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How soon do you give up a chase?

Member Posts: 529

After 20 seconds? After the third pallet drops on your head? Once you enter a loop zone with an experienced survivor? Or do you keep chasing them until you lose track? What's the best strategy for this?

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Best Answer


  • Member Posts: 1,953

    When I feel it is right.

    If I know I'll get them in under a minute, at best, then I'll go for it.

    If it's going to be a hassle, I'd rather chase someone else around a generator than a double pallet jungle gym that happens to be right next to the Killer Shack.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    I usually give up if they have a really strong loop, but sometimes i use bad judgement and waste time anyways

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Whenever I want to, which is usually when the chase is boring me.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    I like to entertain the chase until the loop potential gets too strong. Whether it be an almost infinite or killer shack adjacent to jungle gym/L wall with a pallet.

    There will always be that game here or there where you play just for fun and chase for too long even when the survivor t-bags and flashlight blinds you on pallet breaks/vaults.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    If the survivor is in a good looping spot I try to make the survivor waste the loops if they don't I move on.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    I don't.

    I either get them or i lose them.

  • Member Posts: 483

    Usually if I find a survivor that drops a lot of pallets fast then I follow them around breaking as many as I can until I either A: get them down or B: run into another survivor because when I chase the other survivor they will most likely try to run to the area where that survivor wasted a ton of them making them a easy down

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    If I’m thinking about it 30 seconds or if they juke my blinks a few times in the chase.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    If I can't get the first hit within 15-20 seconds then if possible I switch targets. If I know that the someone is on death hook then I chase them till there down. If a survivor is in an area I want to get rid of palettes in then I chase for as long as 40 seconds. The time waste is paid off with a section of palettes removed. No longer than that though.

    I typically just stop chasing as soon as possible. Though I also play Legion so I have to chase a bit differently.

  • Member Posts: 1,456
    edited May 2019

    When I spot someone else or the survivor start to lead me to places that are almost infinites.

  • Member Posts: 1,043

    This is basically how I treat it too, plus an internal timer of how long I've spent chasing, if I feel like it's longer than 1 minute I'll consider dropping it to return to protecting gens (plus I don't play a strong chase killer - Mikey, so I'll try to throw down EW3 when I can and it's personally better for me to suddenly drop a chase to scare gen jockeys than to continue chasing the obsession/strong looper). Also if I get spammed notifications from discordance that a problematic gen is getting abused.

  • Member Posts: 198

    I give up after a gen or if I realized they are way above my skill cap as killer

  • Member Posts: 193

    I've got a bad habit of continuing the chases far too long. There's good advice here and I think, unless I feel I have a good chance to catch them, I'm going to start breaking off the chase after perhaps 20-30 seconds instead of keeping it going longer. I've got into chases and they've gone on that long several gens have been done without me realising it.

  • Member Posts: 529

    Yeah I have that habit too until recently and I realized that some SWF groups will have a "chase me" guy who is really good at looping to distract the killer. Yesterday I was in a game where this guy kept baiting me to chase him. He kept vaulting in and out of windows while running to trigger the survivor notification and I completely ignored it and just focused on patrolling the generators. I ended up killing everyone except him. Sure enough he was the highest ranked survivor.

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