
There are much better builds of course, but this one is very entertaining.
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Would that every killer I went up against did this challenge, I might escape unscathed!
It would also make my dumbass fun builds really work, like my No MIther Tenacity Build.
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Using nurse for the challenge is ridiculously hard, since she is really slow killer while the challenge requires to move fast, but if u make it, congrats!
I indeed think deer stalker is a good option instead of FD @flamestandish
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I faced a leatherdaddy that did this before. Met him multiple times aswell. He would carry one of us around on his shoulder and chase the others. Eventually everyone caught on what he was doing and we all had fun with it. Eventually everyone went for a ride on Daddy Bubbas shoulders.
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I used to do this when I randomly equipped agitaion and had afk survivor. It was so much fun chasing while beiing fast with afk survivor on my back.
Unfortunatelly these days survivors don't afk as much. It's far more common to just see them dc insted.
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I'll probably do this if I decide to go for that "hit people while carrying a survivor" achievement, sounds like a dumb fun time 😄
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Actually I only play killer that way (INVENTION DUE TO THE LACK OF GAME MODES LOL) is really scary for the survs being chased while carrying another lol
Btw for those wondering why FD... It makes survs to come back where got hit to take the dropped items, so they are less disperse/more concentrate around killer, easier to down the fuk out of em!
@Orion now that ur the king/queen, do u dare? Show us~
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almost did it again... very competitive survivors, quite hard...
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Trying this after work.
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######### is this taxi challenge? Impossible in normal matches.
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I made it like half a dozen of times... Well I only play that way in killer lol is really fun