Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

New Killer Idea: The Captain

StrawberryJam2019 Member Posts: 3

Character Info


Hermán Cortéz sailed across the ocean looking for fame and fortune. Sent by his queen to discover new lands and bounty, he found an island, rich in abundance of life and traces of precious metals. There he found indigenous tribes perplexed by his appearance. His attire certainly does not match theirs, and neither do they speak his language.

Cortéz made a fortunate peace offering to the island chieftain, and presented a gift from his homeland. The natives were confused, but assumed he was a gift from the heavens, along with the rest of his crew. The islanders and sea men rejoiced on that day of arrival. At night, Cortéz was introduced to the chieftain's daughter, Malinali, a name he bestowed upon her. A day later, he gave her his wooden caricature of her, engraved with her name. A week later, he gave her the gift of fireworks bartered from a merchant from the East. The beautiful fire lit the sky, provoking the initial fear but the aftershock of amusement. A month had passed and he vowed to stay with her as her partner. A year later, Malinali gave him gift that surpasses all other gifts, an infant named Martín.

When news of this spread to the other crew members after they resume back to homeland, Cortéz' queen was furious. She ordered to execute him whether in or out of the motherland. Scouts and assassins were sent to the island's coordinates. A battle broke out between Cortéz and his loyal crew, and the queen's envoys.

In the end, he was not able to protect his lover. She was beheaded and his son was taken. At the one foggy night when the envoys were supposed to depart, Cortéz and his crew sneaked and murdered the captain of the ship. He found his son, but the night's fog grew thicker and the island was nowhere to be found. One by one his crew began to disappear. It was until there was only his child, safely tucked away in the master's quarters. Days went on and food supply shrank, but never the fog. It was until the ship struck land, should Cortéz encounter an unknown entity.


Sailor's Fog

Sets up an thick white intense fog in a large area, shrouding the players' sense.

Killer and Survivors cannot see auras within the fog. Survivors cannot hear the killer's heartbeat, and can only see a fainter red stain than normal. Beyond their set visual acuity, the fog covers objects far objects completely until the player exits the fog. Entering the fog blocks vision again.

The fog ignores obstacles, and size and visual acuity varies by addons with a base radius of 32m and fog blocks visuals of a radius of 8m from the player's FOV.


peerless seeker

The fog does not stop you from seeking your victims. Killer can see through mist of an additional x = 4/6/8 meters.

This means that the fog (whether affected by this perk or by offerings) doesn't block the killer's view within a radius of 8+x+y (where y is the amount effected by addons of The Captain) meters, and the killer is able to see clearly as if there no mist within this area.

Sailor's bounty

Opening chests give the killer a sound notification similar to Thrill of the Hunt when a survivor begins cleansing a totem.

imperial treaty

When a survivor is unhooked 80/70/60 meters away, the killer gains a token. Spend a token to ignore survivor perks that stuns the killer or ignore killer attacks like Decisive Strike or Mettle of Man or Dead Hard.

The Killer may have up to 2 tokens.


  • StrawberryJam2019
    StrawberryJam2019 Member Posts: 3

    I don't know why some letters are bolded lol

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123

    Interesting his power is some variant of a smoke grenade thing like Clown

    - Should specify how long this fog will remain active in one place, before it dissipates.

    Killer perks-

    1. Pretty low teir but solid. I dont remember if Shadowborn helps with fog view.

    2. Also low teir but good. Surprised the name didn't involve something about booty lol.

    3. Oh man ,that perk is gonna change the meta and start a ######### storm of controversy in the game lol

    7.5/10 - he may need a buff of some kind not sure what yet. 2 low teir perks and 1 uber teir perk

  • Kaalaxi
    Kaalaxi Member Posts: 177

    Pretty neat I like the concept of making survivors have low visibility, the added blindness effect is also cool. I think it would be cool to have the fog make it so that the survivors footsteps are "wet" so you can hear them better. The first perk isn't something that would be that useful outside of this killer and for that I think it should be looked at. I've read the idea for 2nd one before I agree with it being a fun niche perk, maybe have an added bonus like you get tokens when they open chests. The 3rd one.. After MoM gets nerfed it these perks shouldnt really be an issue and having this to ignore their effects entirely I dont think is healthy for gameplay.

    Nice work though! 😃