How much Skill does New Legion Take?

Before many said Legion took no skill to play, understandably so.
So now with the changes, how would you rate the amount of skill and effort to get at least 2k+ and pip in red ranks?
How much is required? Are they now up there with Nurse and Spirit, or are they just high effort low reward such as wraith and many others?
Well, to perform good with new Legion people need to know how to play Killer in general. This was not the case before, I have seen people in Red Ranks with barely leveled Killers and Legion P3-50.
You still pip quite easily with Legion. Dont know if it is exactly like before, where you can have 4 people escape and still get a Pip out of it, but it is still not hard at all to pip or at least Blackpip with Legion.
Overall I doubt that he needs more Skill than classical M1-Killers, because, he is a M1-Killer. He has Frenzy to catch up to people and get easy first Hits in, but overall he plays like a Wraith/Trapper/whatever.
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I think you still don't need a crazy amount of skill and you can get easier first hits then witha lot of other mid and low tier killers. Legion is in a good spot right now. Iridescent button makes him quite good if used correctly
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He just a M1 killer without useful Power. Absolute zero potential for skill. If you want a killer with it, play Nurse or Huntress.
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Still has built-in wall hacks, so not much.
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Has built in wall hacks, so thats a way of saying they still take skill
Btw the skill portion of this post
You need to know how far the survivors are once you enter "Primal instinct" and you have to be able to hit the survivor or you suffer a 4 second cooldown without add-ons, you now need to know when to vault something as it is much slower
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Basic M1 killer knowledge, so not much, to be fair there's only 4 killers in this game who actually take skill to learn and use effectively, Spirit, Huntress, Hag , Nurse.
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Wait, there is a killer called The Legion? I just thought The Trapper got a appearance overhaul .-.
In all seriousness playing the Legion now is like playing the Trapper who can occasionally run really fast. Or like a Trapper who can bring the traps to survivors.
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wait, you can 2k and pip? Tell me your secrets. Every 2k i get, the entity whines at me.
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I think he needs some managment skills to make sure to use FF at its best to slow down the game, which is easier said than done especially if survivors know not to group up.
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Basically half as much skill as u need with Freddy or another basic M1 killer like Trapper. First hit is kinda free, after that 115% M1 chase.
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Can you hit survivors or can you make a general judgement calls that most Killers would have to make well done you basically have all the skills you need to play Legion.
Not hating on Legion their my second favourite killer(s)
Is just that compared to some other Killers they don't really require that much skill just the ability to be able to hit your attacks.
You don't need the aiming or the accuracy that you need with huntress or nurse.
You don't need the mind game potentially you need with spirit.
You don't need the timing that you need with Amanda or doctor to cancel out small and medium loops.
Just hit your targets and you should be fine.
As I said before I'm not hating on them, not every killer needs to be a high skill-based killer. They are a decent mid-tier killers that just requires average knowledge
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How much skill does it take to land a basic attack? That is the answer to your question.