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General Discussions

Do you think this game is still fun?



  • Member Posts: 4,388

    @Victor_hensley IMO not anywhere near what it once was. I don't think it is fatigue from the game but more of a frustration level with all the bugs, lobby issues and such.

  • Member Posts: 504

    Killer is a good time until it's not. It's super satisfying when it works out though!

    I've played a ton of Survivor to the point where it's less fun unless you're in a SWF.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    Killer is challenging and fun.

    Survivor is like a more chill, casual experience

    That's my opinion

  • Member Posts: 620

    @Almo both sides?really?killers must play with rules.Balace 2 2 not work. because trophy system killers and survivors is different and killers trophy system difficult with fines.and survivors use voice programs in play only for survivors,,,for killers need only blush and sweat!its my opinion!

  • Member Posts: 10

    it could be a lot more fun if there were not so much disconnect, waiting for a viable solution to this problem the killers should be punished too! part of three a ************** disconnects and this without impacting the killer, it is not normal.

  • Member Posts: 2,051
    edited May 2019

    SWF > Killer > Solo

    It's not about SWF being easier to win, it's simply more fun because people are willing and able to cooperate. Killer is okay because it's a mixed experience. Sometimes too stressful, sometimes too easy. Maybe 1 every 5 killer games I get stomped, but that's not bad really.

    Solo survivor is the worst though. It's not fun being matched with randos that grief, idle, play extremely selfishly, sandbag, d/c etc. 5 games in a row at green ranks had d/cs for me. Really annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,273

    I have hardly played since Legion came out. Killer is just pure stress and frustration and only fun if the Survivors you’re facing make enough mistakes and aren’t optimal on Gens enough to give you a shot in hell at winning unless you’re playing Nurse.

    Survivor is boring and bland. M1 or run in circles. Easy to win, but still boring. Just Loop and Rush Gens. Blow “crutch perks” A,B,C while using exhaustion perk as a freebie at the start of every chase. Just don’t make enough mistakes your perks aren’t enough to make up for all of them.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Playing both sides do get a bit stressing, especially when you feel burned out. Survivor is a OK, Killer can be stressful enough when you run into a SWF team with comms and running meta perks. Otherwise the game still manages to do a good job on delivering new content.

  • Member Posts: 1,123

    Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions! :) Me personally, I have fun in both roles. SWF or not; I still play a lot of solo Survivor. :)

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    I still enjoy playing both killer and survivor, but almost every time I play I end on a subpar match that kills the mood. Whether it's a game ruined by dcs or just a complete stomp that leaves little gameplay other than holding M1 on gens.

    Until I find another game that fits this DBD fixin, I'll continue to play.

  • Member Posts: 113

    I’m not seeing a lot of people saying they like playing killer, which is fine because more lobbies for me!

    i love playing killer, it’s so satisfying when you play well and outplay good survivors. Sure there are frustrating parts, but what game doesn’t have those? Spirit is super fun, guessing where survivors are going and being right is awesome. Of course you’re gonna mess up sometimes, but you can’t be right every single time. Huntress’s cross map hatchets are to die for, and sneaky Pig is too fun.

    i do wish there were certain parts of the game changed, but the devs are working and they’ve gotten this far so I’m hopeful for the future

  • Member Posts: 198

    killer is in a better spot then ever before and survivor is still fun, solo queue can be frustrating but in general it's fine at red ranks to play solo

  • Member Posts: 89

    For this game to be fun, the ranking system has to be as accurate as possible, in reflecting a players ability.

    I don't want to play against people who are much more or less skilled than myself. I realise that a game such as this is very difficult to balance. I accept that some games will be fun and some not so - sometimes I'll win, sometimes I'll lose. But it's no fun when the whole team gets slaughtered quickly or the killer gets humiliated.

    I seem to go through spells when I have one frustrating game after another. I believe rank reset might have something to do with it. I know its a gimmick to encourage competative players to play the game more, so they can get to their previous rank. But why should the passage of time make a player look as if they're not as good a as they actually are?

    Same with disconnecting - why should this affect a person's rank? Surely there are better ways to punish disconnecting: such as a set time delay in which they can start a new match.

  • Member Posts: 1,948

    How is the relation between having fun in a match and the BPs at the end? I don't get it.

  • Member Posts: 1,948

    But for how long? Devs have to balance. If they don't want to close the gap between swf and solo (which seems that they are not interested anymore to put time into it) then either the game is balanced around solos and the killer will have to deal with bully squads or balance around swf and solos will get completely stomped by perkless and addonless Freddys.

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